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Law 12: Ch1

Chapter 1: Law and Society

Rule of Law a principle of justice stating that the law is necessary to regulate society, that law applies equally to everyone, and that people are not governed by arbitrary power
Code of Hammurabi one of the earliest-known sets of recorded laws, written by a Babylonian King.
codified arranged and recorded systematically
retribution justice based on vengeance and punishment
restitution payment made by the offender to the victim of a crime
Mosaic Law laws given to Moses to guide the Hebrew people, and recorded in the Bible
Ten commandments the ten laws at the beginning of Mosaic law
Justinian's Code the clarification and organization of Roman law commissioned by Justinian 1.
Napoleonic Code the civil law of France completed in 1804 (Also called the French Civil Code)
trial by ordeal requiring a person to undergo torture to determine guilt or innocence
trial by oath helping requiring friends of the accused to swear on the Bible that he or she is innocent
trial by combat determining guilt or innocence by having the parties fight a duel
adversarial system the judicial process whereby evidence is presented by two opposing parties to an impartial judge or jury
divine right the concept that monarchs and their successors derived their power to rule from God and were accountable only to God
assizes traveling courts
circuit judges judges of traveling courts
case law method of deciding cases based on recorded decisions of similar cases
common law law that developed in English courts, relies on case law, and is common to all people
stare decisis a Latin phrase meaning "to stand by the decision"
rule of precedent applying a previous decision to a case that has similar circumstances
Magna Carta a charter of political and civil rights signed in 1215 at Runnymede in England
habeus corpus a court order designed to prevent unlawful arrest by ensuring that anyone detained is charged before a court within a reasonable amount of time
Great Binding Law the constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy
Quebec Civil Code the system of law used in Quebec for resolving private matters
Created by: slslozzy
Popular Law sets




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