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Mrs. Mata205

5th grade reading STAAR vocabulary

affix A group of letters or letter such as a prefix or suffix, that occurs before or after a root or a base word to modify its meaning. Example: the prefix un- and the suffix -able in unbelievable
genre The style of a writing. Example: expository, narrative, poetry, drama, fiction.
Summary Beginning, Middle, and End and includes the conflict and solution. Also the Who, Wanted, But, So, Then. A fiction story will always have a problem and solution
figurative language Fancy writing or fancy language Ex: Dolly Madison won the hearts of the people. Examples are similies, metaphors, imagery, omnamonapea, alliteration, personification..etc
Imagery Words that create mental images or pictures in your mind and sensory impressions. Ex: The sweet aroma of the pie made my mouth water.
plot The sequence of events in a story. Plot has 3 main parts: rising action, climax, and falling action.
Theme The central or universal idea. A message about life or human nature. Ex: never judge a book by it's cover. It could also be the lesson/moral in the story
Setting When and where a story takes place. Place and time of a story
Characters The people and animals in a story.
irony When the opposite of what is expected occurs. Example: Someone says they're a vegetarian but eat pepperoni pizza. Sarcasm usually includes a lot of irony. Another example would be " the directions were as clear as mud."
Autobiography The life story of a person, as told by himself or herself.
Biography The life story of a person told by someone else.
Foreshadowing To predict what will happen in the future.
Nonfiction NOT FAKE.Text that is true and based on facts. The author's purpose is to inform, explain, describe and sometimes persuade.
Fiction FAKE. Text that is not true based on imagination such as novels, fables, and comics. The author's purpose is to entertain.
Alliteration The repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of two or more words usually words will be together. Ex: She sold sea shells by the sea shore. the "s" and "sh" sound is repeated.
Graphic elements of poetry Capital letters, line length, and word position; aslo called the "shape" of a poem,
free verse poem A poem that does not rhyme
internal rhyme A rhyme within the same line of verse. Ex: "once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary."
lyric poetry A short poem expressing personal feelings and emotions.
onomatopoeia the use of words that sound like what they mean. EX: POW, BUZZ, PURR
pattern of verse The regular or predictable arrangement of sections or lines of poetry.
rhyme scheme The pattern of rhyming lines
Sound Effect any sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a drama or movie
Stanza A group of lines within a poem
Hyperbole or overstatement An exaggeration. Ex: I was so hungry I could eat a horse.
Personification Giving human qualities to something nonhuman. Ex: the leaves danced in the wind.
Simile A comparison of 2 things things that may or may not be alike using words "like" or "as" Example: Bob is as hungry as a wolf.
Metaphor A comparison of 2 unlike things without using like or as. Example: Sue is a rose filling the room with her sweet scent.
expository text Nonfiction text. The authors purpose will be to inform, explain or describe.
Author's purpose The reason a person writes. Reasons could be to inform, persuade, entertain, describe, influence or give steps.
narrative text tells a story
Narrator The person telling the story
overstatement An exaggerated statement is made also called a hyperbole.
Persuasive text Text written with the purpose to persuade or convince the reader or an audience. Usually a letter, advertisement, flyer, political sign, or propaganda.
rhetorical device A technique that an author or speaker uses to influence or persuade an audience
Fact Something that is true and can be proven.
Opinion What someone thinks or feels
Dialogue Spoken words. In quotations. " "
Stage directions Provides information for the reader to visualize events. Will always be in parenthesis. Also tells an actor how to read their lines or what to do. Examples; (Actors exit stage and curtain closes)
Script a written dialogue. What the actors read in a play.
Protagonist The main character usually the "good guy" Example: Batman
Antagonist The bad guy in a story. Example: the Joker
Cast the characters in a play or drama.
Synonym Words that mean the same thing. Example: hyperbole, overstatement and exaggeration all mean the same thing.
Antonym The opposite such as hot and cold, big-small, up-down
narrator Who's telling the story. You will see "I"
Author's point of view the way the author tells a story, usually written in 1st person or 3rd person point of view.
1st person point of view The narrator is a character. You will see "I" "me" in the story. Diaries, journals, and letters are written in the 1st person point of view
3rd person point of view Someone else is telling the story or talking. You will see words like he, she, them, they in the story. Only what they see. You only know 1 characters thoughts and feelings
3rd person omniscient point of view Someone all knowing is telling the story. This all knowing being knows all the characters' thoughts and feelings.
Inform An author's purpose.The text will give information and facts such as newspapers, textbooks, articles, nonfiction
Persuade, Convince or Influence An author's purpose. The text wants you to believe or do something or buy something. Example advertisement, editorials, letter, political signs or campaigns, labels.
Explain or describe An author's purpose. Directions, recipe, how to manual
Entertain An author's purpose. A short story, novel, comic, even a drama, fiction
humor funny
moral a lesson learned in a story. The story will usually be a fable, folktale, or myth. Example: the tortoise and the hare: Moral is slow and steady wins the race. You shouldn't brag. Could also be a theme.
Chronological, sequence, Sequencially Put in order
Imply To say something indirectly.
Caption Words under or beside an illustration(picture) that tell the reader what the picture is about.
Prefix A letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to make a new word. Example: pre- pretest
Suffix Is a letter or group of letters added to to the end of a word to make a new word. -able. Loveable
Italic or italicizes Words written in slanted print to call attention to the word or idea. *used to show what the character is thinking
conflict the problem in a story
resolution/solution how the problem in the story is solved
summary Beginning, Middle, and end of a story or paragraph. Who, Wanted, But, So, Then. If fiction, will include the problem and solution. In nonfiction B,M,E
Climax The most exciting part of the story. Part of the plot. The story's turning point.
Mood the feeling the author wants the reader to get from the story.
Tone the author's or writer's attitude toward the subject. (humorous, serious)
Suspense A feelng of tension or excitement that bulds the readers interest.
props items used in a play. Used to make the play more realistic. Like furniture, fake trees, etc
Scene The setting of play. Different scene=different setting
Resolved to solve the problem
excerpt one or more sentences taken from the selection.
playwright the author of the play or drama. The person who wrote the play.
Subtitles Titles that are bolded within the selection and they Give the main idea of a section
Senses Seeing, touching, hearing, tasteing, smelling
appeal something you like or are interested in.
suggests TELLS you something
emphasize TELLS you what is important.
Convey To tell. To make known or express
Indicate to point out or show
Reveal To show
Evidence Proof
speaker the narrator or person telling the story
compare how things are the same
Contrast how things are different
show to tell
persuasive texts advertisements, personal letters, speeches, editorials and political cartoons
media literacy text from a website, text in the form of text message, text from a newspaper
Argument Express a position on a problem and support it with reasons and evidence.
Insight a clear understanding of the true nature of something
Illustrate to make clear by describing it so the reader can picture it
Infer to make a logical guess based on your knowledge and clues from the text. Prior knowledge + Clues = INFERENCE
Quotation " "
Predict Using clues from the story to make a guess on what will happen next.
Support helps prove your point
Empathy or Empathize To understand how others feel
Created by: Mrsmata
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