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Concept 13

Health and Wellness

defined in terms of the presence or absence of disease. Health
a subjective perception of vitality and feeling well that can be described objectively, experienced and measured and can be plotted on a continuum. Well-being
The ability to promote health measures that improve the quality of life in the community. Includes air, water and food. Environmental factor of wellness
The ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure time. Occupational factor of wellness
The ability to learn and use information effectively for personal, family, and career development. Intellectual factor of wellness
The belief in some force (nature, science, religion or higher power) that serves to unite human beings and provide meaning and purpose to life. Spiritual factor of wellness
The ability to carry out daily tasks, achieve fitness, maintain adequate nutrition and proper body fat levels, avoid using drugs, and practice positive lifestyle habits. Physical factor of wellness
The ability to manage stress and to express emotions appropriately. Emotional factor of wellness
The ability to interact successfully with people and within the environment of which each person is a part. Develop intimacy, respect, tolerance for others with different opinions. Social factor of wellness
a highly personal state in which the person's physical, emotional, social, developmental, or spiritual functioning is thought to be diminished. Illness
Described as an alteration in body functions that results in a reduction of capacities or shortening of the normal life span. Disease
Characterized by severe symptoms of relatively short duration. Appear abruptly, subsides quickly and may not require intervention. Acute Illness
Illness that lasts for an extended period of time. Six months or longer, often the duration of a person's life. Chronic Illness
When symptoms disappear. Remission
When symptoms reappear. Exacerbation
Coping mechanism, involves the way individuals describe, monitor, interpret symptoms, take remedial actions and use the health care system. Illness Behavior
What factors can play a part in how a person behaves when they are ill? Age, sex, occupation, socioeconomic status, religion, ethnic origin, psychologic stability, personality, education ans modes of coping.
Any activity undertaken for the purpose of achieving a higher level of health and well-being. Health promotion
The state of being independent and self-directed without outside control. Autonomy
Behavior motivated by a desire to actively avoid illness, detect it early or maintain functioning within the constraints of illness. Health Protection
Program that requires the participation of the individual and are geared toward enhancing the quality of life and extending it. Lifestyle and behavior change Programs
Programs more focused on positive methods of enhancement. Wellness assessment programs
How a person feels about self and perceives the physical self and his or her needs and abilities. Self-concept
A person's general way of living. Lifestyle
Practices that generally have a negative effect on health. Risk factors
Gathering health history, physical examination, physical fitness, lifestyle, spiritual, social support system, health risk, health beliefs and life-stress information Assessment
Assessing physical functioning: muscle endurance, flexibility, body composition and cardiorespiratory endurance. Physical Fitness Assessment
Assessing physical activity, nutritional practices, stress management and habits such as smoking alcohol and drug use. Lifestyle Assessment
Describes human responses to levels of wellness in an individual, family or community that have a readiness for enhancement. NANDA wellness diagnoses
Developed according to the needs, desires and priorities of the client. Health Promotion plan
Motivation to follow through by reward. Positive Reinforcement
The client acquires ideas for behavior and coping strategies that can be used with specific problems by observing. Modeling
Working the plan. Implementation
Takes place on an ongoing basis as short term goals are attained and long term goals are completed. Evaluation
Steps in the nursing process. Assessment, Diagnoses, Plan, Implement, Evaluate
Concepts about health that an individual believes are true. Health Beliefs
A measurable concept that can be used to predict which people are most likely to change their behavior. Locus of Control
Enables the body to perform to it's potential. Physical Fitness
Refers to a person's routine of exercise, activity, leisure and recreation. Activity-Exercise Pattern
Bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle contraction that increases energy expenditure. Physical Activity
A type of physical activity defined as a planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness. Exercise
The type and amount of exercise or ADLs a person is able to perform without experiencing adverse effects. Activity Tolerance
The body's ability to perform work. Functional Strength
Dynamic exercises in which the muscle shortens to produce muscle contractions and active movement. Isotonic exercise
Static or setting exercises in which muscles contract without moving the joint. Isometric Exercise
Resistive exercises involving muscle contraction or tension against resistance. Can be isotonic or isometric. Isokinetic Exercise
An activity during which the amount of oxygen taken into the body is greater than that used to perform the activity. Aerobic exercise
Activity in which the muscles cannot draw out enough oxygen from the bloodstream. Anaerobic Exercise.
Enzyme that begins the chemical breakdown of starches. Amylase
The parotid, submaxillary and sublingual glands are what? Salivary Glands
What age to teeth usually appear in infants? 5-8 months
Syndrome that may decay all of the upper teeth and the posterior lower teeth. Baby-bottle Syndrome
By the time a child is 2, how many teeth will they have? 20
Gingiva. Gum
Primary reason for tooth loss. Characterized by gingivitis, bleeding, receding gum lines and formation of pockets between the gums and teeth. Periodontal Disease
Dental Caries Cavities
An invisible soft film that adheres to enamel of teeth. Consists of bacteria, saliva and epithelial cells and leukocytes. Plaque
Visible hard deposit of plaque that forms at the gum line. Tartar
Red, swollen gums. Gingivitis
Advanced periodontal disease, when teeth are loose and pus is evident when the gums are pressed. Pyorrhea
Bad breath. Halitosis
Inflammation of the tongue. Glossitis
Accumulation of foul matter on the teeth and lips. Sordes
Inflammation of the oral mucosa. Stomatitis
Inflammation of the parotid salivary glands. Parotitis
Dry mouth. Xerostomia
Health effects of insufficient nutrient intake or stores. Undernutrition or malnutrition
Excesses in nutrient intake or stores. Overnutrition
The physical result of the balance between nutrient intake and nutritional requirements. Nutritional Health
Nutrition history data. Diet Recall
A component of the Residential Assessment Instrument mandated for all clients in Medicare-certified health care facilities. Minimum Data Set (MDS)
The study of sleep. Somnology
An altered state of consciousness in which the individual's perception of and reaction to the environment are decreased. Sleep
A cyclic event or function that consists of repeated occurrences and repeated, regular intervals between occurrences. Biological Rhythm
Refers to the basic organization of normal sleep. Sleep Architecture
A system of activities intended to produce learning. Teaching
The ability to read, understand and act on health information. Including prescription labels, appointment slips, insurance forms and following instructions for diagnostic tests. Health Literacy
The application of internet and other related technologies in the health care industry, in the effort to improve the health status of patients. E-health
What is the grade level that education materials should be kept at? 5th-6th grade level
Created by: debrad79
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