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Hua Shuo Zhongguo L5

强盛 qiang2sheng4 rich and powerful; flourishing
強盛 qiang2sheng4 rich and powerful; flourishing
侵扰 qin1rao3 invade and harass
侵擾 qin1rao3 invade and harass
力量 li4liang5 power; force; strength
强大 qiang2da4 large; formidable; powerful
強大 qiang2da4 large; formidable; powerful
pai4 dispatch; (mw for political groups; schools of thought; etc.)
打败 da3 bai4 to defeat; be defeated
打敗 da3 bai4 to defeat; be defeated
往来 wang3lai2 dealings; contact; go back and forth
往來 wang3lai2 dealings; contact; go back and forth
打通 da3tong1 go through; make a successful connection (on the phone)
tong1 go through; know well; connect
丝绸 si1chou2 silk
絲綢 si1chou2 silk
通商 tong1 shang1 have trading relations (i.e. between nations)
和亲政策 he2qin1zheng4ce4 policy in feudal dynasties of appeasement by marrying daughters of the Han Imperial Family to minority rulers
和親政策 he2qin1zheng4ce4
政策 zheng4ce4 policy
例子 li4zi5 example; case; instance
说明 shuo1ming2 explain; explanation; illustrate; to show
說明 shuo1ming2 explain; explanation; illustrate; to show
流传 liu2chuan2 to spread; circulate; hand down
流傳 liu2chuan2 to spread; circulate; hand down
qu3 marry (a wife); take a wife
公主 gong1zhu3 princess
原来 yuan2lai2 original; former; as it turns out
原來 yuan2lai2 original; former; as it turns out
宫女 gong1nv3 maid in an imperial palace; maid of honour
宮女 gong1nv3 maid in an imperial palace; maid of honour
jia4 marry (a husband); take a husband
关系 guan1xi5 relation; to concern
關係 guan1xi5 relation; to concern
记载 ji4zai3 write down; to record
記載 ji4zai3 write down; to record
人物 ren2wu4 figure; personage; character (in a play
传记 zhuan4ji4 biography
傳記 zhuan4ji4 biography
形象 xing2xiang4 image; form; figure
生动 sheng1dong4 vivid; lively
生動 sheng1dong4 vivid; lively
bu4 part; section; department; (mw for machines
既又 ji4 ... you4 as well as; already; once again; both ... and
优秀 you1xiu4 outstanding; excellent
優秀 you1xiu4 outstanding; excellent
着作 zhu4zuo4 literary work; writings
末年 mo4nian2 the final years (of a regime or dynasty)
分裂 fen1lie4 split up; to divide; separate
不过 bu2guo4 only; merely; but; however
不過 bu2guo4 only; merely; but; however
运河 yun4he2 canal
運河 yun4he2 canal
灾难 zai1nan4 disaster; catastrophe
災難 zai1nan4 disaster; catastrophe
代表 dai4biao3 represent; to delegate
代表 dai4biao3 represent; to delegate
繁荣 fan2rong2 prosperous; prosperity; booming (economy)
繁榮 fan2rong2 prosperous; prosperity; booming (economy)
杰出 jie2chu1 outstanding; preeminent
傑出 jie2chu1 outstanding; preeminent
吸取 xi1qu3 absorb; assimilate
教训 jiao4xun5 lesson; teach someone or learn a lesson; a moral
教訓 jiao4xun5 lesson; teach someone or learn a lesson; a moral
认识到 ren4shi2dao4 realize
認識到 ren4shi2dao4 realize
安定 an1ding4 stable; quiet; settled; stabilize
优点 you1dian3 merit; good point; a strength; a benefit
優點 you1dian3 merit; good point; a strength; a benefit
作品 zuo4pin3 works (of literature and art)
和尚 he2shang5 Buddhist monk
不远万里 bu4yuan3wan4li3 the trouble of traveling a long distance
不遠萬里 bu4yuan3wan4li3 the trouble of traveling a long distance
取经 qu3jing1 to fetch the scripture
取經 qu3jing1 to fetch the scripture
衰落 shuai1luo4 to decline
整天 zheng3tian1 all day long; day and night
吃喝玩乐 chi1he1wan2le4 eat
吃喝玩樂 chi1he1wan2le4 eat
动乱 dong4luan4 turmoil; upheaval; disturbance
動亂 dong4luan4 turmoil; upheaval; disturbance
慌忙 huang1mang2 hurried; hastily
tao2 to escape; run away; flee
hen4 to hate
前进 qian2jin4 go forward; forge ahead; to advance
前進 qian2jin4 go forward; forge ahead; to advance
被迫 bei4 po4 be compelled; be forced
上吊 shang4diao4 hang oneself
遭到 zao1dao4 suffer; encounter; meet with (something unfortunate)
汉武帝 Han4 Wu3 Di4 (Han emperor
漢武帝 Han4 Wu3 Di4 (Han emperor
匈奴 Xiong1nu2 Xiongnu (ethnic group in ancient China)
中亚 Zhong1ya4 Central Asia
中亞 Zhong1ya4 Central Asia
西域 Xi1yu4 The Western Regions
王昭君 Wang2 Zhao1jun1 Wang Zhaojun (52-19 BC)
史记 Shi3ji4 historical records
史記 Shi3ji4 historical records
司马迁 Si1ma3 Qian1 Sima Qian (ca.145-86 BCE)
司馬遷 Si1ma3 Qian1 Sima Qian (ca.145-86 BCE)
三国 San1guo2 Three Kingdoms (220-280)
三國 San1guo2 Three Kingdoms (220-280)
隋朝 Sui2chao2 Sui Dynasty
李白 Li3 Bai2 (Chinese poet
杜甫 Du4 Fu3 (Chinese poet
日本 Ri4ben3 Japan
朝鲜 Chao2xian3 Korea; North Korea
朝鮮 Chao2xian3 Korea; North Korea
玄奘 Xuan2zang4 Xuanzang (602-664) Chinese Buddhist monk and translator who traveled to India
杨贵妃 Yang2 Gui4fei1 Imperial Concubine Yang
楊貴妃 Yang2 Gui4fei1 Imperial Concubine Yang
杨国忠 Yang2 Guo2zhong1 Yang Guozhong (Lady Yang's brother)
楊國忠 Yang2 Guo2zhong1 Yang Guozhong (Lady Yang's brother)
Created by: Timmy19
Popular Chinese sets




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