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Elementary Surveying

Elementary Surveying: Ch. 2 Units, Sig. Figs., & Field Notes

How many radians are equal to one degree? 0.0174533
How many degrees are equal to one radian? 57.2958
How many degrees are equal to two pi radians? 360
How many seconds are equal to one minute? 60
How many minutes are equal to one degree? 60
How many degrees are there in one circle? 360
An angle is expressed in what type of format? degrees, minutes, seconds
How many cubic feet are equal to one acre foot? 43560
How many cubic feet are equal to one cubic yard? 27
How many cubic feet are equal to one cubic meter? 35.31
How many acres are equal to one square mile? 640
How many square feet are equal to one acre? 43560
How many acres are equal to one hectar? 2.471
How many square miles are equal to one hectar? 10000
How many feet are equal to one chain? 66
How many links are equal to one chain? 100
How many rods are equal to one chain? 4
How many poles are equal to one rod? 1
How many perchs are equal to one rod? 1
How many feet are equal to one rod? 16.5
How many feet are equal to one mile? 5280
How many meters are equal to one kilometer? 1000
How many meters are equal to one US Survey Foot? 0.3048006
According to the US Survey Foot, how many inches are equal to one meter? 39.37
What is the exact conversion factor for the US Survey Foot? 1 meter is equal to 39.37 inches
How many meters are equal to one US Standard Foot? 0.3048
According to the US Standard Foot, how many centimeters are equal to one inch? 2.54
What is the exact conversion factor for the US Standard Foot? 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters
How many inches are equal to one foot? 12
How many feet are equal to one yard? 3
How many millimeters are equal to one meter? 1000
How many centimeters are equal to one meter? 100
How many decimeters are equal to one meter? 10
The upper part of the left or right page of a field book must contain 9 items, including: project name, location, date, time of day, starting/finishing time, weather, party, instrument type, instrument number
What type of field notes are taken at the time of observations? Original field notes
If field notes are copied they must be marked as? copied
What should you do if a partial or entire page of field notes needs to be deleted? diagonal lines should be drawn through opposite corner and void should be written across the page
What is not permitted in handwritten field notes? erasing
What are the 5 general requirements of handwritten field notes? accuracy, integrity, legibility, arrangement, clarity
How should a number be rounded if the digit to be dropped is greater than 5? the number is written with the preceding digit increased by one
How should a number be rounded if the digit to be dropped is exactly 5? the nearest even number is used for the preceding digit
How should a number be rounded if the digit to be dropped is lower than 5? the number is written without the digit
How many significant figures should be in the result of a multiplication or division problem? the number of significant figures in the answer is equal to the least number of significant figures in any of the factors
What is the first step in determining the number of significant figures when adding and subtracting? identify the rightmost significant digit in each number
What is the second step in determining the number of significant figures when adding and subtracting? perform the addition or subtraction
What is the third step in determining the number of significant figures when adding and subtracting? round the answer so that its rightmost significant digit is in the same spot as the leftmost significant digit identified in step one
How many significant figures are in 2400 if a bar was placed above the first zero? 3
How many significant figures are in 2400 if a bar was placed above the number four? 2
How many significant figures are in 2.40 x 10^3? 3
How many significant figures are in 2.400 x 10^3? 4
What are two ways of expressing zeros as significant? express the value by powers of ten; place a bar over the last significant figure
True or False, the title should be lettered across the top of both pages in a field book with location and type of work above it? False, type of work should be labeled below the title
True or False, only round the final answer of a solution? True
True or False, when measurements need to be converted, significant figures are determined after expressing the measured value in its smallest units? True
True or False, a conversion constant effects the number of significant figures represented in a result? False, it does not effect the number of significant figure in the result
True or False, you may need to provide a higher number of significant figures in a result even though it isn't required by the rules of significant figures? True
True or False, in intermediate calculations carry one more digit than required? True
True or False, zeros at the end of an integral value may or may not be significant? True
Raw Data File original unreduced measurements and cannot be altered in the field
Coordinate File computed coordinate values generated using the observations and any applied field corrections
Significant Figures the number of significant figures in any observed value includes the positive (certain) digits plus one (only one) digit that is estimated or rounded off and therefore questionable
Created by: kristinestrong
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