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Head & Neck Anatomy


What does mastication mean? Process of which food is ground and crushed by teeth, first step of digestion. "Chewing"
What are the muscles of mastication? masseter, temporal, pterygoid lateral and medial.
Which muscles elevate the mandible? masseter, temporalis, medal pterygoid.
Which muscles depress the mandible? geniohyoid, mylohyoid, digastric, lateral pterygoid, and infrahyoid.
Which muscles protrude the mandible? lateral and medial pterygoid
What muscle retracts the mandible? temporalis
What is the most powerful muscle of mastication that can be palpated? Masseter muscle
What is the space that is bounded by the mandible, lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid? Pterygoid mandibular space
Why is the pterygoid mandibular space important to the dental hygienist? Where injections are given to numb the lower jaw.
Epicranial Origin Frontal belly; epicranial aponeurosis Occipital belly; occipital and temporal bones
Epicranial Insertion Frontal belly; eyebrow and root of nose Occipital belly; epicranial aponeurosis
Orbicularis oculi origin Oribital Rim, frontal bone, and maxilla
Orbicularis oculi insertion Later cants area, some encircle eye
Orbicularis oris origin Encircles mouth
Orbicularis oris insertion labial commissure
Buccinator origin Maxilla, mandible, and pterygomandibular raphe
Buccinator insertion labial commissure
Risorius Origin fascia superficial to masseter muscle
Risorius insertion labial commissure
Levator Labii Superioris Origin Maxilla
Levator Labii Superioris Insertion upper lip
Levator Labii Superioris alaeque nasi origin Maxilla
Levator Labii Superioris alaeque nasi insertion ala of nose and upper lip
Zygomaticus Major origin Zygomatic bone
Zygomaticus Major insertion Labial commissure
Zygomaticus minor origin Zygomatic Bone
Zygomaticus minor insertion upper lip
Levator anguli oris origin Maxilla
Levator anguli oris insertion labial commissure
Depressor anguli oris origin Mandible
Depressor anguli oris insertion labial commissure
Depressore labii inferioris origin mandible
Depressore labii inferioris insertion Lower lip
Mentalis Origin Mandible
Mentalis Insertion Chin
Platysma Origin Clavicle and shouler
Platysma Insertion Mandible and muscles of mouth.
Epicranial Facial Expression Surprise
Orbicularis oculi facial expression closing eyelid
Corrugator supercilii facial expression frowning
Orbicularis oris facial expression closing and pursing lips, as well as pouting and grimacing
Buccinator facial expression compresses the cheeks during chewing
Risorius Facial Expression Stretching lips
Levator Labii Superioris Facial Expression Raising upper lip
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi facial expression Raising upper lip and dilating nares in a sneer
Zygomaticus major facial expression Smiling
Zygomaticus minor facial expression Raising upper lip, assisting in similng
Levator anguli oris facial expression Smiling
Depressor anguli oris facial expression Frowning
Depressor labii inferioris facial expression Lowering lower lip
Mentalis Facial Expression Raising chin and protruding lower lip
Platysma facial expression Raising neck skin and grimacing
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles Transverse Bands, Superior Longitudinal Bands, Inferior Longitudinal Bands, Vertical Bands
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles Genioglossus, Styloglossus, Hyoglossus, Palatoglossus
TMJ Temporomandibular Joint
How does the TMJ move when the mandible is protruded-moving lower jaw forward? Gliding in both upper synovial cavities.
How does the TMJ move when the mandible is retracted-moving lower jaw backward. Gliding in both upper synovial cavities.
How does the TMJ move when the mandible depressed and protruded-opening jaws? Gliding both upper synovial cavities and rotation in both lower synovial cavities.
How does the TMJ move when the mandible is lateral deviated-shifting lower jaw side to side? Gliding in one upper synovial cavity and rotation in opposite upper synovial cavity.
Created by: Strobelight95
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