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FDLE OBJ- Crime Scen


(BoB) stands for Back Of Book, where the word is defined
A process that involves making detailed and systematic inquiries or observations that begins upon the officer's arrival at the scene of a reported crime, and ends with filing the initial report or turning the matter over to a detective or investigator Investigations (BoB)
The person who reports the crime or alleges that a crime has been committed Complainant (BoB)
Person believed to have committed a crime or offense Suspect (BoB)
Person harmed by a crime Victim (BoB)
Person who has info about some element of crime or about evidence or document related to a crime & who may have heard statements/observed events before,during,after a crime, person who sees,knows,vouches for something & makes a sworn statement about info Witness (BoB)
Property that belongs to an individual and is not open to the public and where the person occupying that property has an expectation of privacy Private property (BoB)
Any property designated for public use and enjoyment that is open to the public Public property (BoB)
Documentation of who came into contact with the evidence, as well as when, why, and what changes, if any, were made to the evidence Chain of custody (BoB)
Physicalevidence that allows a fingerprint analyst to distinguish between prints belonging to the victim or witness and possible suspects Elimination prints (BoB)
Varation of the stip/line search pattern that is often used indoors and which overlaps a series of lanes in a cross pattern, making the search more methodical and thorough Grid search pattern (BoB)
Type of fingerprint that is invisible to the naked eye and is the most common evidence found at crime scenes. Result from body residues left behind when the friction ridges of the hands or feet make contact witha surface Latent prints (BoB)
Fingerprints that are visible to the naked eye and are transferred from the friction ridges on fingers by a foreign substance (not body residue) like blood, paint, or dirt Patent prints (BoB)
Search pattern often used at extremely large search areas that entails dividing the area into a number of pie-shaped sections, which are usually searched using the strip/line pattern Pie/wheel search pattern (BoB)
Any molded or imbedded fingerprints made by touching a surface that is impressionable, or when the fingers or hand is coated with a foreign substance Plastic prints (BoB)
Search pattern often used outside by one person in which the searcher begins at a certain point and walks increasingly larger circles to the outmost boundary of the search area Spiral search pattern (BoB)
Search pattern often used outside by several people in which the search area is divided into lanes that are searched by one or more people in bother directions unitl the entire area has been examined Strip/line search pattern (BoB)
Search pattern often used for an area that is large or outdoors in which the area is divided into four different sections and searched using a alternative search pattern Zone/quadrant search pattern (BoB)
Depiction of a crime scene skethced as if looking down from above the scene Bird's-eye-view (BoB)
Method employed in crime-scene sketching using measurements made from at least two fixed objects to form a triangle Triangulation (BoB)
Officers will receive pertinent information regarding the incident from dispatch that will identify the nature and location of the alleged crime as well as: Complainant's name and relationship to the crime scene location, may also learn if someone is injured
While driving to the scene officer's should formulate some key questions to ask to help assess the situation adequately such as: How many involved? What is location? Weapons involved? Additional services needed? Special equipment needed? How many officers needed to safely control/contain situation? Special concerns and/or dangers associated? Complainant ID suspect's location?
An officer should begin taking field notes as he or she: Discovers the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the incident
Field notes enables officers to: Write a thorough report later
Specific concerns to consider for officer safety when arriving to the scene are: Number of entrances and exits, suspects, bystanders, natural and man-made dangers, and the physical size of the scene
Some common threats that may be present due to conditions at the scene that will affect the number of officers responding are: Known weapons (firearms, knives, explosives), potential weapons (broken glass, stones, sticks baseball bats, branches) and natural elements (fire, electricity, water hazards, rain)
On the scene, these people can be counterproductive due to the increased possibility of contaminating evidence Officers and bystanders
When the officer arrives on the scene, he or she should immediately ask these questions: Is suspect on or near the scene? Is anyone on the scene armed? Has anyone sustained injuries and the extent of injuries?
Once scene is safe officers should apply first-aid procedures and: Request through dispatch appropriate medical assistance
The first responding officer to the scene should: Make an initial deterination regarding type of crime and define appropriate extent of crime scene
Officers can learn of evidence from the victims, witnesses, and suspects by: Personal observations and statements of and by the victims, witnesses, and suspects
The officer should visually scan the scene using a: Systematic approach observing the whole scene determining where to establish the perimeter
The size of the crime scene depends on: Type of crime, type of evidence, location of evidence
Officers should look for the place the crime or scene began and ended, where someone tracked through an area leaving footprints or handprints and areas where blood: Splattered, dripped or flowed
When determing the extend of the crime scene to secure it is better to: Overestimate the perimeter
As the investigations progresses it is easier to adjust from: A larger scene to a smaller one than vice versa
Will dictate how far the responding officer should continue to investigate before turning over the scene to specialized investigators: Agency polices and procedures.
The determination to turn over a crime scene will be made in part by: Nature or severity of incident or crime, available resources, jurisdiction issues, agreements with other agencies, specific Florida Statues
A specific example of when to turn over an investigation is: Possible terrorists acts, FDLE handles incidents
2 2
The victim may also be the complainatn and the witness may become a: Suspect, as the inverigation progresses
The officer should ask those present at the incident: Where they were and how they were involved
The officers should determine role each person played and the degree of involvement, the two types of degrees are: Direct or indirect
An officer may not have time or resources to interview all subjects at the scene so he or she should: Determine who has the most information and knowledge of the incident
This person should be asked to name any potential winesses to the incident Victim or complainant
Witnesses should be asked if anyone else was involved and what their roles were, doing this helps officers: Validate all statements
Officers should document in field notes all W/V/C/S present by: Name, DOB, Address, Sex, Race, and Home and Work phone numbers
The first step in preparing to interview V/C/W at a crime scene is to: Determine to what extent the crime will be investigated. Is it a major crime? Does department policy require the officer to notigy a supervisor or investigator?
Larger agencies have investigators who will conduct interviews in major cases in smaller agencies that responsibility may fall on: The responding patrol officer
Before beginning interviews the officcer must: Secure and seperate all persons to be interviewed
Witnesses should not be allowed to talk among themselves in order to prevent them from: Discussing the incident and coordinatomg their accounts of what happened
Interviewees should be seperated from each other far enough apart where they can not: Hear or see each other, or have physical contact,
Separating witnesses helps each of the: Focus on what they saw or heard and maintains integrity of their statements
A witness overhearing another person describe the same event may be: Tempted even unconsciously, to reoterate tje ptjer witnes's version of the crime
Some witnesses may try to intimidate others into: Giving officers false information
Witnesses may coerced or interfered with by a suspect or another witness by: Visual or verbal intimidation
Some witnesses may have an unknown motive to mislead officers some reasons may be: Help suspect diverting evidence, leave scene quickly, pass evidence (weapons or contraband)
Ways to keep witnesses seperated include: Seperat rooms or opposite sides of room with back to back, inside patrol car
Seperation of family members during a crisis might: Make a bad situation even worse
Separation of certain family members from each other may be unavoidable when dealing with: Child abuse incident
If an interviewee is suffering from physical or mental trama the officer should: Make a note to interview this person later when he or she has recovered
For safety reasons officers must always maintain visual contact with W/C/S and always: Follow agency policy and procedures
When there are injured persons at the scence, responding officers have additional responsibilities such as: First aid
If an injured person on the scene does not require first aid the officer should: Ask direct, fundamental questions about how the victim sustained the injury
Direct and fundamental questions about how the victim sustained injury can include the following: Who hit you? What did the suspect use to hit you? When were you hit? Where were you hit? Where did you stand when hit? How were you hit? Why were you hit?
Created by: goarmy
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