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What are the three levels of consciousness? Conscious, Preconscious and Unconscious
Conscious Thoughts and ideas we are aware of
Preconscious Thoughts and ideas we are not aware of, but can easily access
Unconscious Thoughts and ideas of which we are unaware and cannot access
Psychoanalytic Theory Focuses on the Unconscious, behaviors and thoughts are driven by unconscious forces, motives, and drives. Respond to external situations and the environment- reaction based upon unconscious wishes, dreams, desires, and defenses.
Psychoanalyst Focus on the future, present, or past? Past, they believe that behaviors are shaped by repressed childhood memories or experiences.
Structural Theory of Personality Development- Id, Ego, and Superego/ Personality Development is completed by 5 years
Id Basic instinctual drives i.e. libido, requires immediate gratification (infants), Pleasure Principle (acts to seek pleasure and avoid pain
Ego Need for immediate gratification is delayed, executive portion of the personality. Reality Principle (immediate gratification must be compromised for the realities of the environment).
Superego Part of the personality that acts out of need and considers the moral and ethical aspects of their behaviors- Conscience "should-nots" and Ego Ideal "shoulds"
Psychosexual Stages of Development/ By Freud Fixation-Stuck in a stage of development b/c needs are over or under gratified REGRESSION-Overly gratification at a specific stage that is frustrating-may lead to regression or falling back to a previous stage. Oedipus Complex (boys; phallic stage)
The 5 Stages of Psychosexual Development- 1- ORAL STAGE 0 - 1 1/2 yrs, experiences the world and gains pleasure from stimulation of her/his mouth
The 5 Stages of Psychosexual Development- 2- ANAL STAGE 1 1/2 - 3 yrs, Gains control anal sphincter and bowels
The 5 Stages of Psychosexual Development- PHALLIC STAGE 3-6 yrs, pleasure shifts from anus to genitals.
The 5 Stages of Psychosexual Development- LATENCY STAGE 6-12 yrs, focus on genitals and sexuality develops into more socially acceptable behaviors
The 5 Stages of Psychosexual Development- Genital Stage 12 yrs to Adulthood, learns to accept genitalia and begins to experience mature, adult-like sexual feelings
Defense Mechanisms- Anna Freud Ego feels that a thought or act may cause harm which produces anxiety- that sends off a defense mechanism
Defense Mechanism Defined Unconscious, irrational processes used by individuals to protect the Ego and minimize pain, anxiety or discomfort by distorting, hiding, or denying reality
Defense Mechanism- DENIAL Refusing to acknowledge or recognize the reality and implications of painful, anxiety provoking experiences
Defense Mechanism- DISPLACEMENT Shifting repressed feelings from where they originate to some other objective
Object Relations Theory- Margaret Mahler Theory focuses on the reciprocal relationship between a mother and her infant and its effect on the infant's development of sense of self. A person's sense of self impacts all subsequent interpersonal relationships.
Mahler's 3 Stages of Development - AUTISTIC STAGE Autistic Stage- NB to 1 mth focus on self and unresponsive to external stimuli.
Mahler's 3 Stages of Development - SYMBIOTIC STAGE Symbiotic -1-5 mths- Mother's ego functions for the infant and infant understands mother as a separate being.
Mahler's 3 Stages of Development - SEPARATION-INDIVIDUATION STAGE Differentiation- 5-9 mts outwardly focused; separate from caretaker crawling PRACTICING- 9-14 m Walking, playing RAPPROCHEMENT- 14-24 m wants to act independently OBJECT CONSTANCY- 24 m internalization mother still exits despite her absence Practicing0
Created by: 510631164
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