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Brain Nerves

10 or 11 nerves

CN I (1) olfactory, sense smell
salivary glands parotid gland, submandibular gland, sublingual gland
CN X (5) vagus nerve, gag reflex, touching the back of the throat
CN IX (9) glossopharyngeal nerve, gag reflex, say argh, press on tongue or posterior oral pharynx
CN XII (12) hypoglossal nerve, stick out tongue, test strength against resistance, if damage, tongue deviates towards the paralyzed side
CN VII (7) Facial Nerve, motor (facial movement and expression) = phung ma' test, sensory (taste anterior 2/3 of tongue)
CN V (5) trigeminal nerve; motor (clench teeth) lateral jaw strength or chin strength against resistance, chin pulled down; sensory: 3 zone for pain and touch, cuc bong gon
CN XI (11) spinal accessory - test shoulder shrug against active resistance
right lymphatic duct drain the Right side of the body, right head, neck, arm, thrax lung & pleura, heart and upper liver
thoracic duct drain the rest of the body
lymph nodes absorbs lipids from the GI tract
superficial nodes in sub-Q tissue
deep nodes lie in muscle, fascia, or bod cavities
posterior fontanel (triangle shape) closes at 2 mos
anterior fontanel (diamond shape) closes at 24 mos
sunken fontanels dehydration
buldging fontanels increased ICP
pregnancy: chloasma facial discoloration
pregnancy: palpable thyroid normal in pregnancy
aging adults change in curve of the neck and head to compensate for kyphosis, prominen facial bones due to decreased tissue elasticity
lymphedema excessive collection of fl in interstitial spaces due to blocked or infected lymphatic channels
acute lymphangitis inflammation of lymph vessels usually 2degree to strep infection of an extremity - S&S red streaks extending to axilla or groin, fever, chills, etc.
acute lymphadentitis inflammation of lymp nodes 2degree to systemic neoplastic desease, bacterial infection, or other inflammatory condition - S&S enlarge, tender, firm nodes, with surrounding edema & erythema (cat scratch desease)
Created by: diztoen
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