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RBC: reference range F: 4.2 - 5.4 m/uL; M: 4.7 - 6.1 m/uL
WBC: reference range 5,000 - 10,000 uL
MCV (measurement of weight of RBCs): reference range 80 - 95 mm3
MCH (measurement of size of RBCs): reference range 27 - 31 pg/cell
TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity): reference range 250 - 460 mcg/dL
Iron: reference range F: 60 - 160 mcg/dL; M: 80 - 180 mcg/dL
Platelets: reference range 150,000 to 400,000 mm3
Hgb: reference range F: 12 - 16 g/dL; M: 14 - 18 g/dL
Hct: reference range F: 37 - 47%; M: 42 - 52%
PT: reference range 11 - 12.5 sec (ati) / 11 - 16 sec(textbook)
aPTT: reference range 1.5 to 2(desired range for anti-coagulation)
Decreased level of RBCs can be evidence of? anemia
Elevated level of WBCs can be evidence of? infection
Decreased level of WBCs can be evidence of? immunosuppression
Elevated level of MCVs can be evidence of? macrocytic (large) cells, possible anemia
Decreased level of MCVs can be evidence of? microcytic (small) cells, possible iron deficiency anemia
Elevated level of MCHs can be evidence of? macrocytic (large) cells, possible anemia [but measure amt. of Hgb by weight per RBC]
Decreased level of MCHs can be evidence of? microcytic (small) cells, possible iron deficiency anemia [but measure amt. of Hgb by weight per RBC]
Elevated level of TIBC can be evidence of? iron deficiency
Decreased level of TIBC can be evidence of? anemia, hemolysis, or hemorrhage
Elevated level of Platelets, Hgb, Hct can be evidence of? malignancy or polycythemia vera
Polycythemia vera is? a blood disorder in which the bone marrow makes too many red blood cells
Decreased level of Platelets, Hgb, Hct can be evidence of? autoimmune disease, bone marrow suppression
Increased PT time can be evidence of? deficiency or clotting
Decreased PT time can be evidence of? evidence of vitamin K excess
aPTT measures? the intrinsic clotting factors
aPTT is monitored for _____ therapy. heparin
Increased aPTT time can be evidence of? hemophilia, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), or liver disease
INR: reference range 2 - 3 on warfarin therapy
D-dimer: reference range 0.43 - 2.33 mcg/mL; 0 - 250 ng/mL
Fibrinogen levels: reference range 170 - 340 mg/dL
Fibrin degradation products (FDP): reference range < 10 mcg/mL
INR measures? mean of PT
D-dimer measures? hypercoagulability of blood
Elevated D-dimer can be evidence of? a clot formation
Fibrinogen levels measures? available fibrinogen for clotting
Decreased Fibrinogen levels can be evidence of? decreased ability to clot
Elevated FDP can be evidence of? clot dissolving activity (fibrinolysis) is occurring
FDP monitors? the efficacy of medications for DIC
Preliminary results of hemotologic tests are available within _____ to _____ hrs, final in _____ hrs? 24, 48, 72
Pt. presents to ED, reports thirst, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, nurse should suspect _____ and get lab for _____? anemia; Hgb
To confirm hemophilia, _____ test should be ordered. aPTT
Bone Marrow Biopsy is used to diagnose? cell type, confirm/rule out malignancy, blood disorders aspiration, thrombocytopenia
Pt. position during bone marrow procedure? prone or decubitus (side lying) to expose posterior iliac crest; knees flexed
Bone Marrow Biopsy is usually done with _____ anesthesia? local
If an infection of the bone is suspected, the Bone Marrow Biopsy procedure can still be performed (Yes or No) No, procedure should be held
Risk of bleeding during a Bone Marrow Biopsy is (high / low) low, procedure can be done even with thrombocytopenia present
Bone Marrow Biopsy is done (before / after) a Bone Marrow Aspiration? after; using same aspirate site for biopsy needle entry
Prior to removal of biopsy needle, surgeon should? rotate needle 360 deg. clock/counter clockwise, rock back and forth, turn while rotating
Biopsy specimen should be ____ cm in length from an adult. 2 cm
Lymphocyte: reference range 20% - 40%
WBC Differential (measures if each kind of cell is present in proper proportion): reference range neutrophil 0.5-0.7 / eosinophil 0.0-0.4 / basophil 0.0-0.2 / lymphocyte 0.2-0.4 / monocyte 0.04-0.08
Reticulocytes mature into RBCs in about _____. 1 day
Platelets form from _____ in the bone marrow. megakaryocutes
Lifespan of platelets is approximately _____. 10 days
Plethora (ruddy skin color) may be indicative of? polycythemia (excessive RBCs)
Hemoglobin measures? gas carry capacity of RBCs
Hemoglobin : reference range F: 11.7 - 16.0 / M: 13.2 - 17.3 g/dL
Hematocrit is a measurement of? packed cell volume of RBCs expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume
Hematocrit : reference range F: 35% - 47% / M: 39% to 50%
Bence Jones Protein is usually found in urine studies of pts. with? multiple myeloma
Created by: fluency
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