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Holidays (4.03)

All new sight/holiday vocabulary from holidays

English1st formal2nd formal3rd formal
Mountain t'eradõ t'erē/derē t'e/de
Natural L̄hont'õt L̄honõtō L̄hōnūz
Ocean mhitõ mhitī mhit
River almit alm amt
(Icy) Mountain t'ejox t'ej dejō
Rainforest ămūvõl̄p ūvomp̄l̄ ūvop̄l̄
(Hot) Desert kedōq kedō ked
(Polar) Desert vamādj vamād vamjag
(Polar) Forest p̄l̄ol̄hõ p̄l̄ol̄õj p̄l̄oj
Wetland gemādõ gemād gem
Volcano kōt'eky kōt'e kōde
Lake õtŏm õtōm utōm
Moor pegeād pege pgād
Plains geūvõ gevõ gev
Forest p̄l̄ūvõ p̄l̄ūv p̄l̄ū
Reef mazonū mazū
Airéan Government Airéan geldvass
Rzonatd Memorial rzonatd gvān zōxoz rzonatd gvān zōx rzonatd gvān zō
The Divine Races mow' dzõtŏl zen'g mow' dzõtul gvān mow' dzõ ug
Tower of Tornadoes dlāzon rē tōrnādō pfad rē tōrnādō pad rē tōrnādō
Temple of Divinity pvopn rē rzonatõ pvop rē rzonat pop rē rzona
Mother Tree rugxpor̄ l̄hop rugxfor̄ l̄hop rugxf l̄hop
Airasian Recognition Memorial airlazū l̄peyon vīni zūxoz airlazū l̄peyon vni zūx airlazū l̄peyon vi zū
Overseas (Same country) t'yrocm
Overseas (different country) irocm
Across country border irocz
Across natural border iczl̄hon
Majik Carpet ūfalõ ūfal falo
boat mtadam mtadm mtam
plane j̄olaur
tram qlonal
glider fair
airsail boat afhalõ afhal afal
watersail boat afhamõ afham afam
teleportation device yumalzon yumal yum
train qlonazenal
helicopter r̄ij̄air
winter chāgūmō (cagūmō)
summer dluūmō (l̄adūmō)
spring ōnūmō (ēl̄ūmō)
autumn l̄hanūmō (airū)
winter (airéan) õvajag õvaj uvaj
the rains õvazmõ õvazm uvam
gentle air õvagcag õvacag uvac
summer (airéan) õvadlé õvadl uvad
rough air õvartā õvart uvar
the thawing õvajhēt õvajet uvat
new life õvŭl̄hin õvūl̄h uval̄
snorkelling zadmitõ zadmit zadm
surfing mitōl̄õ mitōl̄ mitl̄
snow sliding sport Skiing - a.../mīnd Snowboarding - rā.../snīd Tobogganing - bīv... xyõjagōl̄ xyjagōl̄ xyjh
(mountain) hiking deatlõm deatlõ deam
hiking dōzenam dōzeam dōzem
sightseeing pfāl̄id pādid ādid
sunbathing l̄adulgõ l̄dulg dulg
exploring t'īmal̄onõ t'īmal t'īm
nature watching l̄hont'õtid l̄hontid l̄hōnūzid
kayaking õtadaxar̄h tadaxal tdax
rafting õtadaxar̄hulj tadaxalulj tdaxulj
to stay cõfjāl̄ cukāl̄ cyāl̄
look (internal) adzinz adzin adzi
look (external) dhõ* dhizon* dhi
look (combination) dõ dizon* dzon*
Sandy dimezon dimez dime
Messy răq ărh arh
Wrinkly dibayon dibayn dibam
Sleek chūmd chūm cūm
Spiky diōyel diōy dōy
Crooked dulōy dulō dul
Shiny dimanlõ(j̄) manl daw'
Neat (tidy) dizenõp(v) dizenp(v) dizep(v)
Metallic dij̄lõ dij̄lo dij̄
Gaudy slādōq slādōk slādō
Wavy ditsolõ ditsol ditso
Swollen diqōkrō diqōky diqōr
Ornate diyõl diyol diyul
Upright dil̄opf dil̄op dip
Lavish (fancy) nlõyonāh nlõyo nluyo
Ashen (fear) ditōxō ditōxu ditōx
Ashen (shock) ditlōq ditlōk ditlō
Spacious uyinaur uyin uyi
Grotesque dikōsāht dikōsā dikō
Bloated dijgōrjvōr dijgōv dijvo(r)
Foamy ditchātsol ditchāt ditchā
Cushioned difjū
Frilled dimc
Bushy orh al̄hop
Fiery dikud
Colourful õniw
blurred drikc drik dri
exotic yōntilxe yōntil yōn
distorted dōzeh dōze dōz
clear (to see) dhimō dhim dim
stubby ūzep ūzep orh ge
deep dil̄ōxulz dil̄ōz dl̄ōz
dull vajw''odū vajw''old vaw''ol
clear (transparent) aurcīmut acīm acī
dark slāptān dāpt dāp
vibrant disonõ disonal disol
opaque slāl̄p sl̄āp sl̄āl̄
pale dlamōk dlamō dlam
dim aslāptān aslā sla
bright (colour reflecting) dilõw'p dilõw' dilw'
radiant (coming from) õdlen odlen dlen
round (orh) pulovā pulov pulo
irregular (orh) pulekh pulek pule
crystalline nlõzonāh nlõzõn nloz
angular lupfhy luphy luph
graceful difzonõ difzonal difzon
strange dihabairōn dihābair dihāb
gloomy dislāpitō didāpitō didāptō
crowded (root word) ulkīt ulkī ul
Created by: Aira Nymphia
Popular Languages sets




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