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Praxis II 0014 SS-b

Praxis II 0014 Government and US Documents

Stamp Act 1765- First direct tax placed on the colonies and all printed media were required to have stamps
Townshend Act 1767- Placed a tax on essential good (glass, paper, tea)
Tea Act 1773- Tax Break to East India Company
Boston Tea Party 1773- A protest of the Tea Act by American Colonist
Intolerable Acts 1774- Massachusetts Government Act; Administration of Justice Act; Boston Port Act; Quartering Act
The Deceleration of Independence (as and Act) 1776- Adopted by a 13 colony vote, which led to the alliance with France, followed by alliance with Spain and the Dutch province
The Magna Carta 1215- The clauses of this document (63 total) explained and restricted the rights of the monarch
The Mayflower Compact 1620- This compact, signed en route on the Mayflower, established a temporary majority-rule government for the Pilgrims
The Declaration of Independence 1776- The principles set forth in this document justified the separation from Great Britain and the provided the responsibilities of the government to the individuals and with a government ruled by the people
The Federalist Papers 1787-1788- Group of 85 articles was published in New York newspaper to influence the decision to ratify the Constitution and even today help to explain the intent of the Constitution
Emancipation Proclamation 1865- Issued during the civil war, President Lincoln ended slavery in the Confederate states
The Pledge of Allegiance 1892- An oath of conformation, written by Francis Bellamy, to support the nation
Founding Fathers delegates to the Constitutional convention in Philadelphia in 1787
Executive Branch branch of the government ensures that the laws of the United States are followed
President head of the executive branch and also commands the military
Legislative branch of the government is comprised of congress and government agencies that provide support
Congress has the power two make laws for the United States and is divided into two parts: House of Representatives and Senate
Senate two representatives of each states
House of Representatives Permits representatives from the states based on population, with 435 seats
Judicial branch of the government that contains the court system
Supreme Court Highest court including the federal courts
Courts Role ensure that the rules of the court system are upheld, so members of the Courts interpret the meaning of laws, and how they should be applied
Created by: ashortasiangirl
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