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concept micro final

microbiology final

what is smaller than a virus A prion
what is the function of bacterial endospores help keep bacteria alive in harsh conditions
organisms that cause malaria and crypto Protozoa
Microorganism that live off dead or decaying material Saphrocytes
binary fission refers to process of bacterial cell replication
concept that disease is caused by microorganism germ theory
What is resent in viruses DNA/RNA, unable to replicate w/o a host cell. Do not divide by binary fission, can't make their own energy and depend on host for protein and nucleic acid production
Spontaneous generation living things arise from nonliving things
Found in Eukaryotic and not in Prokaryotic Eukaryotic have a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, also larger than prokaryotes
Bacteria that is round and in chains Strepto (chain) cocci (round)
What is cutaneous mycosis Ringworm (tinea)
Scientific name Bacillius sabtilis (italicized)
cause of spongiform encephalopathies prion
Escherichia coli infect what? T-even phages
Causes latent viral infection herpesvirus
infectious mononucleiosis Epstein Barr
Targets CD-4 cells HIV
Who advocated using disinfectants on hands and in air prior to surgery? Joseph Lister
Acid fast stain is used to determine TB
What stucture is mismatched for bacteria Plasmid-provide cell locomotion (flagella cause locomotion)
Function of fimbrae adhering to other sttuctures
Obligate parasite ringworm
pasteur used swam neck to prove dust was a source of living organisms
key feature of animal viral infections separation of viral nucleic acid from capsid
observed handwashing would reduce spread of childbed fever Semmelweis
After gram staining appears blue, elongated rods that is clustered gram positive bacilli
reproductive structure of yeast Budding
lives on or in person indigenous microflora
Fleming is known for Penicillin
microorganism is defined as too small to be seen with the naked eye
outcome of gram staingin positive or negative depending on cell wall thickness
what is not considered in classifying virus number of genes
what is not true of virus replicate from binary fission
having a nucleus Eukaryotes
Dutch merchant that made magnifying glass Leewhenhook
ability to exist as trop or cyst Protozoa
not characteristic of fungi photosynthesis
what is mycosis fungal infection
flagella all over cells Peritrich
Koch's postulates are used to establish specific microbes cause specific diseases
what causes intoxication algae
all bacterial cells have one or more chromosomes
viral multiplication absorption, penetration, replication, assembly, release
bacterial cells do not have Cilia
Oncovirus cause CA, HPV
infectious protein particles Prions
Molds reproduce Spores
Core of every virus always contains either DNA or RNA
peptidoglycan is found cell walls
false about viruses contain DNA and RNA (only one)
virulence factor weapon or tactic that causes infection
C. perfringins food poisoning
streptococccus pyrogenes skin infection/strep throat
incidence Number of new cases of a disease in a population during a specific time
endemic disease always in the population(gonorrhea)
Sporadic disease a disease that occurs only occasionally in a population (tetnus)
reserviors where pathogens are harbored (animals, humans, contaminated food/water)
vector Arthropods that act as reservoirs (lyme)
Formites non-living objects that transmit pathogens (towels, bedding, telephone)
highest mode of transmission respiratory
lest likely mode of transmission intact skin
antibiotics substance produced from a living organism that can kill another organism
antimicrobial agents should kill/inhibit growth, not cause damage to host, stay in infected tissue long enough, kill pathogen
actions of antimicrobial agents inhibit cell wall synthesis, inhibit protein synthesis, damage cell membrane. DO NOT destroy capsule
bacteriostatic durgs stop the bacteria from reproducing but do not kill it. don't give to immunocompromised pt
sulfa drugs inhibit production of folic acid
drugs that inhibit cell wall synthesis penicillin and cephalosporin
super bugs microbes that are resistant to antimicrobial agents
B-lactamase produced by bacteria to inhibit the b-lactam ring, causing the drug to be ineffective
conjunction when a microorganism "shares" drug resistant information with another microorganism through a plasmid
empiric therapry drug therapy that is started before lab results are back
artificial active immunity immunity received through vaccination (flu shot)
herd immunity if everyone who is able to be immunized from a pathogen it protects those who cannot be immunized due to age or immunocompromised
HAI mainly UTI, also called nosocomial
Surgical Asepsis "sterile technique", all organisms including endospores are killed. for OR, L&D
medical Asepsis "clean technique" kills pathogens.
Normal flora on skin, mouth, nasal passages and distal urethra. Blood, lungs, CSF sterile
Carriers people who harbor a pathogen without showing symptoms of the disease
Synergistic infection, polyorganism when two organisms team up to cause a disease (trench mouth)
Lab specimens proper label, transport, selection and collection. not collected by lab and viability of sample is responsibility of collector
N gonorrheae needs special transport media
infection microorganism that is living and multiplying in the body. caused by microbes or the products of microbes
Prodromal period after incubation, beginning to feel non-specific symptoms of a illness
phases of infection infection can happen during any stage of infection
acidophiles like a pH <7 (stomach acid)
sterilization complete destruction of all microbes including spores and viruses, steam autoclave is best way
Antisepsis chemical agent applied to exposed body surface to disinfect skin and other living tissue
Natural habitat for microorganism reservoir
indigenous to humans viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi
broad-spectrum antibiotics cover a wide range of bacteria (gram negative and positive)
to clean juice, wine, milk pasteurizes
non-standard practice in hospital putting pt in private negative-pressure room. only for TB
sing and not a symptom temperature
less antiviral, antifungal medication they are so similar to human cells
Created by: smarti13
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