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PSAT Vocabulary Word

PSAT/NMSQT High Frequency Word List

absolve V. pardon
abstract ADJ. theoretical
accesible ADJ. easy to approach
acclaim V. applaud
accommodate V. provide lodgings, help someone
acknowledge V. recognize
acrimony N. bitterness of words or manner
adversary N. opponent
adverse ADJ. unfavorable
aesthetic ADJ. artistic
affable ADJ. easily approachable, friendly
affinity N. kinship, attachment to
alleviate V. relieve, lessen
altruistic ADJ. unselfishly generous
ambiguous ADJ. unclear doubtful in meaning
ambivalence N. having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes
amenable ADJ. readily managed, submissive
ample ADJ. abundant
antagonism N. hostility, active resistance
apathy N. lack of caring, indifference
apprehension N. fear, discernment
apprenticeship N. time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker
appropriate ADJ. fitting or suitable
aristocracy N. hereditary nobility
aspire V. seek to obtain
assert V. state strongly or positively
assumption N. something taken for granted
authentic ADJ. genuine
autonomous ADJ. self-governing
aversion N. firm dislike
banal ADJ. commonplace, trite
beneficial ADJ. helpful, useful
benign ADJ. kindly, friendly
betray V. be unfaithful, reveal
brittle ADJ. easily broken, difficult
buoyant ADJ. able to float, cheerful, optimistic
candor N. frankness, open honesty
captivate V. charm, fascinate
caricature N. exaggerated picture or description
censor N. inspector overseeing public morals
circumspect ADJ. prudent, cautious
cite V. quote, refer to
cliche N. phrase dulled in meaning by repetition
coalesce combine, fuse
collaborate V. work together
compliance N. readiness to yield
component N. element, ingredient
composure N. mental calmness
compromise V. adjust or settle by making mutual concessions, endanger the interests or reputation of
condone V. overlook voluntarily, forgive
confirm V. verify, support
conformity N. agreement or compliance
confront V. face someone or something, encounter
congenial ADJ. pleasant, friendly
consistency N.harmony of parts, dependability, uniformity
consolidation N. unification, process of becoming firmer of stronger
contentious ADJ. quarrelsome
convention N. social or moral custom, established practice
convoluted ADJ. complex and involved, intricate
corrosion N. destruction by chemical action
curtail V. shorten, reduce
dawdle V. loiter, waste time
dearth N. scarcity
debilitate V. weaken, enfeeble
decorous ADJ. proper
decry V. express strong disapproval of, disparage
defamation N. harming a person's reputation
deference N. courteous regard for another's wish
defiance N. opposition, willingness to resist
degenerate V. become worse, deteriorate
demean degrade, humiliate
denounce V. condemn, criticize
depict V. portray
deplete N. reduce, exhaust
deplore V. regret strongly, express grief over
derision N. ridicule, mockery
derivative ADJ. unoriginal, derived from another source
detached ADJ. emotionally removed, indifferent
deterrent N. something that discourages, hindrance
didactic ADJ. teaching, instructional
diffident ADJ. shy, lacking confidence, reserved
digression N. wandering away from the subject
discernible ADJ. distinguishable, perceivable
disclaimer N. denial of a legal claim or right
disclose V. reveal
discord N. lack of harmony, discord
discrepancy N. lack of consistency, contradiction
disgruntled ADJ. discontented, sulky, dissatisfied
disinterested ADJ. unprejudiced
dismiss V. put away from consideration, rejection
disparage V. belittle
disparate ADJ. basically different, unrelated
dispatch N. speediness, prompt execution
dispel V. scatter, cause to vanish
disperse V. scatter
dissent V. disagree
dissipate V. squander, waste, scatter
distinction N. honor, contrast, discrimination
divulge V. reveal
docile ADJ. obedient, easily managed
doctrine N. teachings
dogmatic ADJ. opinionated
eclectic ADJ. composed of elements drawn from disparate sources
eclipse V. darken, extinguish, surpass
elated ADJ. overjoyed, in high spirits
elicit V. draw out, call forth
elusive ADJ. evasive, baffling, hard to grasp
embellish V. adorn
endorse V. approve, support
enhance V. increase, improve
enigma N. puzzle, mystery
entice V. lure, attract, tempt
ephemeral ADJ. short-lived, fleeting
erode V. eat away
erratic ADJ. odd, unpredictable
erroneous ADJ. mistaken, wrong
esoteric ADJ. hard to understand, known only to the chosen few
espouse V. adopt, support
esteem V. respect, value
excerpt N. selected passage
exemplary ADJ. serving as a model, outstanding
exonerate V. acquit, exculpate
expedite V. hasten
exploit N. deed or action, particularly a brave deed
facilitate V. help bring about, make less difficult
farce N. broad comedy, mockery
fastidious ADJ. difficult to please, squeamish
fawning ADJ. seeking favor by cringing or flattering
feasible ADJ. practical
fervor N. glowing ardor, intensity of feeling
flippant ADJ. lacking proper seriousness
forthright ADJ. outspoken, frank
frail ADJ. weak
frivolous ADJ. lacking in seriousness, self-indulgently care-free
garrulous ADJ. wordy, talkative
generate V. cause, produce, create
genre N. particular variety of art or literature
gluttonous ADJ. greedy for food
gratify V. please
gregarious ADJ. sociable
hackneyed ADJ. commonplace, trite
halting ADJ. hesitant, faltering
hamper V. obstruct
hindrance N. block, obstacle
hostility N. unfriendliness, hatred
hypocritical ADJ. pretending to be virtuous, deceiving
hypothetical ADJ. based on assumptions of hypotheses, supposed
iconoclastic ADJ. attacking cherished traditions
immutable ADJ. unchangeable
impede V. hinder, block, delay
imperceptible ADJ. unnoticeable, undetectable
implacable ADJ. incapable of being pacified
implement V. put into effect
imperceptible ADJ. unnoticeable, undetectable
implacable ADJ. incapable of being pacified
implement V. put into effect
implication N. something hinted at or suggested
imperceptible ADJ. unnoticeable, undetectable
implacable ADJ. incapable of being pacified
implement V. put into effect
implication N. something hinted at or suggested
impromptu ADJ. without previous preparation
incarcerate V. imprison
incongruity N. lack of harmony, absurdity
indifferent ADJ. unmoved or unconcerned by, mediocre
inconsequential ADJ. insignificant, unimportant
induce V. persuade
inconsistency N. state of being self-contradictory
incorporate V. introduce something into a larger whole
indict V. charge
indifferent ADJ. unmoved or unconcerned by, mediocre
imperceptible ADJ. unnoticeable, undetectable
implacable ADJ. incapable of being pacified
implement V. put into effect
implication N. something hinted at or suggested
impromptu ADJ. without previous preparation
incarcerate V. imprison
incongruity N. lack of harmony, absurdity
inconsequential ADJ. insignificant, unimportant
intangible ADJ. not able to be perceived by touch, vague
inconsistency N. state of being self-contradictory
incorporate V. introduce something into a larger whole
indict V. charge
indifferent ADJ. unmoved or unconcerned by, mediocre
induce V. persuade
industrious ADJ. diligent, hardworking
inept ADJ. lacking skill
infallible ADJ. unerring, faultless
ingenious ADJ. clever, resourceful
ingenuous ADJ. naive, trusting
ingrate N. ungrateful person
inherent ADJ. firmly established by nature or habit
initiate V. begin, originate
innate ADJ. inborn
innocuous ADJ. harmless
inscrutable ADJ. impenetrable
insightful ADJ. discerning, perceptive
intangible ADJ. not able to be perceived by touch, vague
integrity N. uprightness
intricacy N. complexity, knottiness
introspective ADJ. looking within oneself
irony N. hidden sarcasm or satire, use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they mean
judicious ADJ. sound in judgment, wise
languid ADJ. weary, feeble, listless, apathetic
larceny N. theft
lethargic ADJ. drowsy, dull
loathe V. detest
malice N. hatred, spite
meek ADJ. quiet and obedient, spiritless
meticulous ADJ. excessively careful, painstaking, scrupulous
misconception N. misunderstanding, misinterpretation
misrepresent V. give a false or incorrect impression, usually intentionally
mock V. ridicule, imitate, often in derision
monarchy N. a government under a single ruler
monotony N. sameness leading to boredom
mutability N. ability to change in form
naivete N. quality of being unsophisticated, simplicity
nocturnal ADJ. relating to, occurring, or active mainly at night
nonchalance N. indifference, lack of concern
nostalgia N. homesickness, longing for the past
notorious ADJ. disreputable, widely known, scandalous
nurture V. nourish, educate, foster
obnoxious ADJ. offensive, objectionable
obscure ADJ. dark, vague, unclear V. darken, make unclear
opaque ADJ. not transparent, impenetrable to light
optimist N. person who looks on the good side
orator N. public speaker
ostentatious ADJ. showy, pretentious, trying to attract attention
outmoded ADJ. no longer stylish, old-fashioned
pacifist N. one opposed to force, anti-militarist
pacify V. soothe, make calm or quiet, subdue
paradox N. something apparently contradictory in nature statement that looks false but is actually correct
patronize V. support, act superior towards, be a customer of
pedantic ADJ. showing off learning, bookish
perjury N. false testimony
perpetual ADJ. everlasting
pervasive ADJ, pervading, spread throughout every part
pessimism N. belief that life is basically bad or evil, gloominess
petulant ADJ. peevish, touchy
phenomena N. PL. observable facts or events
philanthropist N. lover of mankind, doer of good
plagiarize V. steal another's ideas and pass them off as one's own
potency N. power, effectiveness, influence
pragmatic ADJ. practical, concerned with the practical worth or impact of something
precedent N. something preceding in time that may be used as an authority of guide for future action
predator N. creature that seizes and devours another animal, person who robs or exploits others
premise N. assumption, postulate
premonition N. forewarning
presumptuous ADJ. taking liberties, overstepping boundaries, nervy
prey N. target of hunt, victim
profound ADJ. deep, not superficial, complete
proliferation N. rapid growth, spread, multiplication
prolific ADJ. abundantly fruitful
prologue N. introduction (to a poem or play)
prominent ADJ. conspicuous, notable, sticking out
promote V. help to flourish, advance in rank, publicize
prophetic ADJ. foretelling the future
prosperity N. good fortune, financial success, physical well-being
provocative ADJ. arousing anger or interest, annoying
prudent ADJ. cautious, careful
ramble V. wander aimlessly (physically or mentally
random ADJ. without definitive purpose, plan, or aim, haphazard
recluse N. hermit, loner
refute V. disprove
rejuvenate V. make young again
relinquish V. give up something without reluctance, yield
renown N. fame
reprehensible ADJ. deserving blame
repudiate V. disown, disavow
reserved ADJ. self-controlled
resignation N. patient submissiveness, statement that one is quitting a job
resolution N. determination
resolve V. decide, settle, solve
restraint N. moderation or self-control, controlling force, restriction
retain V. keep, employ
reticent ADJ. reserved, uncommunicative, inclined to be silent
reverent ADJ. respectful, worshipful
ruthless ADJ. pitiless, cruel
satirize V. mock
scrutinize V. examine closely and critically
seclusion N. isolation, solitude
serenity N. calmness, placidity
sever V. cut, separate
severity N. harshness, intensity, austerity, rigidity
singular ADJ. unique, extraordinary, odd
skeptical ADJ. doubting, suspending judgement until having examined the evidence supporting a point of view
steadfast ADJ. loyal, unswerving
stoic ADJ. impassive, unmoved by joy or grief
stratagem N. deceptive scheme
subdued ADJ. less intense, quieter
subversive ADJ. tending to overthrow or destroy
superficial ADJ. trivial, shallow
superfluous ADJ. excessive, unnecessary
suppress V. crush, subdue, inhibit
surpass V. exceed
susceptible ADJ. impressionable, easily influenced, having little resistance (as to a disease), receptive to
suspend V. defer or postpone, excel or eject, halt or discontinue, hang from above
sustain V. experience, support, nourish
symmetry N. arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained, congruity
synthesis N. combining parts into a whole
taciturn ADJ. habitually silent, talking little
tedious ADJ. boring, tiring
temper V. moderate, tone down or restrain, toughen (steal)
temperament N. characteristic frame of mind, disposition, emotional excess
termination N. end
thwart V. baffle, frustrate
toxic ADJ. poisonous
transcendent ADJ. surpassing, exceeding ordinary limits, superior
transparent ADJ. easily detected, permitting light to pass through freely
trepidation N. fear, nervous apprehension
turbulence N. state of violent agitation
urbane ADJ. suave, refined, elegant
utopia N. ideal place, state or society
vacillate V. waver, fluctuate
versatile ADJ. having many talents, capable of working in many fields
volatile ADJ. changeable, explosive, evaporating rapidly
voracious ADJ. ravenous
wary ADJ. very cautious
Created by: marchsh
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