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Antidysrhythmic prolongs duration of action potential and refractory period. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Relaxes smooth muscles, reducing peripheral vascular resistance and increasing coronary blood flow. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Indicated for life threatening recurrent ventricular and supraventricular dysrhythmias that have not responded to other antidysthythmic agents. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Contraindicated for cardiogenic shock, severe sinus bradycardia, advanced heart block. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
precautions of hepatic impairment, pregnancy, nursing mothers, children. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Dosage for V-Fib is 300mg IV push; then repeat 150mg IV push prn. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Dosage for V-Tach 150-300mg IV over 10min, then 1mg/min for 6hrs. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Dosage for PED: V-Fib is 5mg/kg IV/IO, then repeat up to 15mg/kg. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Dosage for PED: V-Tach is 5mg/kg IV/IO over 20-60 min, then repeat up to 15mg/kg. Amiodarone (Antidysrhythmic)
Blocks parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the vagal effects on heart rate. Atropine (Parasympatholytic)
Does not increase contractility but may increase myocardial O2 demand. Decreases airway secretions. Atropine (Parasympatholytic)
Indicated for hemodynamically significant bradycardia and organophosphate poisoning. Atropine (Parasympatholytic)
Precautions of AMI, glaucoma, hypothermia, bradycardia. Atropine (Parasympatholytic)
Dosage for Bradycardia is .5mg IV; repeat 3-5min to 3mg. Atropine (Parasympatholytic)
Dosage for organophosphate poisoning 2-5mg IV-IO-IM 10-15min. Atropine (Parasympatholytic)
Selective beta blocker that reduces the rate of cardiac contraction and lowers cardiac output and blood pressure. Atenolol (Antidysrhythmic, Antihypertensive)
Indicated for Non-Qwave MI and instable angina. Atenolol (Antidysrhythmic, Antihypertensive)
Contraindicated in sinus bradycardia, 2nd & 3rd degree heart block, CHF, cardiogenic failure or shock. Atenolol (Antidysrhythmic, Antihypertensive)
Precautions for Asthma, COPD, CHF controlled by digitalis and diuretics. Atenolol (Antidysrhythmic, Antihypertensive)
Dosage of 5mg slow IV 5min up to 15mg Atenolol (Antidysrhythmic, Antihypertensive)
Naturally occuring agent that chemically cardioverts PSVT to normal sinus rhythm. Adenosine (Antidysrhythmic)
Indicated for narrow, complex supraventricular tachycardia refractory to vagal maneuvers. Adenosine (Antidysrhythmic)
Contraindicated in 2nd & 3rd degree heart block, sinus node disease, asthma. Adenosine (Antidysrhythmic)
May cause transient dysrhythmias, COPD Adenosine (Antidysrhythmic)
Dosage of 6mg rapid IV, rapid saline flush, followed by 12mg rapid IV if needed every 1-2 min. Adenosine (Antidysrhythmic)
Interfere with development of angiotensin, reducing peripheral vascular resistance, BP & cardiac preload. Ace Inhibitor
Indicated for AMI, heart failure without hypotension, hypertension. Ace Inhibitor
Contraindicated in pregnancy, elevated serum potasssium, hypotension<100, hypovolemia, IV form in STEMI. Ace Inhibitor
Derived form of human tPA promotes thrombolysis by forming plasmin. Alteplase Recombinant (Thrombolitic)
Degrades fibrin and fibrinogen and ultimately the clot. Alteplase Recombinant (Thrombolitic)
Indicated for AMI, acute ischemic stroke and pulmonary embolism. Alteplase Recombinant (Thrombolitic)
Contraindicated for internal bleeding, aortic dissection, traumatic CPR, recent surgery or stroke. Alteplase Recombinant (Thrombolitic)
Dosage for MI is 15mg IV, then .75mg/kg up to 50mg over 30min. then .5mg/kg up to 35 mg over 60 min up to 100mg. Alteplase Recombinant (Thrombolitic)
Dosage for stroke is .09mg/kg over 1min, then .91mg/kg up to 90mg over 60min. Alteplase Recombinant (Thrombolitic)
Dosage for PE is 100mg IV over 2hrs. Alteplase Recombinant (Thrombolitic)
Prolongs bronchodilation and decreased mucus production and has mild cardiac and CNS stimulating effects. Aminophylline (Methylxanthine Bronchodilator)
Indicated for bronchospasm in asthma and COPD refractory to sympathomimetic and other bronchodilators and in CHF. Aminophylline (Methylxanthine Bronchodilator)
Contraindicated in with hypersensitivity to methylxanthines or uncontrolled cardiac dysrhythmias. Aminophylline (Methylxanthine Bronchodilator)
Dosage is 250-500mg IV over 20-30 min. Aminophylline (Methylxanthine Bronchodilator)
Indicated for chest pain suggestive of MI. Aspirin
Contraindicated for hypersensitivity to salicylates, active ulcer disease, asthma. Aspirin
Dosage of 160-325mg PO Aspirin
Synthetic sympathomimetic that causes bronchodilation with less cardiac effect than Epi Albuterol (Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator)
Reduces mucus secretions, pulmonary capillary leaking and edema in the lungs during allergic reactions Albuterol (Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator)
Indicated for bronchospasm and asthma in COPD. Albuterol (Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator)
Dosage is 90mcg via MDI. Albuterol (Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator)
Dosage is 2.5mg in 2.5/3ml in NS via NEB. Albuterol (Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator)
Adsorbs and bind toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Activated Charcoal (Actidose, Adsorbent)
Indicated for acute ingested poisoning. Activated Charcoal (Actidose, Adsorbent)
Contraindicated for incontrolled airway, ingestion of cyanide, mineral acids, caustic alkalis, organic solvents, iron, ethanol, methanol. Activated Charcoal (Actidose, Adsorbent) mixed w 6-8oz water then PO or NG tube. Activated Charcoal (Actidose, Adsorbent)
Clinically proven analgesic/antipyretic. Acetaminophen (Analgesic, Antipyretic)
Indicated for mild to moderated pain and fever when aspirin is not tolerated. Acetaminophen (Analgesic, Antipyretic)
Contraindicated with hypersensitivity, kids under 3. Acetaminophen (Analgesic, Antipyretic)
Dosage of 325-650mg PO. Acetaminophen (Analgesic, Antipyretic)
Related to furosemide with faster onset, 40x more potent, shorter duration and produces only mild hypotension. Bumetanide (Loop Diuretic)
Indicated to promote diuresis in CHF and pulmonary edema. Bumetanide (Loop Diuretic)
Contraindicated for hypersensitivity to sulfonamides. Bumetanide (Loop Diuretic)
Dosage is .5-1mg IM/IV over 1-2min, repeat in 2-3 hrs prn. Bumetanide (Loop Diuretic)
Centrally acting synthetic narcotic analgesic 5x more potent than morphine. Butorphanol(Synthetic Narcotic Analgesic)
Indicated for moderate to severe pain. Butorphanol (Synthetic Narcotic Analgesic)
Contraindicated in head injury and undiagnosed abdominal pain. Butorphanol (Synthetic Narcotic Analgesic)
Dosage of 1mg IV or 3-4mg over 2-4hrs. Butorphanol (Synthetic Narcotic Analgesic)
Inhibits platelet aggregation and prolongs clotting time. Clopidogrel (Anti-Platelet Agent)
Indicated in ST segment depression MI and dynamic T-wave inversion and for MI and stroke pts who cannot tolerate aspirin. Clopidogrel (Anti-Platelet Agent)
Dosage of 300-600mg PO Clodidogrel (Anti-Platelet Agent)
Increases myocardial contractile force and increases ventricular automaticity. Calcium Chloride (Electrolyte)
Indicated for hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, hypocalcemia, calcium channel blocker toxicity. Calcium Chloride (Electrolyte)
Contraindicated in V-Fib, hypercalcemia, possible digitalis toxicity. Calcium Chloride (Electrolyte)
Dosage is 500-1000mg IV (5-10ml of 10% solution)prn. Calcium Chloride (Electrolyte)
Long acting synthetic adrenocorticoid with intense antiinflammatory activity. Dexamethasone (Steroid)
Prevents the accumulation of inflammation generating cells at the sites of infection or injury. Dexamethasone (Steroid)
Indicated for Anaphylaxis, asthma, COPD, spinal cord edema. Dexamethasone (Steroid)
Dosage of 4-24mg IV/IM Dexamethasone (Steroid)
Blocks histamine release, reducing bronchoconstriction, vasodilation, and edema Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine)
Indicated for anaphylaxis, allergic reactions and dystonic reactions. Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine)
Contraindicated in asthma and other lower respiratory disease. Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine)
Dosage of 25-50 IV/IM. Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine)
Slow calcium channel blocker similar to verapamil. Diltiazem (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Dilates coronary and peripheral arteries and arterioles, increasing circulation to the heart and reducing peripheral vascular resistance. Diltiazem (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Indicated for supraventricular tachydysrhythmias and to increase coronary artery perfusion in angina. Diltiazem (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Contraindicated in sick sinus syndrome, 2nd&3rd degree heart block, systolic BP<90, diastolic BP<60, wide complex tachycardia and WPW. Diltiazem (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Dosage is .25mg/kg (15-20mg) IV over 2min, may repeat in 15min with .35 mg/kg (20-25mg) over 2min. Diltiazem (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Rapid-acting cardiac glycoside used in the treatment of CHF and rapid atrial dysrhythmias. Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside)
Increases the force and velocity of myocadial contraction and cardiac output. Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside)
Decreases conduction through th AV node, decreasing heart rate. Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside)
Indicated to increase cardiac output in CHF and to stabillize supraventricular tachydysrhythmias. Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside)
Contraindicated in V-Fib, ventricular tachycardia except due to CHF. Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside)
Dosage of .004-.006mg/kg over 5min.(4-6mcg/kg) Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside)
Simple sugar that the body rapidly metabolizes to create energy. D50W (Carbohydrate)
Indicated in hypoglycemia D50W (Carbohydrate)
Dosage of 25g IV (50ml) D50W (Carbohydrate)
Cautioned for increased ICP. D50W (Carbohydrate)
Determine blood glucose level before administration. D50W (Carbohydrate)
PED: 2-4ml/kg of 25% solution IV D50W (Carbohydrate)
Benzodiazapine sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant that reduces tremors. Diazepam
Induces amnesia and reduces incidence and recurrence of seizures. Diazepam
Relaxes muscle spasms in orthopedic injuries and produces amnesia for painful procedures. Diazepam
Indicated for major motor seizures, status epilepticus, muscle tremors, scute anxiety. Diazepam
Premedication before cardioversion Diazepam
Contraindicated for hypersensitivity, shock, coma, acute alcoholism, depressed vital signs, ob pt and neonates Diazepam
Cautioned for psychoses, depression, myasthenia gravis, hepatic/renal impairment. Diazepam
Cautioned for addiction, elderly or very ill pts, COPD. Diazepam
Due to short half life of the drug, seizure activity may recur. Diazepam
Dosage for seizures is 5-10mg IV/IM PED is .5-2mg IV/IM Diazepam
Dosage for Acute Anxiety is 2-5mg IV/IM PED is .5-2mg IM Diazepam
Dosage for premedication is 5-15mg IV PED .2-.5mg/kg IV Diazepam
Created by: pinky36
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