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Short Stories 3

Plot The organization and sequence of the events which create a story, short story plots are simple.
Intro Short story start as close to the climax as possible. It needs to be interesting and provide necessary background information on the characters, setting and theme.
Rising Action Major portion of the plot where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict is revealed, leading to the climax.
Climax Highest point of interest and turning point of the story. The reader is often left to wonder what happens next.
Falling Action Resolution of the plot where any further clarification is explained.
Setting This time and place where the story and events take place. Setting may simply set the scenery, or may add to the mood.
Characters In short story characters are few in number and are briefly stretched. Character revolution is through what they say and do, what others say about them , what the author (narrator) says about him.
Protagonist the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work.
Antagonist a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary.
Theme Is the main idea the author is trying to convey and is often representative of the author's thoughts or the view on the human nature. Literacy devices are used to help express the theme.
Conflict Is essential as it creates struggles for the character which result in the movement through the plot. There are two types and four kinds of conflict.
External a struggle with a force outside one's self.
Internal A struggle with a force within one's self.
Person vs. Person Physical strength against another's.
Person vs. Nature Physical strength against nature that of something in nature.
Person vs. Self within own mind and ideas.
Person vs. Society Ideas, customs of the society surrounding the person.
Person vs. Circumstances against fate, destiny, or supernatural.
Point of view The angle from which the story is told.
First Person Narration The character in the story.
Third Person Objective narrator outside of the story only stating facts and details.
Third Person Omniscient narrator outside of the story of the story is able to state the thoughts and feelings of the characters.
Hyperbole A boldly exaggerated statement that adds emphasis without intending to be literally true
Allusion A brief reference to a person, place, thing, event or idea in history literature
Alliteration The repetition of the same consonant sounds in a sequence of the words, usually at the beginning of a word or stressed syllable.
Colloquialism Informal or slang that is common to everyday usage.
Oxymoron Combining contradictory words to reveal a truth.
Simile A common figure of speech that makes an explicit comparison between two things using words such as like, as, and than.
Metaphor Comparing one thing to unlike thing without using like, as or than.
Pathetic Fallacy Using nature too mirror and reflect the moods emotions involved.
Pun A play on words; using words that sound like another but has a different meaning.
Euphemism The use of indirect, mild, delicate, inoffensive, or vague word or expression of one thought to be coarse sordid, or otherwise unpleasant, offensive, or blunt.
Personification Giving human-like qualities or human form to objects and abstractions. Personification is a form of metaphor.
Onomatopoeia A term referring to the use of a word that resembles the sound it denotes.
Verbal Irony What is stated is the opposite of what is meant.
Situational Irony What is stated is the opposite of what is intended or expected to happen.
Dramatic Irony Is when the audience knows certain information that the characters do not.
Created by: tart612
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