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Latin 8 Vocabulary

atrium, atriī, n. main room
auxilium, auxiliī, n. help
concido, concidere, concidi fall down
ecce (interj.) behold
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatum look out for
huc illuc this way and that
iam now, already
interea (adv.) meanwhile
intro, intrare, intravi, intratum enter
invenio, invenīre, inveni, inventum find
iter, itineris, n. journey
maneo, manēre, mansi, mansum remain, wait
molestus, molesta, molestum annoying
nondum (adv.) not yet
nonus, nona, nonum ninth
occupatus, occupata, occupatum busy
praecurro, praecurrere, praecurri, praecursum run ahead
puer, puerī, m. boy
quoque (adv.) also
si if
simulac (conj.) as soon as
somnus, somnī, m. sleep
suus, sua, suum his/her/its/their own
tumultus, tumultūs, m. uproar
undecimus, undecima, undecimum eleventh
via, viae, f. street
puella, puellae, f. girl
amica, amicae, f. (female) friend
qui, quae, quod who, which, that
semper (adv.) always
dies, diei, m. day
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum get up, rise
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratum work
ago, agere, egi, actum do, drive
nemo, neminis, m./f. no one
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum wear
vilicus, vilicī, m. overseer
bonus, bona, bonum good
facio, facere, feci, factum make, do
cunctī, cunctae, cuncta all
longus, longa, longum long
aperio, aperīre, aperui, apertum open
caelum, caelī, n. sky
homo, hominis, m. man; human being
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum dine, eat dinner
post (prep. + acc.) after
somnium, somniī, n. dream
raedarius, raedariī, m. coachman, driver
lectica, lecticae, f. litter
advenio, advenīre, adveni, adventum arrive, come, reach
excitatus, excitata, excitatum wakened, aroused
nisi (conj.) unless, except, if not
mulier, mulieris, f. woman
Created by: rmatheson
Popular Latin sets




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