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exam 2

postpartum comp

what is classified into early and late hemorrhage, occurs in 4-6% of pregs? magor complication is hemorrhagic shock related to hypovolemia PPH postpartum hemorrhage
what type of PPH occurs immediatly in pp period, 500ml loss within first 24hrs pp, uturine atony 80-90% of the time, trauma to birth canal, hematomas? early pph
what is a dec tone of the uterine muscle, primary cause of early pph, contractions constrict open vesseld at placental site, assist in dec the ammount of blood loss, when relaxed vessels are less constricted and blood is lost? uterine atony
these are all predisposing factors of what?overdistension of the uterus, multiparity, prolonged labor, vigorus contractions/precipitous delivery, induced labor, placental fragments, previous c/s or uterine surgery, use of forceps or vacuumb extractor, uterine atony
what may be the cause if you are unable to locate fundus, boggy fundus, above expected location, excessive lochia and/or clors? uterine atony
for what complication of PP do you massage and express clots, empty bladder, oxytocin (pitocin) manual compression, hysterectomy (last resort) uterine atony
what is indicated by severe bleeding after the first pp week caused by subinvolution, retained placental fragments, caused by previous C/S, placental accreta, manual removal of placenta, prevented by inspection of placenta, maternal education? late pp hemorrhage
what is managed by controlling bleeding, pharmacologically, D&C, antibiotics, assess the fundis, perineum, lochia, and educate ANTICIPATE late pp hemorrhage management
what are the 2nd most common cause of early pph can occur during childbirth. common sites are the cervix, vagina, labia and perineum. caused by large baby, rapid delivery, induction/augmentation forceps/vacum extractor, can occur to perine, vag, ureth, lacerations
what pp complication is bleeding into the loose connective tissue, caused by trama to blood vessels, sxs are severe pain, systemic symptoms, management: surgical repair of laceration, drain and ligate bleeding vessel? hematoma
what pp complication is the loss of blood excessive to 1500ccs, inc in BP and pulse, dec in o2 to organs resulting in metabolic acidosis resulting in vasodilation, vasodilation resulting in inc blood loss hypovolemic shock
what manifests clinically as inc hr, dec bp, inc rr, pale cool skin, anxiety confusion, lethargy? hypovolemic shock
what pp complication is therepeutically managed by controling bleeding using D&C, packing, uterine artery ligation, hysterectomy, restore volume with iv fluids, blood hypovolemic shock
what is a pp coagulation complication in which disruption of the coagulation pathways cause clots to breakdown too rapid, depletes body's clotting factors, risks are abruptio placenta, PIH, HELLP, prolonged PPH, amniotic fluid embolism, sepsis? DIC
Created by: malcolmnursing2
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