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Definitions for Mental Status Exam

behavior indicating person is paying attention to hallucinations. Can manifest by inappropriate emotional responses or looking around attending to internal stimuli
gives excessive detail n answers to questions; takes forever to get to the point circumstantial
fixed, false belief based on incorrect inferences about reality that is held in spite of evidence to the contrary delusion
the feeling that events, objects or other persons have a particular and unusual significance; public events have private meaning only for that person Delusions of reference
change in perception of the self-feeling unreal or detached from the body; temporary loss of one's own reality, may manifest as inability to feel emotion, numbness or altered sense of time depersonalization
change in awareness of the external world; things don't look or feel normal derealization
no or little facial expression and vocal inflection flat affect
thought disorder marked by accelerated speech with abrupt changes in topic. Rapid and frequent shifts in topic based on understandable associations, distracting stimuli or plays on words; may be seen in manic pts flight of ideas
fixed false beliefs of an expansive or exaggerated sense of self grandiose delusions
rapidly changing affect; for example from depressed to happy to angry within a very short time labile affect
lack of obvious connections between thoughts or in answers to questions, pt is unaware of this loosening of associations
unwanted, intrusive ideas, images or impulses that cause marked anxiety or distress; (not simply excessive worries about real life); experienced as a product of the person's own mind obcessions
suspiciousness and general mistrust of others. may be hostile, defensive or irritable paranoia
inappropriate repetition of an act or thought after its proper context has passed; inappropriate repetition of a word, action or phrase preservation
goes off on a related topic and never returns to point tangental
speech and train of thought are interrupted and picked again a few moments later; one sign of attending to internal stimuli thought blocking
thoughts are projected to another person or via media; someone's thoughts can be "heard"by others thought broadcasting
thoughts are being put into someone's mind by some outside source thought insertion
random words strung together with no syntax or grammar preserved word salad
an obcessional preoccupation by a single idea or a set of thoughts with an inability to dismis sor dislodge them rumination (also called mercyism)
the duty to promote good beneficence
respecting the rights of others to make their own decisions autonomy
distribution of resources or care equally, treat all fairly justice
faithfulness to obligations and duties fidelity
one's duty to always communicate truthfully veracity
duty to cause no harm to person and all nonmaleficence
a teen gets mad at his parents and begins staying out late at night is an example of: acting out
using actions rather than reflections or feelings during periods of emotional conflict acting out
someone has a fight with her spouse and turns to her best friend for emotional support is an example of affiliation
turning to others for help or support (sharing problems with others without implying that someone else is responsible for them) affiliation
after being rejected by her boyfriend, a young girl joins the peace corps altruism
dedicating life to meeting the needs of others (receives gratification either vicariously or from the response of others) altruism
a parent cries for 3 weeks before her last child leaves for college. On day of separation, the parent spends day with friends anticipation
experiencing emotional rxns in advance or anticipating consequences of possible future events and considering realistic, alternatice responses or solutions anticipations
a young man sits in his room all day and dreams about being a rockstar instead of attending a baseball game with friends autistic fantasy
excessive daydreaming as a substitute for human relationships, more effective action or problem solving autistic fantasy
a teen's best friend moves away but the adolescent says he does not feel bad denial
refusing to acknowledge some painful aspect of external reality or subjective experience that would be apparent to others. denial
what is psychotic denial? when there is a gross impairment in reality testing
a boy has been rejected by his long-time girlfriend. he tells his friend that he realizes that she is stupid and ugly devaluation
attributing exaggerated negative qualities to self or others devaluation
a child is mad at her mother for leaving for the day, but says she is really mad at the sister for serving food she doesn't like displacement
transferring a feeling about, or response to one object onto another substitute object (usually less threatening) displacement
experiencing a breakdown in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, perception of self or the environ,ent or sensory and motor behavior dissociation
an adult relates severe sexual abuse experienced as a child but does it without feelings. She says the experience was as if she were outside her body dissociation
a college asks a teacher to help her after receiving a bad grade on a test. Every suggestion the teacher has is rejected by the student help-rejecting complaining
complaining or making repetitious requests for help that disguise covert feelings of hostility or reproach towards others, which are then expressed by rejecting the suggestions, advice or help that others offer help-rejecting complaining
a person makes a joke right after experiencing an embarrassing situation humor
emphasizing the amusing or ironic aspects of the conflict or stressor humor
attributing exaggerated positive qualities to others idealization
an adult falls in love and fails to see the negative qualities of the other person idealization
excess use of abstract thinking or the making of generalizations to control or minimize disturbing feelings intellectualization
after rejection in a love relationship, the rejected explains about the relationship dynamics to a friend intellectualization
separation of ideas form feelings originally associated with them isolation of affect
the individual loses touch with feelings associated with rape while remaining aware of the details isolation of affect
feeling of acting as if one posesses special powers or abilities and is superior to others omnipotence
an individual tells a friend about personal expertise in the stock market and the ability to predict the best stocks omnipotence
indirectly and unassertively expressing aggression towards others. There is a facade of overt compliance masking covert resistance, resentment or hostility passive agression
falsely attributing to another one;'s own unacceptable feelings, impulses or thoughts projection
a child is very angry at a parent but accuses the parent of being angry projection
falsely attributing to another one;s own unacceptable feelings, impulses or thoughts. unlike simple projection, the individual does not fully deny what is projected. projective identification
a child is mad at the parent who in turn becomes angry at the child but may be unsure why. The child then feels justified at being angry with the parent projective identification
concealing the truth motivations for one's own thoughts, actions or feelings through the elaboration of reassuring or self serving but incorrect explanations rationalization
a man is rejected by his girlfriend but explains to his friends that her leaving was the best because she wa beneath him socially and would not be liked by his family rationalization
substituting behavior, thoughts or feelings taht are diametrically jopposed to one;s own unacceptable thoughts or feelings. this actually occurs in conjunction with their repression. reaction formation
a wife finds out about her husbands affairs and tells her friends that she thinks his affairs are perfectly appropriate. She truly does not feel, on a conscious level, anger or hurt reaction formation
expelling disturbing wishes, thoughts or experiences from conscious thoughts. The feeling component may remain conscious, detached from its associated ideas. repression
a woman does not remember the experience of being raped in the basement, but does feel anxious when going into that house repression
expressing feelings and thoughts directly in a way that is not coercive or manipulative self-assertion
an individual reaffirms to another that going to a ball game is not what he wants to do self-assertion
reflecting feelings, thoughts, motivations and behavior and responding to them appropriately self-observation
an individual notices an irritation that his friend's late arrival and decides to tell his friend or the irritation self-observation
compartmentalizing opposite affect states and failing to integrate the positive and negative qualities of the self to others into cohesive images splitting
channeling potentially maladaptive feelings or impulses into socially acceptable behavior sublimation
an adolescent boy is very angry with his parents. On the football field, he tackles someone very forcefully sublimination
intentionally avoiding thinking about disturbing problems, wishes, feelings or experiencing supression
a student is anxiously awaiting a test score but goes to a movie to stop thinking about it. supression
words or behavior designed to negate or make amends symbolically for unacceptable thoughts, feelings or actions undoing
a man has sexual fantasies about his wife's sister. He takes his wife away for a romantic weekend undoing
Created by: 1398660434
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