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latin vocab section3

vocab for latin 1 section 3 2012-2013

in foro in the forum
negotium agit is working, is doing business
ecce! see! look!
pictor painter, artist
ambulat is walking
tonsor barber
venalicius slave dealer
non venit does not come
ad villam to the house
ianua door
pulsat knocks on/at
aperit opens
vocat calls
ducit leads
pictura picture
magnus big, large
pingit paints
leo lion
ferociter fiercely
petit heads for, attacks
fustem club
tenet is holding
verberat is striking, is beating
fortis brave, strong
revenit returns
intente intently
in taberna in the shop
inquit says
occupatus busy
senex old man
in sella in the chair
novaculam razor
barbam beard
tondet is trimming
poeta poet
versum a line, a verse
recitat recites
ridet laughs, smiles
sed but
scurrilis obscene, dirty
perterritus terrified
secat cuts
multus much
sanguis blood
fluit flows
e taberna out of the shop
ad portum to the harbor
navis ship
prope near
quaerit looks for, searches for
habet has
contentus satisfied
emit buys
bonum good
pulchra beautiful
linguam language
discit is learning
docta skillful
satis enough
eheu! alas!
et and
Created by: 2017jis
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