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Stack #1020214

Med Term

cardiologist a medical specialist in the dignosis and treatment of the heart
cardiology medical specialty of diseases of the heart
cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR-the attempt to restore cardiac and pulmonary function
cardiovascular pertaining to the heart and blood vessels
diaphoresis sweat, perspiration, or sweaty
diaphoretic pertaining to sweat or perspiration
electrocardiogram EKG, ECG- record of the electrical signals of the heart
electrocardiograph machine that makes the electrocardiogram
electrocardiography the method of recording and the interpretation of electrocardiograms
electrode a device for conducting electricity
mediastinum area between the lungs containing the heart, aorta, venae cavae, esophagus, and trachea
phlebotomist taking blood from a vein
sternum long flat bone forming the center of the anterior wall of the chest
thoracic cavity space within the chest containing the lungs, heart, esophagus, trachea, aorta, venae cavae, and pulmonary vessels
aorta main trunk of the systemic arterial system
coronary circulation blood vessels supplying the heart muscle
endocardium the inside lining of the heart
epicardium the outer layer of the heart wall
infarct area of cell death resulting from an infarction
infarction sudden blockage of an artery
ischemia lack of blood supply to a tissue
ischemic pertaining to or affected by the lack of blood supply to a tissue
myocardium all the heart muscle
necrosis pathological death of cells or tissues
pericardium a double layer of membranes surrounding the heart
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs and their blood supply
atrium chamber where blood enters the heart on both the right and left sides
bicuspid having two points; a bicuspid heart valve has two flaps
interatrial between the atria of the heart
interventricular IV- between the ventricles of the heart
mitral shaped like the headdress of a Catholic bishop (bicuspid)
septum a thin wall dividing two cavities
ventricle chamber of the heart (pumps blood) or a cavity in the brain (produces cerebrospinal fluid)
arrhythmia condition when the heart rhythm is abnormal
atrioventricular AV- pertaining to both the atrium and the ventricle
diastole dialation of of heart vacities, during which they fill with blood
dysrhythmia an abnormal heart rhythm
murmur abnormal heart sound heard with a stethoscope when a valve closes or opens abnormally
sinoatrial (SA) node the center of modified cardiac muscle fibers in the wall of the right atrium that acts as the pacemaker for the heart rhythm
sinus rhythm the normal (optimal) heart rhythm arising from the sinoatrial node
systole contraction of the heart muscle
vital signs a procedure during a physical examination in which temperature, pules, respiration, and blood pressure and measured to assess general health and cardiorespiratory function
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle, the myocardium
cardiocersion restoration of a normal heart rhythm by electric shock
difibrilation restoration of uncontrolled twitching of cardiac muscle fibers to normal rhythm
difibrilator instrument for defibrillation
fibrillation uncontrolled quivering or twitching of the heart muscle
implantable a device that can be inserted into tissues
pacemaker device that regulates cardiac electrical activity
palpitation forcible, rapid beat of the heart felt by the patient
cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cor pulmonale right-sided heart failure arising from chronic lung disease
endocarditis inflammation of the lining of the heart
exudate fluid that has passed out of a tissue or capillaries as a result of inflammation or injury
hypertrophy increase in size, but not in number, of an individual tissue element
incompetence failure of a valve to close completely
insufficiency lack of completeness of function; e.g. a heart valve that fails to close properly
myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle
pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium, the covering of the heart
prolapse an organ slips out of its normal position
prosthesis a manufactured substitute for a missing or diseased part of the body
prosthetic pertaining to a prosthesis
regurgitate to flow backward; e.g., blood through a heart valve
stenosis narrowing of a canal or passage, e.e, of a heart valve
tamponade pathologic compression of an organ, such as the heart
anoxia without oxygen
anoxic pertaining to or suffering from lack of oxygen
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
arteriosclerotic pertaining to or affected by arteriosclerosis
atheroma (plaque)fatty deposit in the lining of an artery
atherectomy surgical removal of the atheroma
atherosclerosis hardening of the arteries due to atheroma (plaque)
cardiogenic of cardiac origin
hypovolemic decreased blood volume in the body
hypovolemia pertaining to a decreased blood volume in the body
occlude to close, plug, or completely obstruct
occlusion a complete obstrution
substernal under (behind) the sternum or breastbone
coarctation constriction, stenosis, particulary of the aorta
congenitial present at birth, either inherited or due to an event during gestation up to the moment of birth
hypertension persistent high arterial blood pressure
hypotension persistent low arterial blood pressure
idiopathic pertaining to a disease of unknown etiology
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) an open, direct channel between the aorta and the pulmonary artery in the newborn
syndrome combination of sign and symptoms associated with a particular disease process
tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) set of four congenital heart defects occurring together
angiogram radiograph obtained after injection of radiopaque contrast material into blood vessels
angiography radiography of blood vessels after injection of contrast material
angioplasty recanalization of a blood bessel by surgery
catheter hollow tube to allow passage of fluid into or out of a body cavity, organ, or vessel
catheterize to introduce a catheter
catheterization introduction of a catheter
echocardiography ultrasound recording of heart function
lipoprotein bonding of molecules of fat and protein
percutaneous passage through the skin, in this case, by needle puncture
stent wire-mesh tube used to keep arteries open
thrombus (si.) thrombi (pl.) a clot attached to a disease blood vessel or heart lining
thrombolytic able to dissolve or break up a blood clot
thrombolysis dissolving of a thrombus (clot)
triglyceride lipid containing three fatty acids
artery thick-walled blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart
claudication intermittent leg pain and limping
Dopper diagnostic instrument that sends an ultrasonic beam into the body
hemodynamics the science of the blood flow through the circulation
vein blood vessel carrying blood toward the heart
venous pertaining to a vein
venogram radiograph of veins after injection of radiopaque contrast material
varix (si.) varices (pl.) dilated, tortuous vein
varicose characterized by or affected with carices
arteriole small terminal artery leading into the capillary network
brachial pertaining to the arm
capillary minute blood vessel between the arterial and venous systems
diffuse to disseminate or spread out
homeostasis maintaining the stability, or equilibrium, of a system or the body's internal environment
palpate to examine with the fingers and hand
palpation examination with the fingers and hands
sphygmomanometer instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure
stethoscope instrument for listening to respiratory and cardiac sounds
vena cava one of the two largest veins in the body
venae cavae the two largest veins in the body (superior and inferior)
venule small vein leading from the capillary network
aneurysm circumscribed dilation of an artery or cardiac chamber
collateral situated at the side, often to bypass an obstruction
dilation stretching or enlarging an opening
edema excessive accumulation of fluid in cells and tissues
edematous pertaining to or affected by edema
endarterectomy surgical removal of plaque from an artery
phlebitis inflammation of a vein
rupture break oor tear of any organ or body part
sclerotherapy injection of a solution into a vein to thrombose it
sclerose to harden or thicken
sclerosis thickening or hardening of a tissue
synthetic built up or put together from simpler compounds
thromboembolism a piece of detached blood clot (embolus) blocking a distant blood vessel
thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein with clot formation
Created by: sammie2124
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