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Praxis II0014

Language Arts and Reading Study Topics

What is forshadowing? An indication or a warning of a future event or action.
What is a metaphor? An indirect comparison that vividly describes something by directly identifying it with something else without using 'like' or 'as'
This is an example of what? "People are books you can read." Metaphor
This is an example of what? "Thoughts winding paths." Metaphor
News article A daily or weekly publication.
Editorial An opinion piece written written by the senior editorial staff or publisher.
Book Review A description, critical analysis, and an evaluation on the quality, meaning and significance of a book, not a retelling.
Technical manual A document containing instructions for installation, operation, use, maintenance, parts list, support and training requirements for the effective development of an equipment, machine, process, or system.
Primary Source Material A term used in a number of disciplines to describe source material that is closest to the person, information, period, or idea being studied.
What is 'main idea' or 'theme'? The author's message to the readers.
What is symbolism? When the author uses something, such as a rose, to signify some idea. Often has deeper meaning.
Tone The overall mood of the poem. Intended to influence the reader's emotional response.
Verse includes... meter, stanza, line length, and punctuation.
Meter The recurrence of a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Stanza A grouping of two or more lines of a poem in terms of length, metrical form or rhyme scheme.
Rhyme Scheme The sequence in which rhyme occurs. The first end sound is represented as the letter "a" and the second as the letter "b".
Onomatopoeia The use of words which imitate sound.
"Baa, baa, black sheep.." is an example of... onomatopoeia
The word "Cuckoo" is an example of... onomatopoeia
Repetition Repetition of a sound, syllable, word, phrase, line, stanza or metrical pattern are forms of repetition.
Dictionary A collection of words in one or more specific languages, often listed alphabetically, with usage information, definitions, etymology, phonetics, pronunciations, and other information.
Encyclopedia A type of reference work, a compendium holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge. Divided into articles or entries, which are usually accessed alphabetically by article name.
Thesaurus A dictionary of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. A list of words grouped together according to similarity of meaning.
Atlas A collection of maps in book form.
Almanac An annual publication that includes information such as weather forecasts, farmers' planting dates, tide tables, and tabular information in a particular field or fields often arranged according to the calendar.
What is a "reference work?" A compendium of information, usually of a specific type, compiled in a book for easy reference.
Internet A global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite (TC/IP) to serve billions of users world wide.
Keyword search Looks for words anywhere in the record.
Database Massive collections of data.
Internet bulletin board Online forum, message board or discussion where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.
Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature A reference guide to recently published articles in periodical magazines and scholarly journals, organized by article subject.
Footnotes/Endnotes Used to give credit to sources of any material borrowed, summarized or paraphrased. Intended to refer readers to the exact pages of the works listed in the Works Cited, References, or Bibliography section.
Bibliography A list of books, articles, and other sources you use when researching a topic and writing a paper.
Expository writing Writing that is used to explain, describe, give information or to inform. Includes: compare and contrast; chronological; spatial sequence; cause and effect; problem and solution.
Description writing The author describes a topic by listing characteristics, features, and examples. It provides details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel, or sounds. Key words...For example, the characteristics are..
Sequence, Process, or Chronological writing The author lists items or events in numerical or chronological order. Key words...first, second, third, next, then, finally...
Comparison/Compare and Contrast writing The author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different. A comparison essay usually discusses the similarities between two things, while the contrast essay discusses the differences. Key words...different, in contrast, alike...
Cause and effect writing The author focuses on the relationship between two or more events or experiences. The essay could discuss both causes and effects, or it could simply address one or the other. Key words...reasons why, if...then..., as a result, therefor, because..
Cause Essay A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something happened.
Effect Essay An effect essay discusses what happens after a specific event or circumstance.
Problem and solution writing The author states a problem and lists one or more solutions for the problem. A variation of this pattern is the question- and-answer format in which the author poses a question and then answers it. Key words...the problem/dilemma is, puzzle is solved...
Thesis statement The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about.
Conclusion statement The conclusion should contain a definite, positive statement or call to action, but that statement needs to be based on what we have provided in the essay.
Transitional words and phrases helps papers read more smoothly, and at the same time allows the reader to flow more smoothly from one point to the next.
What is a noun? a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.
What is a proper noun? The names of days of the week, months, historical documents, institutions, organisations, religions, their holy texts and their adherents are proper nouns. A proper noun is the opposite of a common noun.
What is a common noun? a noun referring to a person, place, or thing in a general sense -- usually, you should write it with a capital letter only when it begins a sentence. A common noun is the opposite of a proper noun.
What is a collective noun? noun naming a group of things, animals, or persons. You need to be able to recognise collective nouns in order to maintain subject-verb agreement.
What is a pronoun? can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like "he," "which," "none," and "you" to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive.
What is a verb? asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. Part of the predicate of the sentence.
"Will bite" is an example of what? Verb
"Were destroyed" is an example of what? Verb
"Goat" is an example of what? Noun
"Opera singer" is an example of what? Noun
"I" is an example of what? Pronoun
"You" is an example of what? Pronoun
"Was" is an example of what? Verb
What is an adjective? modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words.
"Small" is an example of what? Adjective
"Muffled" is an example of what? Adjective
What is an adverb? can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause. indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much".
"Quickly" is an example of what? Adverb
"Patiently" is an example of what? Adverb
What is a preposition? Links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. Introduces the object of the sentence.
The book is "on" the table. Preposition
She held the book "over" the table. Preposition
What is a conjunction? Links words, phrases, or clauses.
"and" is an example of what? Conjunction
Call the movers "when" you are ready. Conjunction
Participial phrase a group of words consisting of a participle and the modifier(s) and/or (pro)noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or state expressed in the participle.
The "crying" baby had a wet diaper. Participle
"Shaken", he walked away from the "wrecked" car. Participle
"Removing his coat," Jack rushed to the river. Participle phrase
Prepositions words or short phrases that identify the spatial (in space), directional (the direction in which something is moving), or temporal (in time) relationship of one or more people or things to other people or things.
The idea that, in English, words are made up of letters that approximate the sounds heard when we speak these words is called _____________. Alphabetic principle
A teacher shows a class cards with various words and reads them aloud, pronouncing certain written units distinctly. For example: nobody = “no/bo/dy” saxophone = “sax/o/phone” elementary = “el/em/en/ta/ry” Syllabication
3. A child says the phrase “I hungry.” This can be considered an example of which of the following? Telegraphic Speech
An individual who speaks a language historically related to English may have an advantage in learning English as a second language because _______. many words and roots are likely to have similar spellings and meanings
Which of the following is considered the best predictor of a child’s success in learning to read phonemic awareness and understanding of letters
A student has begun to recognize text in larger units, develop broader word recognition, and utilize decoding skills with fluency. These are all indicators that the student has entered which phase of literacy development orthographic phase
When reading a passage, a student recognizes an error in the text. This would best be described as an example of what metacognition
A teacher shows her student a picture of a fictional creature called a “blurk”. She asks them what two of these creatures would be called, and they respond correctly with “blurks”. Her students have demonstrated ________. the ability to use morphological rules instead of remembering a past experience
Clues to a word’s connotative meanings can usually be found in ... etymology, the context in which it is used, its historic usage
Most languages are similar in which respect The basic principles of phrase structure (i.e. subject/predicate)
In the phrase “the massive green dinosaur” what would be considered the head word dinosaur
A student writes a paper for their science class attempting to explain the life cycle of a bluebird. The paper would best be classified as what genre of writing Expository
In which of the following sentences is the underlined word used correctly The lobbyists were able to effect radical changes in the economic policy.
The underlined section in the sentence that follows is an example of what type of usage error? One of Charles Dickens' most marked characteristics is the extraordinary wealth and richness of his invention. Redundancy
What is considered a prewriting strategy? Outlining, webbing, and note-taking
A 5-year-old child becomes confused when his father rolls his eyes and says “that guy was really helpful” following an argument with an unhelpful store clerk. The child’s confusion is most likely due to.. lack of understanding of the role of pragmatics in interpreting meaning
Actions that are important when attempting to evaluate what is being said by the speaker... Thinking about what you hear, asking questions about what you dont understand, coming to a thoughtful conclusion about what is said.
Created by: mteclaw
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