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A synthetic catecholamine and beta agent that increases strength of cardiac contraction w/o appreciably increasing rate. Dobutamine (Sympathomimetic)
Indicated to increase cardiac output in CHF/cardiogenic shock. Dobutamine (Sympathomimetic)
Contraindicated for V-Tach and hypovolemia w/o fluid resuscitation. Dobutamine (Sympathomimetic)
Precautioned for A-Fib or preexisting hypertension. Dobutamine (Sympathomimetic)
Dosage of 2-20mcg/kg/min IV titrated to effect. Dobutamine (Sympathomimetic)
A naturally occuring catecholamine that increases cardiac output w/o increasing myocardial O2 consumption. Dopamine (Sympathomimetic)
Maintains renal and mesenteric blood flow while inducing vasoconstriction and increasin systolic BP. Dopamine (Sympathomimetic)
Indicated for Nonhypovolemic hypotension (70-100mmHg) and cardiogenic shock. Dopamine (Sympathomimetic)
Contraindicated for hypovolemic hypotension w/o aggressive fluid resusitation, tachydysrhythmias, V-Fib, pheochromocytoma. Dopamine (Sympathomimetic)
Precautioned for occlusive vascular disease, cold injury, arterial embolism. Dopamine (Sympathomimetic)
Ensure adequate fluid ressuscitation of hypovolemic pt. Dopamine (Sympathomimetic)
Naturally occuring catecholamine that increases HR, cardiac contractile force, myocardial electrical activity, systemic vascular resisance, and systolic BP. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Naturally occuring catecholamine that decreases overall airway resistance and automaticity. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Through bronchial artery constriction, may reduce pulmonary congestion and increase tidal volume and vital capacity. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Indicated to restore rhythm in cardiac arrest and sever allergic reactions. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Contraindicated for Narrow-angle glaucoma, hemorrhagic-traumatic-cardiac shock, coronary insufficiency. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Contraindicated for dysrhythmias, organic brain-heart disease, during labor. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Cautioned for elderly or debilitated pts, hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson's, TB, asthma, emphysema, kids<6. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Dosage: Arrest: 1mg 1:10,000 IV q 3-5min PED: 0.01mg/kg 1:10,000 IV/IO q 3-5min Epinephrine (Sympathomometic)
Dosage: Allergic: 0.3-0.5mg 1:1,000 SQ/IM q 5-15min prn OR .5-1mg of 1:10,000 IV if SQ ineffective or severe reaction. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Dosage: Allergic: PED: 0.01mg/kg of 1:1,000 SQ q 10-15min OR 0.01mg/kg of 1:10,000 IV if SQ ineffective or severe reaction. Epinephrine (Sympathomimetic)
Potent synthetic narcotic analgesic similar to morphine & meperidine with a more rapid and less prolonged action. Fentanyl (Narcotic Analgesic)
Indicated to induce sedation for ET placement and moderate to severe pain. Fentanyl (Narcotic Analgesic)
Contraindicated for MAOI within the last 14 days, myasthenia gravis. Fentanyl (Narcotic Analgesic)
Cautioned for increased intracranial pressure, elderly, debilitated, COPD, respiratory problems, hepatic/renal insufficiency. Fentanyl (Narcotic Analgesic)
Dosage: 25-100mcg slow IV (2-3min) PED: 2mcg/kg slow IV/IM. Fentanyl (Narcotic Analgesic)
A benzodiazapine antagonist used to reverse the sedative, recall, and psychomotor effects of diazepam, midazolam and other diazapines. Flumazenil (Benzodiazepine Antagonist)
Indicated for respiratory depression secondary to the benzodiazepines. Flumazenil (Benzodiazepine Antagonist)
Contraindicated for pts taking flumazenil for status epilepticus or seizures, seizure-prone pts during labor/delivery, and tricyclic antidepressant OD. Flumazenil (Benzodiazepine Antagonist)
Cautioned for hepatic impairment, elderly, pg or nursing mothers, head injury, alcohol and drug dependency, physical dependence on benzodiazepines. Flumazenil (Benzodiazepine Antagonist)
Dosage: 0.2mg IV/15sec, repeat at 0.3mg/30sec, if no response then 0.5mg/30sec q min till affect or 3mg. Flumazenil (Benzodiazepine Antagonist)
Created by: pinky36
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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