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autonomic system

Cell body Contains the nucles, concerned with metabolism and function of the cell
Dendrites Conduct impulses toward the cell body
Axon (nerve fibers) Conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body
Synaptic end bulbs At the terminal ends of axons, they are sacs that contain synaptic vesicles
Synaptic Vesicles Contain neurotransmitters ie. norepi, dopamine, Ach, seritonin
Myastenia Gravis an autoimmune disease, the post synaptic membrane becomes distorted and cannot recieve Ach
Lou Gehrigs disease Disrupted dignals to muscles
Neurotransmitters messengers that travel from the brain cell to another,chemical signals the neurons use to talk to each other
Myelin Sheathe Covers axons of some of the CNS nerves and peripheral nerves, speeds up conduction and insulates the axon
Neurolemmocytes Sheathe covering the PNS
Neurolemma Outer layer of the Neurolemmocytes -Sheathe of Schwann (schwann cells)-aids in regeneration
Nodes of Ranvier Gaps formed between the myelin sheath-
Saltatory conduction Rapid rate of conduction
Schwann cells Produce growth factor
Nerve growth factor A protein that has hormone like actions-Schwann cells produce this
Regeneration of an axon depends on.. 1.Location of injury,2.Type of injury 3.Inflammatory response 4.Process of scarring 5.Cell body staying intact 6.Neurolemma remain active
CNS Myelin Sheath Made of Oligodendricyte cells-do not regenerate
Multiple Sclerosis The myelin sheath deteriorate and sclerose
Tay-Sachs Inherited neuro-degenerative disorder (fatty substances accumalate in the nerve cells)
Guillian Barre syndrom Due to viral infection,toxic exposure,immunizations
CNS is comprised of Brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nerves are comprised of Afferent (goes up) Efferent nerves (goes down)- Somatic NS (voluntary Autonomic (Involuntary)
Polarized state cell is at rest-Na+ K+ pump turned on,Na+ out,K+ in (cell is negative)
Action Potential Na+ moves in, Ca follows, K+ slowly moves out (cell is now positive)-causes cell to explode
Repolarization K+ continues to move out the cell,Na+ K+ pump turns back on,cell is then reset and back to resting potential state
Amphetamines increases neurotransmitter release
SSRI Drugs increases presence of serotonin in the synapse
Cocaine Blocks reuptake and keeps neuron firing
Ganglia A relay station between nerve cells
Preganglionic nerve fiber Comes into the ganglia
Postganglionic nerve fiber Located in the ganglia
Junctions Space between the nerve fiber cells and the effector cells
Effectors cardiac muscle smooth muscle glands Viscera
Synapse (small space filled with extracellular fluid) A region surrounding the point of communication between 2 neurons or a neuron and the effector organ
All preganglionic neurons release?? Acetylecholine
The ANS is regulated by the ?? Cerebral cortex,Medulla and the (Hypothalamus )(main controller)
Somatic Nervous System -Cell body located in CNS -axons run from CNS to skeletal muscles directly no ganglia involved
SNS preganglionic cells bodys found in the spinal cord from T1-L2&3 Synapses with 20 or more
Adrenergic fibers stimulate the adrenal gland-releases 80% Epi and 20% nor epi
PNS preganglionic cell bodies are found in Cranial nerves 3,7,9,10 and Sacral S2-S4 Synapses with 4-5 postganglionic cell bodies
in the PNS the Most extensive distribution of fibers comes from Vagus nerve (80%)of outflow
Vagus nerve innervates with pharnx, thorax, pelvis and abdomen
Adrenergic neurotransmitters are Epinephrine and norepinephrine
cholinergic neurotransmitters are aCh -acetylcholine
AchE-Acetylcholinesterase function inactivates and prevents accumalation of Ach at the effector organ
Adrenergic Deactivators are COMT-Catecholamethyltransferase-breaks norepi &epi MAO-MOnoamineOxidase-breaks down dopamine
PNS-Cholinergic Receptors Nicotonic-on post ganglionic cell body Muscuranic-on effector organ (just PNS)
SNS-Adrenergic Receptors Beta 1,Beta2,Alpha1,Alpha2 (on postganglionic axon)
Agonist -mimetic
Antagonist -olytic
Created by: rebeccabelleth
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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