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Structural and Inflammatory Cardiac Disorders

This inflammatory disorder effects the innermost lining of the heart. It is a bacterial infection that is generally caused by Staph Aureus or Strept Viridians. Infective endocarditis
This classification of Infective Endocarditis is seen in those that already have valve disorders. Subacute Infective Endocarditis
Prophylactic treatment (such as antibiotic treatment before procedures) of Infective Endocarditis is more appropriate for which classification of Infective Carditis patients? The patients that have subacute Infective Endocarditis
Drug therapy is appropriate for which of the Infective Carditis patients? Those with acute Infective Endocarditis
What drug is commonly used for Infective Endocarditis? Penicillin
This classifcation of Infective Endocarditis is seen in healthy individuals with healthy valves and usually is rapidily progressive. Acute Infective Endocarditis
These Infective Endocarditis lesions are made of fibrin, leukocytes, platelets, and microbes. Vegetations
Infective Endocarditis can cause what type of problems? Heart block, dysrhythimias, HF, sepsis, valve incompetence
One of the concerns that we have to worry about with vegetations is what? Embolization
How does Rheumatic Endocarditis form? Step throat turns ito Rheumatic Fever which can lead to the Reumatic Endocarditis
This inflammatory disorder inflames the peridcardium sac. Acute Pericarditis
What are some of the results of chronic Pericarditits? Scarring and loss of elascticity of the pericardial sac
What is the primary manifestation of Pericarditis? On asculation it is heard as a scratching, grating, high pitched sound. Pericardial fricition rub
What are some of the s/s of Pericarditis? Progressive frequent severe sharp pain that worsens w/deep inspirations and when lying supine. Dyspena is also common.
Name two complicatoins of Pericarditis Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade
What is cardiac tamponade? When the heart is compressed from the pericardial effusion. It causes chest pain, confusion, anxiety, restlessness, tachycardia, tachypnea, and decreased CO. It compression the cardiac muscle thereby restricting the heartbeats
What is the number one nursing management that you will perform with pericarditis? Pain management and managing the patient's anxiety.
This inflammatory disorder results in inflammation of the myocardium. It can be caused by bacteria, fungi, radiation therapy, pharmacology, and chemical factors. Myocarditis
The cellular destruction and necrosis of Myocarditis can result in what? Caridac dysfunction and development of cardiomyopathy
Cardiac signs such as pericardial rub and effusion are seen in how many days after infection of the myocardium? 7 - 10 days
Why does the nurse to need to monitor patients with Myocarditis that are taking Digoxen? These patients are at a much higher risk of developing the adverse cardiac side effects of Digoxen as well as becoming toxic.
What are two other drugs that can be used to treat the HF and cardiac enlargement that can be seen with Myocarditis? Ace inhibitors and Beta blockers
Rheumatic Peridcardits causes partial or complete destruction of the pericardial sac by which mechanisms? Firbrosis and Adhesions
This inflammatory disorder effects the skin, joints, and CNS. It causes scarring of the heart valves and follows Rheumatic Fever. Rheumatic Heart Disease
What are the nodules seen in Rheumatic Heart disease called? This modules become fibrous with age and can cause scar tissue to form in the myocardium Aschoff's Bodies
What are some the common conditions seen with Rheumatic Heart Disease? a. Polyarthritis and monoarthritis b. Sydenham's c. Chorea d. Erythema Marginatum e. Subcutaneous nodules
What is Sydenham's Chorea? Involuntary movements
What is Erythema Marginatum? Bright pink non pruritis map-like macular lesions seen in Rheumatic Heart Disease
What is the morst important manifestation of Rheumatic Heart Disease? Carditis
What are three signs of Carditis that can be a reliable indicator of Rheumatic Heart Diease? 1. Heart murmurs, murmurs from mitral or aortic regurgitation and mitral stenosis. 2. Cardiac enlargement and HF secondary to myocarditis 3. Pericarditis that causes muffled heart sounds, chest pain, pericardial friction rub and effusion.
What are some of the manifestations of Myocarditis? Decreased perfusion which can result in increased HR and increased BP from vasoconstriction.
What are complications of Rheumatic Heart Disease? Cardiac lesions and HF. Also scarring and contractures of the heart valves.
What are the three types of mitral disorders? Stenosis, regurgitation, and prolapse
This mitral disorder is caused mostly by Rheumatic Fever. It results in narrowing of the valves. Mitral Stenosis
This mitral disorder manifests as atrial fib. on the ECG. Mitral Stenosis
What are the manifestations of Mitral Stenosis? Exertional dyspnea, fatigue, palpiltations,
This mitral disorder has causes such as MI, chronic rehumatic fever, left ventricular failure. Blood flows back due to incomplete closure of the valve. Mitral regurgitation
This mitral disorder manifests with an audible third heart sound when ausculated. Mitral regurgitation
In this mitral disorder the valve buckles back into the atrium. Mitral prolapse
This aortic valve disorder results in obstruction of flow from the left ventricle to the aorta. Aortic Stenosis
Aortic Stenosis can be manifested how? With soft S1 sounds and diminished S2, murmur, and fourth heart sound
What happens if you have acute aortic regurgitation? Sudden cardiovascular collapse, severe dyspnea, and HF
What happens if you have chronic Aortic Regurgitation? Nothing except later signs of dyspnea and orthopnea
Created by: mrsamjones
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