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Chap 1 Med Terms


ab- away from
ad- to; toward
ante- before
astr- star
auto- self
brady- slow
ect- outside, outer
en- in, within
endo- within, inner
epi- above, upon
ex- out, outer
hemi- half
infra- below, inferior
inter- between, among
intra- within
iso- same, equal
macro- large
meta- change, after, beyond
micro- small
multi- many
neo- new
pan- all
para- near, beside
peri- around, surrounding
poly- many
post- after
pre- before
retro- behind, backward
semi- half
sub- below, under
super- above, over, excess
supra- above, on top of
sym- with, association
syn- together, with, union
tachy- fast
a-, an-, ana- no, not, without
anti- against
contra- against, opposite
non- not
bi- two, double, both
centi- hundred, hundredth
dec- ten
milli- one thousandth
quadr- four
tri- three
uni- one
carcin- cancerous
dys- difficult, painful
hyper- above, excessive
hypo- deficient, below
mal- bad, poor, abnormal
-ac, -al, -ar,-ary pertaining to
-crine to secrete
-crit to separate
-cyte cell
-gen, -genesis, -genic producing, forming
goblin, globulin protein
-gram record, picture
-graph instrument for recording
-graphy process of recording
-iac, -ic pertaining to
-oid like, resembling
-(o)logist specialist
-(o)logy study of
-ous pertaining to
-pepsia digestion
-phagia eating, swallowing
-phonia voice, sound
-phoresis carrying, transmission
-phoria feeling, mental state
-pnea breathing
-poiesis formation
-scope instrument of viewing
-scopy process of viewing
-somnia sleep
-stasis control, stop
-therapy treatment
-thorax chest, pleural cavity
-tocia, labor, birth
-tresia opening
-trophy growth, development
-tropin nourish, develop, stimulate
-version to turn
-algia pain
-cele hernia, herniation
-cytosis condition of cells
-dynia pain
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood condition
-ia, -iasis abnormal condition
-itis inflammation
-lysis, -lytic breakdown, destruction
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-paresis slight paralysis
-pathy disease
-penia decreased number
-phobia abnormal fear
-plegia paralysis
-ptosis drooping, sagging, prolapse
-ptysis spitting up
-(r)rhage, -(r)rhagia bursting forth of blood
-(r)rhea flow, discharge
-(r)rhexis rupture
-sclerosis hardening
-spasm contraction, twitching
-stenosis narrowing, tightening
-centesis surgical puncture
-desis binding together
-ectasia, -ectasis stretching, dilation
-ectomy surgical removal, excision
-(o)stomy create a new opening
-(o)tomy incision into
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasty surgical repair
-(r)rhaphy suture
-tripsy crushing, friction
abdomin/o, lapar/o, ceil/o abdomen
adip/o, lip/o fat, fatty
anter/o front
chonr/o cartilage
crani/o skull
cyt/o cell
dors/o back
gastr/o stomach
hist/o tissue
inguin/o groin
later/o side, away from the midline
lumb/o loin
medi/o middle
nucle/o nucleus
pelv/i pelvis
poster/o back
proxim/o near
spin/o spine
thorac/o chest
umbilic/o navel
ventr/o front side, belly
viscer/o internal organs
anterior toward the front, pertaining to the front
Anteroposterior (AP) from the front to the back
caudal downward, toward the tail
cranial toward the head, pertaining to the head
cephalad toward the head, pertaining to the head
deep away from the surface
distal away from the trunk, farthest from the point of origin of a body part
dorsal toward the back, pertaining to the back
inferior below, downward toward the feet
lateral to the side, away from the midline of the body
medial toward the midline of the body, pertaining to the middle
posterior toward the back, pertaining to the back of the body
Posteroanterior (PA) from the back to the front, pertaining to the back and the front
prone face down, lying on the abdomen
proximal toward the trunk of the body, nearest to the point of origin of a body part
superficial near the surface, pertaining to the surface
supine face up, lying on the back
ventral toward the front, pertaining to the front side
Created by: kaad42
Popular Science sets




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