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MTEL Early Childhood


SKINNER behaviorist - experiences shape who we are --- whole activities, not isolated skill exercises (not about grades)
PIAGET stage of mind development: sensori-motor, pre-operational(symbols), Concrete (manipulate symbols), formal operations (critical thinking)
BLOOM lower-ordered thinking skills to highest-ordered t. s. (from knowledge -e.g. define... to Evaluation - e.g. predict, argue)
KOHLBERG stages of moral development (Egocentric to sociocentric to adulthood) - Up to age 9, avoiding negative consequences IS moral to child
ERIKSON 8 stages of development: Infancy to 1 yr.= ideas of trust, mistrust; 1-3 = shame, doubt, wants to be independent and a "No" could result in tantrum (play important to learn self-control); 3-5 = initiate tasks, learns guilt, how to dream about goals, dif.
BRONFENBRENNER ecological nested systems micro = family, classroom; meso = 2 micros interacting; exo = external influences; macro = sociocultural; chrono = natural evolution of development
CONSTRUCTIVIST LEARNING students constantly constructing new ideas, which serve as frameworks for learning.... by life experiences and social - interaction = cooperative learning - ask ?'s, pose new ideas
VYGOTSKY Hands-on, like Piaget - higher mental functions develop thru interactions w/ adult/children (the way to learn lang, culture, family, school,etc.) Also worked on psyc. of play (thru play, child develops abstract meaning needed to differentiate bt. objects
BANDURA role modeling: observe, rehearse, imitate (bike example) - small groups best - dev. self-esteem and self-efficacy ...self-regulation
reversible thinking Piaget: ability to rethink concepts - child can do this in Concrete Developmental stage , can't do this in pre-operational stage (e.g. - beakers of water)
cross-modal perception crossing over of two senses - e.g. using a pacifier and being able to recognize the image on paper
operant conditioning
Created by: mtel
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