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exam 3

geriatric cognitive

what geriatric cognitive disorder is a syndrome involving a disturbance of consciousness accompanied by a change in cognition that develops over a short period of time, affects 15-33% of post op elders. 70-87% in icu common. delirium
what geriatric cognitive disorder is usually older males, hx makes u more likely, meds, anesthesia, noise, restraints, pain, emotional stress, immobile, fx status low, sensory dep/overload, improper intake, existing medical conditions, opioids, delirium
what geriatric cognitive disorder is shown as acute onset and fluctuating course, inattention, disorganized thinking, disturbance of consciousness, not clear or aware of surroundings? delirium
what geriatric cognitive disorder may include sundowning, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, confusion/disorientation, hypoactivity/hyperactivity, tachycardia, sweating, dilated pupals, short term memory loss, sensory misinterpretations? delirium
what type of sensory misperception is seeing something as something else usually frightnening? illusion
what sensory misperception is seeing something that does not exist or is not there at all? hallucinations
what geriatric cognitive disorder is treated by prevention, early recognition, and treatment, goals are to eliminate precipitating factor, find underlying factor, hx, physical, labs, CBC, EKG, urinalisis, liver, thyroid tests, o2 stat, drug and etoh level delirium
what assessment method can be incorporated into your routine geriatric assessment, includes acute onset, inattention, disorganized thinking, altered level of consciousness, disorientation, mem impairments, perceptual disturbances, agitation, altered sleep CAM
these are all nursing interventions for what cognitive disorder? eliminate precipitating factors, promote pt safety, manage pts confusion, control environment to reduce sensory overload, promote sleep/nutrition, orient pt, speek calmly, support fam, delirium
what geriatric cognitive disorder is treated by correcting underlying cause, if so its reversed, if not leeds to dementia and death? delirium
what geriatric cognitive disorder is a decline in cognitive fx that interferes with daily living, is chronic in onset, develops slowly, progressive, irreversible, onset usually 40-70 or later in life? dementia
what is the most common form of dementia, a progressive disorder marked by impared memory and thinking skills? dementia
severe memory loss is not a normal part of aging, slight forgetfulness is a common feature of aging, but it does not interfere with a persons ADL's if so it is what? dementia
what type of dementia is irreversible, progressive, not secondary to any other disorders, examples: AD, vascular? primary
what type of dementia occurs as a result of some other pathological process? examples: AIDS dementia complex, korsakoff's syndrome (ETOH) secondary dementia
If the geriatric patient experiences amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, loss of connections between cells and cell death with shrinking in brain mass the person probably has what disorder? Alzheimer's disease
these are all risk factors for what geriatric cognitive disorder? age, down syndrome, head injury, risk factors for cardiovascular dx and stroke, low folate level, genetics? Alzheimer's disease
what geriatric cognitive disorder is diagnosed by ruling out other conditions, CT, PET scan, mental status qs, complete physical and neuro exam, med/psyc hx, (meds, nutrition), family observation and hx, differentiate from depression? Alzheimer's disease
The geriatric patient who is in denial, uses confabulation, perseveration and avoids questions? for what? defence mechanism of Alzheimer's
what is deterioration of the language function? aphasia
what is impaired motor function? the loss of purposeful movement apraxia
what is the inability to recognize names and objects, a loss of memory? agnosia
what is the inability to think abstractly, loose your ability to think? executive functioning
Created by: malcolmnursing2
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