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Consciousness STATE of AWARENESS of OURSELVES and the WORLD around us
States of Consciousness LEVELS of consciousness RANGING from ALERT wakefulness to UNCONSCIOUS during sleep throughout the day/sleep
Selectivity ABILITY to DIRECT our ATTENTION to CERTAIN events while FILTERING out extraneous stimuli
Sleeping & Dreaming UNAWARE of our EXTERNAL environment, yet RESPONSIVE to CERTAIN stimuli
How can lowest level of consciousness be achieved? head trauma, coma or anesthesia
How much of our life is spent sleeping? 1/3
Circadian Rythm PATTERN of FLUCTUATIONS in body TEMP, HORMONES, BLOOD PRESSURE. REGULATE bodily PROCESSES in a 24 hour period(body temp falls lower in the middle of the night)
Protective Function(sleep) less conspicuous to predators
To Conserve Energy Function(sleep) lower body temperature and allows for warmer temperature during the day
Restore Bodily Processes Function(sleep) help replenish proteins used by the body & for the brain to recover from daily wear-n-tear
Freud's Belief in Dreams dreams REPRESENT a form of wish FULFILLMENT, our dreams contain SYMBOLS that represent underlying WISHES, usually of a SEXUAL or AGGRESSIVE nature
Define Sleep Deprivation most adults REQUIRE 7-9 hours, sleep patterns CHANGE throughout the life cycle
Stage 1 of Sleep LIGHT sleep, EASILY awakened
Stage 2 of Sleep DEEPER sleep, still READILY awakened
Stage 3 of Sleep DEEP sleep, DIFFICULT to AROUSE sleeper
Stage 4 of Sleep DEEPEST level
REM(Rapid Eye Movement)-Paradoxical Sleep eyes MOVE under CLOSED lids; DREAMING occurs; HIGH level of BRAIN ACTIVITY but MUSCLE activity is BLOCKED, almost being PARALYZED
Classical Conditioning-Ivan Pavlov- LEARNED by RESPONSE
Unconditioned Response(CC) UNLEARNED BEHAVIOR; dog salivates while eating
Unconditioned Stimulus(CC) STIMULUS that INITIATED RESPONSE; the dog's food
Neutral Stimulus(CC) does NOT elicit response by ITSELF, when PAIRED with Unconditioned Response, subject ACQUIRES a LEARNED RESPONSE
Conditioned Response(CC) RESPONSE to the NEUTRAL stimulus; sound
Path of Classical Conditioning a previously Neutral Stimulus BECOMES a Conditional Stimulus when PAIRED with an Unconditioned Stimulus, it BEGINS to ELICIT the Conditioned Response
What did Pavlov observe? the STRENGTH of the Conditioned Response; AMOUNT of SALIVATION
Extinction(CC) gradual WEAKENING & eventual DISSAPEARANCE of a Conditional Response
Spontaneous Recovery(CC) the spontaneous RETURN of a Conditioned Response FOLLOWING Extinction
Stimulus Generalization(CC) tendency of STIMULI that are SIMILAR to Conditional Stimulus to ELICIT a Conditioned Response. this has SURVIVAL value, allows us to RESPOND to a RANGE of STIMULI that are SIMILAR to an ORIGINAL threatening STIMULUS
Deja-Vu(CC) an EMOTIONAL REACTION that is a Conditioned Response to GENERALIZED stimuli in the environment that RESEMBLED Conditioned Stimuli ENCOUNTERED BEFORE
John Watson(CC) FEAR RESPONSE; rat coupled with loud noise elicit Conditioned emotional reaction
Phobias(CC)-John Watson- EXCESSIVE fears that may be ACQUIRED through Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning the PROCESS of LEARNING in which the CONSEQUENCES of a response DETERMINE the PROBABILITY that the RESPONSE will be REPEATED
B.F. Skinner(OC) believed human BEHAVIOR is completely DETERMINED by ENVIRONMENTAL and GENETIC influences
Radical Behaviorism(OC)-Skinner- ENVIRONMENTAL & GENETIC influence in BEHAVIOR; Psychologists should LIMIT themselves to the STUDY of OBSERVABLE BEHAVIOR
Instrumental Learning(OC) behavior is INSTRUMENTAL in bringing about REWARDING consequences. the LONGER reinforcement is DELAYED, the WEAKER it's EFFECTS will be
Positive Reinforcement(OC) raising hand and being called on
Negative Reinforcement(OC) buckling up because of annoying beep in car
Cognitive Learning LEARNING that occurs WITHOUT the opportunity of FIRST PERFORMING the learned response or being reinforced for it
Insight Learning(CL) PROCESS of WORKING through a PROBLEM until the sudden REALIZATION of a SOLUTION occurs; math
Latent Learning(CL) occurs WITHOUT REINFORCEMENT and that is NOT displayed until REINFORCEMENT is PROVIDED; athletes getting no ice time
Observational Learning(CL) LEARNING by IMITATING BEHAVIOR we OBSERVE in OTHERS; they are considered the MODEL; VICARIOUS learning or MODELING
Created by: spanish09
Popular Psychology sets




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