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Ch. 20 Blood

BMS 307: Anatomy

blood specialized fluid connective tissue that distributes nutrients, oxygen, and hormones in the body.
Plasma liquid matrix of blood; contains dissolved proteins
formed elements blood cells and fragments found in blood, such as red and white blood cells
Red blood cels(erythrocyte) biconcaved discs with a thin middle region that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.
White blood cells(Leukocytes) components of the immune system.
Platelets small, membrane enclosed packages of cytoplasm that contain enzymes and other factors for blood clotting
whole blood is a mixture of plasma and formed elememts
Albumins major contributors to osmotic pressure of the plasma. Transport fatty acids, steroid hormones, and other substances. The smallest plasma proteins
Globulins contain both immunoglobulins and tranport globulins.
Target globulins bind small ions, hormones, or compounds that are either insoluble or might be filltered out of the blood at the kidneys
Fribinogen is essentail for normal blood clotting. interact forming large insoluble strands of fibrin
Hematocrit value the value indicates the percentage of whole blood contributed by formed elements.
rouleaux stacks of red blood cells that allows them to pass through small vessels
Neutrophils multi-lobed nucleus~white blood cell, engulfs pathognes
Eosinophils horseshoe shaped nucleus~ White Blood cell, attack anything with antibodies
Basophils Very dark cell, cannot see the nucleus~white blood cell, enter danaged tissue and release histamine
Monocyte Kidney bean shaped nucleus~white blood cell, enter tissue to become free macrophages
Lymphocyte very round nucleus~white blood cells, cells of lymphoid system providing defense aga
Immunoglobulins are antibodies that attack foreign proteins and pathogens.
Fribinogen is essentail for normal blood clotting. interact forming large insoluble strands of fibrin
Hematocrit value the value indicates the percentage of whole blood contributed by formed elements.
blood type determined by the presence or absence of specific components in erythrocyte plasmalemmae
surface antigen(agglutinogens) antigens present ont he surface of red blood cells. Ex Type A has A antigens, Type B has B, and Type O has neither
RH factor can be postive or negative
Surface antibodies(agglutinins) locates on red blood cells and will attack foreign surface antigens. Type A has B anitbodies. Type O has A and B antibodies
agglutination when a surface antibodies meets its surface antigen the blood cells clump together. These can plug small vessel
Hemopoiesis the process of blood cell formation
Created by: taj1001
Popular Science sets




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