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ch21 swine breeds

Chapter 21 Swine Breed Identification and Production Management

aseptic sterile environmental conditions
bacon type hog hogs raised for the large amount of meat known as bacon on their body
barrow young castrated male pig
boar adult male pig of reproductive age
brucellosis reproductive disease that is highly contagious and has no treatment, also known as Bang's disease
carrier animals that are infected with a disease but do not show signs
cloven shaped split in the toe of the hoof that separates the hoof into two parts
dressing the amount of meat produced on one pig
ear notching practice of making a small cut on the ears to identify the pig number and litter number
farrowing the labor process of pigs
farrow to finish system production system where sows farrow out and piglets are raised to market weight
finishing system production system where pigs are fed to market size
gilt young female pig that has not yet been bred
hematuria blood in the urine
hog cholera name of the virus that causes brucellosis
hog snare restraint tool with loop on the end of a metal pole used to restraint the pig by pressure over the snout
hurdle wood, plastic, or metal board used to direct and move pigs
leptospirosis bacterial condition spread by urine contamination
mange dermatitis condition caused by mange mites that cause itching and hair loss over the head and neck and can lead to severe skin infection
meat type hog hogs raised for the large amount of meat, known as ham, on their body
needle teeth eight long, sharp teeth that are like needles located on each side of the upper and lower jaw
paddle long handled board similar to a hurdle that act as an extension of the hand to move pigs
pathogen free or SPF a disease or disease source
piglets newborn pigs
pneumonia condition of the lungs and respiratory tract
porcine veterinary term for pigs, hogs, and swine
porcine somatotropin pST, hormone used to increase protein synthesis and increases food use and produces weight gain
porcine stress syndrome PSS, condition of heavily muscles pigs that can die from stress, such as overcrowding
pseudo rabies condition caused by a virus that shows similar signs as rabies and is spread through oral and nasal secretions
snubbing rope rope placed over the snout and tied to a post for restraint
sow adult female pig of reproductive age
specific pathogen free (SPF) disease free at birth
stag a male pig castrated after maturity
swine pigs or hogs
swine dysentery condition in pigs that causes diarrhea and known as bloody scours and spreads rapidly through contamination
tail docking cutting the tail short to prevent pigs from chewing and injuring the tail and keep the tail free of feces
v-notcher tool used to make cuts in a pigs ear
withdrawal time time when no additives are fed prior to slaughter
Created by: tromanczak
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