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Stack #1017823

CCC - Mental Health Terms

Agnosia loss of ability to recognize objects
Agoraphobia fear of going out in public places
Alogia tendency to speak very little and use brief and seemingly empty phrases
Anhedonia inability to find enjoyment in daily activities
Anxiety state where a person has strong feelings of worry or dread, where the source is nonspecific or unknown
Aphasia difficulty or inability to recall words
Apraxia loss of motor function
Autonomy individual's right to self-determination and independence
Avolition lack of motivation for work or other goal-oriented activities
Beneficence belief that all treatments must be for the client's good
Compulsion repetitive behavior or act, the goal of which is to precent or reduce anxiety or distress
Continuous Cycling recurrent movement from mania to depression without an intervening normal period
Conversion Disorder condition in which an individual exhibits physical symptoms that cannot be explained by any medical or neurological conditions
Cyclothymic Pattern cycle of an individual's mood changing back and forth between hypomanic and melancholic states
Depression state wherein an individual experiences a profound sadness
Dysthymia condition of feeling sad or depressed, persistent state of sadness
Dystonia sustained, involuntary muscle spasm
Ego self, mediates actions and experiences anxiety, controls impulses of the id
Fixation a preoccupation with the pleasures associated with a stage, even though advances beyong that stage
Hallucinations hearing voices or seeing images of persons or things that others cannot see or hear
Hypomania mild form of mania that last for at least 4 days
ICD a comprehensive listing of clinical diagnoses, each associated with a unique code
Id unconscious, most primitive part of the personality, goal is to minimize pain and maximize pleasure AKA pleasure priniciple
Identity Achievement Mild form of mania that last for at least 4 days
Identity Diffusion adolescent avoids making a full commitment to an adult identity and doesn't reach their potential
Mania condition where the person has excessive energy, exhibits abnormal excitability, and has an exaggerated sense of well-being.
Manic Episode Distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week
Mental Health ability to cope with et adjust to recurrent stresses of everyday living
Mental Illness evidenced by a pattern of behaviors that are conspicuous, threatening, and disruptive of relationships or deviates from acceptable behaviors
Modeling requires nursing assessment, requires empathy to understand the client's view of the current situation
Moratorium individual delays making a decision about adult identity while exploring various alternatives during adolescence
Munchausen's by Proxy form of child abuse marked by caregiver falsely giving reports of a child's illness that result in unnecessary medical investigations or treatments
Munchausen's Syndrome another term for Factitious Disorder
Neologistic Word invented word, often used by persons suffering from schizophrenia
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome disorder associated with sudden fever, rigidity, tachycardia, HTN, and ↓LOC
Neurotransmitter a chemical messenger that permits the movement of ions and chemicals across synapses
NIMBY Syndrome "not in my back yard", state support for homeless but don't want it in their neighborhoods
Obsession recurrent thought, image, or impulse that is experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and that causes marked anxiety or distress
Orientation nurse and patient meet, get to know each other, identify and clarify the pt's needs
Orientation Phase 1st stage of relationship, establish trust, and outline goals and boundaries
Prevalence number of persons in a population who are living with a diesease or disorder at any time; includes both new and old cases
Psychosis the individual has lost the ability to recognize reality
Rapid Cycling four or more episodes of mania in a year
Reactive depression adjustment disorder with depressed mood
Referential Delusion perception that common events refer specifically to the individual
Regression when one reverts to the pleasures of an earlier stage during times of frustration, i.e. thumb sucking in children or comfort eating in adults
Repression process in which painful memories, thoughts, or experiences are actively kept out of conscious awareness
Role-Modeling developing an IPOC based on the client's worldview
Schizophrenia mental disorder characterized by disordered thoughts, hallucinations, and delusions
Serotonergic Syndrome drug reaction involving agitation, sweating, rigidity, fever, hyperreflexia, tachycardia, and hypotension
Stress nonspecific response to body to any demand made on it
Superego conscious, serves to delay the immediate impulse generated by the id and to bring reationality into consideration
Tardive Dyskinesia neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements, usually of the tongue and lips
Termination Phase therapeutic relationship is terminated after the patient's needs have been met
Word Salad Speech marked by a group of disconnected words
Working Phase patient begins to respond selectively to those who can help meet the felt need, begins to experience and incresed sense of belonging as well as developing capability for problem solving alone and with others
Created by: cjone102
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