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A & E General

A & E General Questions (Stack #116466)

(Q) Section 135 ? - Admission for a period of 72 hours. - A person suffering from a mental illness can be removed from a private dwelling to a place of safety (hospital, not casualty) by a police officer or an approved social worker. - A magistrate's warrant is required
Section 136 ? - Admission for a period of 72 hours. - A person suffering from mental illness can be removed from a public place to a place of safety (hospital) by a police officer or approved social worker.
(Q) Meningitis is ? Inflammation of the Meninges due to organisms such as bacteria, viruses & fungi.
(Q) Menigitis Causes ? Fever, Intense Headaches, Intolerance to light & Sound with Rigidity of Muscles (esp Neck)
(Q) Menigitis Severe Signs ? Convulsions with Severe Vomiting.
Meningococcal Septicaemia ? Cerebrospinal Fever. Epidemic form with rapid onset, Detectable by a rash that does not disapear when pressure is applied.
(Q) C.V.A.(Stroke) Positioning (Awake) ? Put in a Semi Recumbent Position with head and shoulders both slightly raised.
(Q) C.V.A.(Stroke) Positioning (Unconscious) ? In a Stable Side position with the Paralysed side UPPERMOST so as to avoid pressure on Injured side.
(Q) A.S.W. Travels in the Ambulance when ? They do not have to travel with the patient, but (if they are travelling seperatley) they must give the admission papers to the ambulance crew.
(Q) Trendelenburg Patient Position ? The body is laid flat on the back (supine position) with the feet higher than the head.
(Q) Trendelenburg Uses ? For Shock.
(Q) When to take a Vehicle of the Road (VOR) ? (5) 1.Dirty Vehicle 2.Break Down 3.Dirty Uniform 4.Welfare Issues 5.Injury or Accident
When can you not (VOR) ? (3) 1.Fuel 2.Service Runs 3.Police Statements
What information do you have to provide ? (6) 1.Reason 2.Callsign 3.Fleet Number, 4.Registration number, 5.Location. 6.If Puncture - tyre size, which tyre, Spare ?
(Q) Running Calls, Information Required ? (5) 1. Callsign 2. Location 3. Incident Details 4. Are you Able to Deal 5. Your Initials
(Q) Unconsciousness Steps 1 2 3 ? (multiple patients) 1. Continue as Normal 2. Procede with care, Keep Control Informed. 3. Withdraw, Isolate Yourself, Request specialist help.
(Q) Causes of Unconsciousness (Fish Shaped) Faint. Infantile Convulsions. Shock. Head Injuries. Stroke. Heart Attack. Asphixia. Poisoning. Epilepsy. Diabieties.
(Q) Management of Unconsciousness ? (3) 1.Primary Survey (D.R. A.B.C.D.E.). 2.Secondary Survey. 3.Positioning of Patient.
Danger - Primary Survey ? (4) 1.Yourself. 2.Crewmate. 3.Bystanders. 4.Patient.
Responce - Primary Survey ? (4) AVPU. 1.Alert. 2.Verbal. 3.Pain. 4.Unresponsive.
Airway - Primary Survey ? (4) 1.Open the Airway as Required. 2.Maintain an Airway (clear obstruction). 3.Suction if required. 4.Protect with NP OP.
Breathing - Primary Survey ? (4 B.R.O.S.) ? 1.BREATHING - Presence. 2.RESPIRATORY - Rate & Effort. 3.OXYGEN - Give High Flow. 4.SKIN - Colour for Changes.
Circulation - Primary Survey ? (4) 1.Assess for Evidence of HAEMORRAGE. 2.Assess Skin Colour & Temperature. 3.Check Pulse, For RATE, VOLUME, REGULARITY. 4.Check CAP REFILL.
Disability - Primary Survey ? (3) 1.Continually asses on AVPU Scale. 2.Check for Neurological Deficit (look for localised Sensations / Paralysis). 3.Assess Pupil Size & Response to Light (PEARL).
Evaluate - Primary Survey ? (2) 1. If the patient is unresponsive or if there is any un-correctable problems with Airway, Breathing or Circulation, then the patient is deemed TIME CRITICAL, Contact control for advice. 2. Get help from Front-Line Crew,1sr Responder, Manager or Doctor.
Head, Check ? Secondary Survey (1 to 4 of 8) 1.Skull for Irregularity or Scalp Wounds. 2. Ears for Fluid (Blood or CSF) 3. Eyes for Pupil Size & Reaction (PEARL) 4. Lips for Colour (Cyanosis)
Head, Check ? Secondary Survey (5 to 8 of 8) 5. Jaw for Displacement. 6. Mouth for Loose Teeth or Abnormal Staining. 7. Airway & Insert an Oro-Pharyngeal Airway 8. Skin for Colour (pale, flushed etc), Texture (dry, moist etc) & Temperature (hot, cold etc).
Thorax, Check ? Secondary Survey (3) 1.Clavicles for Fractures. 2.Sternum for Fractures. 3.Ribs for Fractures & Abnormal Movement.
Abdomen, Check ? Secondary Survey (2) 1.Pelvis for Fractures, Abnormal Movement or Guarding. 2.Groin for Dampness.
Back, Check ? Secondary Survey (2) 1.Spine for Irregularity. 2.Scapulae for Fractures.
Limbs , Check ? Secondary Survey (3) 1.Irregularity, Deformity & Fractures (compare the limbs with each other). 2. For Flexation of the Joints without aggravating any Injuries. 3.For Signs of Drug Abuse (neddle Marks)
Identification, Check ? Secondary Survey (1) 1.Identification & Medical Cards or Bracelets.
(Q) Elderly Medical Conditions ? (AC DC Probe) A.Arteriosclerosis. C.Congestive Cardiac Failure. D.Diabeties. C.Cerebro Vascular Accident (CVA). P.Parkinsons Disease. R.Rheumatoid Athritis. O.Osteo-Arthritis. B.Brochitis. E.Emphysema.
(Q) What is Valid Consent ? (IVC) Information + Volation + Capacity. = Valid Consent.
Consent Information ? Giving the Patient FULL & Clear Information about their condition including Consequnces, & the Nature & Effect of the Treatment you are offering, upon which they can make an Informed and Balanced Decision.
Consent VOLATION ? Patient Making a Conscious Decision or Expressing an Intention. Freedom of Choice witout COERSION.
Consent CAPACITY ? Being Able to Understand & Retain Information Material to the Decision, Especialy the Potential Consequences of Both Having & Not Having the Treatment, & to Use & Weigh up this Information to make a Decision.
Consent - How do you Measure Capacity ? (4) Patient being able to - 1.Comprehend the Information Given. 2.Retain this Information. 3.Weigh up this Information. 4.Communicate Their Decision.
Consent - What can EFFECT Capacity ? (MAIDS) M - Mental State. A - Age. I - Illness. D - Drugs / Alcohol. S - Shock / Pain.
Consent Age ? Over 16 to 17 years of age. However somebody with perental control can overrule them unless they are over 18.
Parts of the Brain ? (3) Cerebrum, Cerebellum & Brain Stem.
Cerebrum - Componets ? Consists of 2 Large Hemispheres. Left Controls Right side of the body & Vise Versa.
Cerebrum - Function ? (1 to 3 of 5) 1.Motor Areas which Initiate the Contraction of Voluntary Muscles. 2.Sensory Areas which Receive Impulses from the Skin, Muscles, Bones & Joints. 3.Special Sense Centres which deal with Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste & Touch.
Cerebrum - Function ? (4 to 5 of 5) 4.Centres of "Higher Mental Powers" which allow for Consciousness, Memory, Intelligence, Reasoning etc. 5.The Centres (Thalamus & Hypothalamus) Which Control the Autonomic Nervous System & are Deep Inside the Base of the Cerebrum.
Created by: Paul Wakefield
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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