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Planning Timeline 5

AICP 2011 Timeline of American Planning History 1980-present

Planning prof challenged to adapt to a new (counter-New Deal) policy envir: reduced fed domestic spending, privatization, deregulation, etc.Phase-out of some earlier aids to planning (e.g., sewer grants) and planning programs (e.g., "Title V Regions"). "Reagan Revolution" 1980
Supreme Court finds that for a reg involving 1st amend. rights to survive, it must advance a compelling state interest, allow a reasonable alt means of communication,is as narrowly defined as possible,is a reasonable time, place, & manner restriction. Central Hudson v. Public Service Commission 1980
(Comp Response, Compensation and Liability Act)Creates liability for persons discharging haz waste into the envir.Taxes polluting indus to establish a trust fund for the cleanup of polluted sites in cases where indiv resp isn't ascertainable. Superfund Bill 1980
makes clear that a regulation that is not reasonably related to the police power and causes a property to lose all economic value constitutes a taking. Agins v. City of Tiburon 1980
established to represent the academic branch of the planning profession. The Associated Collegiate Schools of Planning 1980
the US Supreme Court holds that neither commercial nor non-commercial speech can be favored over the other. The ordinance was overturned because it effectively banned non-commercial signs. Metromedia v. City of San Diego 1981
ACSP issues Volume 1, Number 1 The Journal of Education and Planning Research. 1981
The USSC confirms that a physical invasion of a property is a taking. Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp. 1982
In a second case focusing on Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, the New Jersey Supreme Court rules that all 567 municipalities in the state must build their "fair share" of affordable housing. A precedent-setting blow against racial segregation. Mt Laurel II (Appeal Case) 1983
the US Supreme Court upheld a regulation that prohibited the attaching of signs to utility poles. The Court found that the regulation met all the tests mentioned under Central Hudson (1980). Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent 1984
one of the earliest examples of the New Urbanism. mphasizes urban features-compactness, walkability, mixed use, promotes a nostalgic arch style like the traditional urban neighborhood. The movement has links to the anti-sprawl, smart growth movement Construction begins on Seaside, Florida 1984
USSC ruled that an ordinance that does treat different groups unequally, but does not involve a fundamental right or group that gained protection under Village of Arlington Heights (1977) merely needs to pass a rational basis test. City of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Center 1985
the US Supreme Court allowed a zoning ordinance limiting sexually-oriented businesses to 5% of the municipal land area to stand based on a study conducted on the negative effects the business type has on surrounding areas. City of Renton v. Playtime Theaters, Inc.,1986
convened in Columbus, Ohio and leads to the founding of the Society 0f American City and Regional Planning History (SACRPH) the following year. First National Conference on American Planning History 1986
U.S. Supreme Court finds that even a temporary taking requires compensation. First English Evangelical Lutheran Church v. County of Los Angeles 1987
USSC finds that land-use restrictions, to be valid, must be tied directly to a specific public purpose. Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, 1987
recognized by the Washington-based Council on Post Secondary Education to be the sole accrediting agency in the field of professional planning education. Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) 1989
ruled that zoning can't be used to grant rel inst advantages over other commercial ventures.the Court overturned a zoning provision that allowed a church to run a day care in a res zone where no one else could do so. Cohen v. Des Planes (relationship of regulation and religion) 1990
the Court ruled that zoning that is neutral on its face was permissible so long as it doesn’t hinder the religion itself. This particular case upheld a ban on the use of peyote in Native American religious services. Oregon v. Smith (relationship of regulation and religion) 1990
includes provisions for a National Scenic Byways Program and for transportation enhancements, each of which includes a historic preservation component. Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) 1991
the U.S. Supreme Court limits local and state governments' ability to restrict private property without compensation. Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council 1992
Aims tax incentives, wage tax credits, special deductions, and low-interest financing to a limited number of impoverished urban and rural communities to jumpstart their economic and social recovery. Enterprise Zone/Empowerment Community (EZ/EC) proposal signed into law. 1993
the U.S. Supreme Court rules that a jurisdiction must show that there is a "rough proportionality " between the adverse impacts of aproposed development and the exactions it wishes to impose on the developer. Dolan v. City of Tigard 1994
between U.S., Canada and Mexico. begins on January 1, its purpose to foster trade and investment among the three nations by removing or lowering non-tariff as well as tariff barriers. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1994
Inaugurated by AICP, to recognize distinguished individual contributions by longer term AICP members. College of Fellows 1999
created by pres Clinton in 5 western states:Canyons of the Ancients,CO;Cascade-Siskiyou,OR; Hanford Reach,WA;Ironwood For, Grand Canyon-Parashant, Agua Fria,AZ; Grand Sequoia, CA Coastal,CA. expanded existing national monument in CA (Pinnacles). 8 new national monuments 2000
Attacked by terrorists, causing many to rethink security measures, including design changes to protect the public from future attacks. Ornamental bollards, large planters, and retractable barricades are installed around many public buildings nationwide. World Trade Center/Pentagon 2001
USSC rules that a temporary building moratorium for the purpose of conducting planning studies to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and morals is a legitimate use of police power and does not constitute a taking of any kind. Sierra v. Tahoe 2002
7 major hurr hit during the busiest hurr seasons on record to date, leaving billions of $ of damage and hundreds of lost lives in their wake. This prompts a comp review of emergency preparedness, floodplain and coastal development, and security issues. Hurricane Season 2004/2005
USSC upholds the decades-old practice of utilizing urban redevelopment and eminent domain for economic development purposes when such actions are backed by a redevelopment plan that underwent a full plan development process. Kelo v. City of New London 2005
the US Supreme Court held that a taking dispute that is resolved at the state level cannot be relitigated at the federal level San Remo Hotel v. San Francisco 2005
USSC overturned the “substantial advancement” test established in Agins Lingle v. Chevron 2005
The fluctuation in petroleum prices caused by the War on Terror, the hurricanes of 2005, and other factors start a debate on the sustainability of a petroleum-based society/lifestyle, and serious discussions on renewable resources. Fluctuation in petroleum prices 2006
Created by: yoshebelle
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