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PRAXIS 2 0049 3

Stages of and Teaching Writing

11 Principles for teaching writing 2004, NCTE
1st principle capacity everyone can be taught to write, teachers help student to become better writers.
2nd principle learn by doing people learn to write by writing
3rd priciple process writing is a process
4th principle tool writing is a tool for thinking
5th principle dif't purposes writing grows out of many differnt purposes
6th principle conventions important conventions of finished and edited texts are important to readrs and therefore to writers.
7th principle WR & R related writng and reading are related
8th principle Talk:Writing complicated Writng has a complex relationship to talk
9th principle embedded in social relationships literate practices are embedded in complicated social relationships
10th principle dif't modalities & techniques Composing occurs in different modalities and techniques.
11th principle assessment - human judgement Assessment of writign involves complex, informed, human judgemment
2 aspects of strategies writers use 1. routine of process, 2. reflective avilty ( meta-cogniton)
writing is recursive shifting between the differnt stages as needed
Stages of Writng prewriting, drafting,revising, editing and evaluating, final rewrite, publish
prewriting stage planning phase
PW1 choose topic brainstorm, think/reflect, talking/remembering,jotting ides/ drwing,reading/researching, observing/viewing, freewriting, use journal, lit; think of purpose, audience
PW1 purpose civic discourse, supporting growth, reflecting on experince, communicating academically/professionally, building relationships, aesthetic experience OR explin/inform, persuade, exression of thoughts, feelingsopinions, describe
PW1 delimit topic to address in time allowedand word or page limit
PW2 Organizing thoughts strategies such as: making lists, semantic webbing, drwing or sketching, brainstorming
PW3 Audience Who? How old? Backgound knowldege? Their interests/opinions
PW3 Types of Audiences untrained or lay, managerial, experts
PW4 Point of view in light of averythin should I wrote in first, second, third voice?
PWa.1 Research and Documentation 1. establish time frame, 2. pick topic to be reshaped as research, lead to thesis statemnt., 3.consult identified sources(reading) 4. biblio info on 3x5's w/ info. 5. prliminary outline
PWa.2 Final Steps outline, organize cards, rough draft, revise, rewite, (check documentation), proofread
Drafting ideas go onto paper
D1 Introduction Write interesting intro. to express main idea
D2 Use notes (cards) use the3se as guide, but depart from when good idea comes along.
D3 Writing write quickly and stop often to read what is written, to move logically from one thought to another
D4 return to prewritng prn to gather more ideas and clarify thinking
D5 Conclusion Write one that drives home your point
Revising critical look at work and make changes as needed; a way of learning more about topic and clarifying thinking
Editing and Evaluating spelling, grammar, punctuation; personal editing checklists
Proofread proofread and make corrections
Publish presneting writing in final form and getting to target audience
Created by: annem
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