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Test 2

What is Accreditation? A voluntary process in which an agency is requested to officially review healthcare institutions, such as hospitals, to determine compliance.
What is Bonding? A special type of insurance that covers employees who handle financial statements, records, and cash
What is Confidentiality? Refers to keeping private all information about a person (patient) and not disclosing it to a third party without the patient's written consent.
What is Discovery rule? Legal theory that provides that the statute of limitations begins to run at the time the injury is discovered or when the patient should have known of the injury.
What is Endorsement? An approval or sanction.
What is Good Samaritan laws? State laws that help protect healthcare professionals and ordinary citizens from liability while giving emergency care to accident victims.
What is Guardian ad litem? Court-appointed guardian to represent a minor or unborn child in litigation.
What is Incident report? A means of documenting problem events within a hospital or other medical facility.
What is joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)? An agency that oversees hospital accreditation standards.
What is prudent person rule? Also called the responsible person standard, means the healthcare professional must provide the information that a prudent, responsible person would want before making a decision about treatment or refusal of treatment.
What is Reciprocity? The cooperation of one state in granting a license to practice medicine to a physician already licensed in another state. Reciprocity can be applied to other licensed professionals such as nurses and pharmacists.
What is Respondeat superior? Latin phrase meaning "let the master answer"; means the employer is responsible for the actions of the employee.
What is Revoke? Take away, as in revoke a license.
What is Risk Management? A practice to minimize the incidence of problem behavior that might result in injury to the patient and liability for the organization
What is Scope of practice? The activities a healthcare professional is allowed to perform as indicated in their licensure, certification, and/or training.
What is standard of care? The ordinary skill and care that medical practitioners use and that is commonly used by other medical practitioners in the same locality when caring for patients; what another medical professional would consider appropriate care in similar circumstances.
What is Statute of limitations? The period of time that a patient has to file a lawsuit.
What is Tolling? Also known as running of the Statute of Limitations, means the time has expired.
What is Associate practice? A legal agreement in which physicians agree to share a facility and staff but do not, as a rule, share responsibility for the legal actions of each other.
What is Capitation rate? A fixed monthly fee paid by an HMO to health care providers for providing medical services to patients who are members of that HMO.
What is Certification? A voluntary credentialing process usually offered by a professional organization.
What is conscience clause? Legislation or regulation stating that hospitals and healthcare professionals are not required to assist with such procedures as abortion and sterilization.
What is copayment? An agreed-upon fee paid by the insured for certain medical services; usually $10 to $20.
What is corporation? A type of medical practice, as established by law, which is managed by a board of directors.
What is Diagnostic related groups (DRGs)? Designations used to identify reimbursement per condition in a hospital; used for Medicare patients.
What is Exclusive provider organization? (EPO) A type of managed care that combines the concepts of the HMO and PPO.
What is fee splitting? An agreement to pay a fee to another physician or agency for the referral of patients; this is illegal in some states and is considered to be an unethical medical practice.
What is fixed-payment plan? A payment plan for medical bills that offers subscribers (members) complete medical care in return for a fixed monthly fee.
What is franchise? A business run by an individual to whom a franchiser grants the exclusive right to market a product or service in a certain market area.
What is Franchisee? Person or company who holds a franchise.
What is gatekeeper? The person, such as a primary care physician,or entity, such as an insurance company, that approves patient referrals to other physicians or services.
What is group practice? Three or more physicians who share the same facility and practice medicine together.
What is Health Care Quality Improvement Act? Provides for peer review of physicians by other physicians and healthcare professionals.
What is Health maintenance organization? (HMO) A type of managed care plan that offers a range of health services to plan members for a predetermined fee per member by a limited group of providers.
What is Indigent? A person who is impoverished and without funds.
What is licensure? A mandatory credentialing process that allows an individual to perform certain skills.
What is Managed care organization? (MCO) A type of medical plan that pays for and managers that medical care a patient receives.
What is Medicaid? Federal program,implemented by the individual states, to provide financial assistance for the indigent.
What is Medicare? Federal program that provides healthcare coverage as well as for disabled persons or those who suffer kidney disease or other debilitating ailments.
What is National Practitioner Data Bank? (NPDB) A listing of names that assists with peer review of physicians.
What is partnership? A legal agreement in which two or more physicians share the business operation of a medical practice and become responsible for the actions of the other partners.
What is per diem? Daily rate
What is Preferred Provider Organization? (PPO) A managed care concept in which the patient must use a medical provider who is under contract with the insurer for an agreed-upon fee in order to receive co-payment from the insurer.
What is Primary Care Physician? (PCP) HMO-designated physician to manage and control an enrolled patient's medical care.
What is Prospective payment system? The payment amount or reimbursement with a set rate for certain procedures is known in advance.
What is registration? Indicates that the person whose name is listed on an official record or resister has met certain requirements in that particular profession.
What is sole proprietorship? A type of medical practice in which one physician may employ other physicians.
What is solo practice? A medical practice in which the physician works alone.
What is third-party payers? A party other than the patient who assumes responsibility for paying the patient's bills (for example, an insurance company).
What is Abandonment? Withdrawing medical care from a patient without providing sufficient notice to the patient.
What is Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)? A disease resulting in infections that occur as a result of exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes the immune system to break down.
What is Advance directive? The various methods by which a patient has the right to self-determination prior to a medical necessity; includes living wills, healthcare proxies, and durable power of attorney.
What is Against medical advice (AMA)? When a non-compliant patient leaves a hospital without physician's permission.
What is an agent? Person authorized to act on behalf of a patient.
What is consent? The voluntary agreement that a patient gives to allow a medically trained person the permission to touch, examine, ad perform a treatment.
What is Do not resuscitate (DNR)? A designation placed on a patient's medical record indicating that in the case of cessation of circulation and breathing, artificial resuscitation (CPR) is not to be done.
What is Durable power of attorney? A legal agreement that allows an agent or representative of the patient to act on behalf of the patient.
What is Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)? The virus that causes the immune system to break down and can eventually result in the disease AIDS.
What is implied consent? An agreement that is made through inference by signs, inaction, or silence.
What is informed (or expressed) consent? Consent granted by a person after the patient has received knowledge and understanding of potential risks and benefits.
What is In Loco Parentis? A person assigned by a court to stand in place of the parents and who possesses their legal rights and responsibilities toward the child.
What is living will? A leagal document in which a person states that life-sustaining treatments and nutritional support should not be used to prolong life; a type of advance directive.
What is minor? A person who has not reached the age of maturity, which in most states is 18.
What is parens patriae authority? Occurs when the state takes responsibility from the parents for the care and custody of minors under the age of 18.
What is privileged communication? Confidential information that has been told to a physician (or attorney) by the patient.
What is prognosis? Prediction for the course of a disease.
What is proxy? A person who acts on behalf of another person.
What is uniform anatomical gift act? A state statute allowing persons 18 years of age and of sound mind to make a gift of any or all body parts for purposes of organ transplantation or medical research.
What is affirmative defense? Allows the defendant (usually physician or hospital)to present evidence that they patient's condition was the result of factors other than the defendant's negligence.
What is alternative dispute resolution (ADR)? Methods for resolving a civil dispute that do not involve going to court.
What is arbitration? Submitting a dispute for resolution to a person other than a judge.
What is arbitrator? A person chosen to decide a disagreement between two parties.
What is assumption of risk? A legal defense that prevents plaintiff voluntarily accepts a risk associated with the activity.
What is borrowed servant doctrine? A special application of respondeat superior in which an employer lends an employee to someone else.
What is cap? LIMIT
What is claims-made insurance? Liability insurance that covers the insured party for only the clams made during thetime period the policy is in effect (or policy year).
What is comparative negligence? A defense, similar to contributory negligence, that the plaintiff's own negligence helped cause the injury; not a complete car to recovery of damages but only damages based on the amount of the plaintiff's fault.
What is compensatory damages? An amount of money awarded by the court to make us for loss of income or emotional pain and suffering.
What is contributory negligence? Conduct on the part of the plaintiff that is a contributing cause of injuries; a complete bar to recovery of damages.
What is Damages? Any injuries caused by the defendant; usually a monetary award is given as compensation.
What is defensive medicine? Ordering more tests and procedures than are necessary in order to protect oneself from a lawsuit.
What is dereliction? Neglect, as in neglect of duty.
What is direct cause? The continuous sequence of events, unbroken by any intervening cause, that produces an injury and without which the injury would not have occurred.
What is duty? Obligation or responsibility.
What is feasance? Doing an act or performing a duty.
What is federal rules of evidence? Rules that govern the admissibility of evidence into federal court.
What is fraud? The deliberate concealment of the facts from another person for unlawful or unfair gain.
What is law of agency? The legal relationship formed between two people when one person agrees to perform work for another person.
What is liable? Legal responsibility for one's own actions.
What is malfeasance? Performing an illegal act.
What is Malpractice? Professional misconduct or demonstration of an unreasonable lack of skill with the result of injury, loss, or damage to the patient.
What is mediation? Using the opinion of a third party to resole a civil dispute in a nonbinding decision.
What is misfeasance? The improper performance of an otherwise proper or lawful act.
what is negligence? An unintentional action that occurs when a person either performs or fails to perform an action that a "reasonable person" would or would not have committed in a similar situation.
What is nominal damages? A slight or token payment awarded by the court.
What is nonfeasance? The failure to perform an action when it is necessary.
What is occurrence insurance? Called claims-incurred insurance liability, insurance that covers the insured party for all injuries and incidents that occurred while the policy was in effect (policy year), regardless of when they are reported to the insurer or when the claim is made.
What is proximate? The injury was closely (proximately) related to the defendant's negligence.
What is Punitive damages? Also called exemplary damages, monetary award by a court to a person who has been harmed in an especially malicious and willful way; meant to punish the offender.
What is Res ipsa loquitur? Latin phrase meaning "the thing speaks for itself."
What is Res judicata? Latin phrase meaning "the thing has been decided."
What is rider? Additional component to an insurance policy.
What is settlement? The act of determining the outcome of a case outside a courtroom; settling a case is not an indication of legal wrongdoing.
What is addiction? An acquired physical or psychological dependence on a drug.
What is autopsy? A postmortem examination of organs and tissues to determine the cause of death.
What is Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD)? An agency of the federal government responsible for enforcing laws covering statues of addictive drugs.
What is compounding? The combination and mixing of drugs and chemicals.
What is Controlled Substances Act of 1970? A federal statute that regulates the manufacture and distribution of the drugs that are capable of causing dependency.
What is coroner? A public health officer who holds an investigation (inquest) if a persons death is from an unknown or violent cause.
What is data? Statistics, figures, or information.
What is dispensing? Distribution, delivery, disposing, or giving away a drug, medicine, prescription, or chemical.
What is Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)? A division of the Department of Justice that enforces the Control Substances Act of 1970.
What is Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? A management-financed, confidential counseling referral service designed to help employees and /or their family members assess a problem such as alcoholism.
What is Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? An agency within the Department of Health and Human Services that ultimately enforces laws regarding oversees drug sales and distribution.
What is Forensic medicine? Branch of medicine concerned with the law, especially criminal law.
What is habituation? The development of an emotional dependence on a drug due to repeated use.
What is inquest? An investigation help by a public official, such as a coroner, to determine the cause of death.
What is material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)? An information sheet which provides specific information on handling and disposing of chemicals safely.
What is morbidity rate? The rate of sick people or cases of disease in relationship to a specific population.
What is mortality rate? Death rate.
What is postmortem? After death.
What is probable cause? A reasonable belief that something improper has occurred.
What is public duties? Responsibilities the physician owes to the public.
What is restraining or protective order? Court order that prohibits an abuser from coming into contact with the victim.
What is retailing? The legal act of selling or trading a drug, medicine, prescription, or chemical.
What is vital statistics? Major events or facts from a person's life, such as live births, deaths, induced termination of pregnancy, and marriages.
Created by: tkmcmillan
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