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Biology - Test #1 KZ

Biology test 1

Chromosome Stranded structure of DNA, caries genes (histone protients that it is wrapped around it)
Nucleotide Building blocks of nucleic acids (base, sugar, phosphate)
Nucleic Acid A chain of nucleotides (DNA, RNA)
RNA A type of nucleic acid (single-stranded), critical to protein synthesis
Atom The smallest unit of a elments (protons, neutrons, elections)
Amino Acid Small organic compound that is a subunit of proteins
Enzyme Compound that spends up a reaction w/o being changed by it
Carbohydrate Simple sugar - energy storage, goes through process of cellular respiration (made up of glucose)
Gene Sequence of DNA is a particular place on a chromosome that determines its particular trait
Genome Organisms complete set of genetic material
Epigenome environmental conditions that change our DNA
Mutation permanent change in the nucleotide sequence DNA
Nucleus Found in eukaryotic cells, sac that carries DNA
Ribosome Organelle of protein synthesis, rNA
Plasma membrane a cell's outermost membrane
Cell receptor protiens that are outside of the cell that binds to the outside of a cell
Stem cells Cells that are able to differtiate into different types of cells depending on where they are in the body, different types of stem cells are able to differentiate to different extents
Cell cycle reproduces or replicates (cells form till the cytoplasm divides)
Cellular Metabolsim when cells acquire and use energy as they build and break down molecules
Transcription RNA is assembled from nucleotides
Translation Protein synthesis
Gene expression Process where information in a gene is expressed and activated
Gene regulation when a gene expression is turned on (make sure there are too few or too many)
Cancer cancer occurs when the process of cellular reproduction is disabled that there is a massive number of cells that are created
Cell cycle A series of events from the time a cell froms until the cytoplasm divides
Centrosome Where chromosomes connect
Malignant Tumors that cause cancer (cells altered)
Mitotic spindle made of microfibers that help separate the chromosomes fro cell reproduction
Neoplasm A clump of abnormal cell during mitosis - forms a tumor
Onogene Gene that helps transform a normal cell into a tumor cell
Proto-oncogene Gene by mutation that can become a oncogene (gene mutation)
Interphase Before Mitosis - replicates DNA
Prophase 1. Chromsomes condense and become attached to spindles
Metaphase 2. Cells chromsomes are alighned midway
Anaphase 3. Sister chromatids sperate and move to opposite spindle poles
Telophase 4. Chromsomes decondense, cleavage furrow splits, and new nuclei form
Reproduction process of individuals producing offspring
Asexual reproduction Offspring arise from a single parent through Mitosis
Sexual reproduction Offpsring arise from two parents, Meiosis
Meiosis Nuclear division that halves the chromosome number (23)
Fertilization Fusion of two gametes (egg and sperm) to form zygote
Allele Two parents carry the same gene with same trait (forms a gene)
Trait observable characteristic
Germ cell sperm and egg cells (reproductive cells)
Gamete Mature, haploid reproductive cell (mature)
Sperm XY
Egg XX
Zygote diploid cell from by two gametes, one cell
Haploid half/one set of chromsomes
Diploid Two sets of chromsomes (identical to parent cells - identical daughter cells)
CRossing over Process during Meiosis where homologous chromsomes come together and exchange segments
Nondisjuction Mutation in the gene sequence: failed homoglous chromsomes to sperate during Meiosis
Created by: 100002200556480
Popular Biology sets




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