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PH Sanskrit Terms

Sanskrit Terms for PH Teacher Training

Ayurveda science of life
Agni digestive fire
Ama toxic residue which accumulates in the physiology due to undigested food, emotions or information
Dosha mind body principle
Vata dosha responsible for movement, change
Pitta dosha responsible for metabolism, transformation
Kapha dosha responsible for structure, protection
Sama balanced
Samadosha balanced doshas
Prakruti nature or original doshic proportion
Vikruti doshic imbalance
Sub-dosha specific dosha function
Prana (Vata Subdosha Definition) (Vata Subdosha Definition)Responsible for perception, inspiration, and thought.Located in brain, head, chest.
Udana (Vata Subdosha Definition) (Vata Subdosha Definition)Responsible for speech. Located in throat, lungs.
Samana (Vata Subdosha Definition) Responsible for the rhythm of peristalsis. Located in stomach, intestines.
Apana (Vata Subdosha Definition) (Vata Subdosha Definition)Responsible for elimination of wastes, menstruation, and sexual function. Located in colon, lower abdomen.
Vyana (Vata Subdosha Definition) (Vata Subdosha Definition)Responsible for circulation. Located in nervous system, skin, circulatory system.
Sadhaka (Pitta Subdosha Definition) (Pitta Subdosha Definition)Responsible for healthy heart function and good memory. Located in heart.
Alochaka (Pitta Subdosha Definition) (Pitta Subdosha Definition)Responsible for good visual perception. Located in eyes.
Pachaka (Pitta Subdosha Definition) (Pitta Subdosha Definition)Responsible for initiating digestion of nutrients. Located in stomach, small intestine.
Ranjaka (Pitta Subdosha Definition) (Pitta Subdosha Definition)Responsible for balancing blood chemistry, nutrient levels, and detoxification. Located in red blood cells, liver, spleen.
Bhrajaka (Pitta Subdosha Definition) (Pitta Subdosha Definition)Responsible for healthy complexion. Located in skin.
Tarpaka (Kapha Subdosha Definition) (Kapha Subdosha Definition) Responsible for supporting the brain and spinal cord. Located in sinus, head, spinal fluid.
Bodhaka (Kapha Subdosha Definition) (Kapha Subdosha Definition) Responsible for perception of taste. Located in tongue.
Kledaka (Kapha Subdosha Definition) (Kapha Subdosha Definition) Responsible for lubricating the digestive tract. Located in stomach.
Avalambaka (Kapha Subdosha Definition) (Kapha Subdosha Definition)Responsible for supporting and protecting the heart, lungs, and lower back. Located in heart, chest, lower back.
Sleshaka (Kapha Subdosha Definition) (Kapha Subdosha Definition) Responsible for lubricating the joints. Located in joints.
Dhatu bodily tissue
Rasa plasma
Rakta blood
Mamsa muscle, flesh
Meda fat
Asthi bone
Majja bone marrow, nerve tissue
Shukra reproductive tissue, semen, ovam
Kosha sheath or layer of existence
Anna Maya Kosha layer derived from food
Prana Maya Kosha layer of biological energy
Mano Maya Kosha layer of the mind
Buddhi Maya Kosha layer of the intellect
Ananda Maya Kosha layer of conditioned bliss
Sat Chit Ananda pure consciousness
Mahabhutas great elements
Akasha space
Vayu air, wind
Tejas fire
Jala water
Prithivi earth
Mala (as related to the body) body waste product
Mutra urine
Purisha stool
Sweda sweat
Marma junction point between consciousness and matter on the body
Nadi subtle channel through which energy flows
Ida Nadi moon channel to the left of the spine
Pingala Nadi sun channel to the right of the spine
Sushumna Nadi spiritual channel connecting all the chakras
Panchakarma purifying therapies
Poorva preparatory therapies before panchakarma
Rasayanna rejuvenative therapies or tonics
Abhyanga oil massage
Basti herbal enema
Nasya nasal application therapy
Rakta-moksha blood letting therapy
Snehana oleation
Swedana heating therapies, fomentation
Vamana induced therapeutic emesis
Virechana purgation therapy
Prana life force or vital breath
Ojas subtlest life essence, which exists at the junction of consciousness and matter, giving strength and vitality
Rasa taste
Madhura sweet
Amla sour
Lavana salty
Tikta bitter
Kashya astringent
Katu pungent
Srota channel of circulation in the body
Tanmatras subtle elements
Shabda sound
Sparsha touch
Rupa sight
Rasa taste
Gandha smell
Triphala three fruits
Vipaka post digestive effect
Virya potency of food or herbs, which creates a heating or cooling effect
Ahankara ego
Ananda bliss
Asana yogic posture (3rd limb of yoga)
Ashram hermitage, retreat center
Atman soul, individual expression of pure Spirit
Atma Darshan direct experience of the soul, the fourth state of consciousness
Avatar direct incarnation of God
Bhagavad Gita sacred Sanskrit, epic poem of eighteen verses
Brahman Spirit, pure consciousness
Chakra center of subtle energy, wheel
Muladhara first or root chakra at base of spine
Svadhistana second chakra behind the pubic bone
Manipura third chakra at the solar plexus
Anahata fourth or heart chakra
Visuddha fifth or throat chakra
Ajna sixth chakra at the third eye
Sahaswara seventh chakra on the crown of the head
Dharana concentration, attention and intention (6th limb of yoga)
Dharma purpose in life
Dhyana meditation, witnessing awareness (7th limb of yoga)
Darshan being in the presence of a holy person
Guna fundamental quality or property
Sattva purity, goodness, subtlety
Rajas excited, passionate, active
Tamas inert, heavy, dull
Guru dispeller of darkness, great teacher
Homa sacred fire ceremony
Japa repetition of a mantra for a specific number of times
Jyotish the system of Vedic astrology
Karma action, a record of our previous actions
Kundalini spiritual energy located at the base of the spine
Loka world, dimension, location
Maha great
Mala string of beads or flowers
Mantra instrument of the mind, used in meditation
Maya illusion of the senses
Moksha liberation
Mudras positions of the eyes, hands or body
Nada sound, vibratory energy
Niyamas healthy practices (2nd limb of yoga)
Shoucha purity
Santosha contentment
Tapas discipline, austerity
Svadhyana study, understanding of sacred texts
Ishwara-Pranidhana surrender to the Divine
Prasad blessed offerings
Pratyahara withdrawal of the senses (5th limb of yoga)
Pranayama yogic breathing exercises (4th limb of yoga)
Bhastrika forced inhilation and exhilation through the nose
Bhrimari extended exhilation while making a humming sound
Kapalabhati passive inhilation and forced exhilation through the nose
Nadi Shodhana alternative nostril breathing
Sitali inhaling and exhaling through a “rolled” tongue
Ujjayi audable, back of the throat breathing
Puja ritual worship
Pundit Vedic scholar, priest
Rishi seer, highly evolved spiritual being
Rudraksha beads sacred to Shiva, commonly worn or used for japa
Sadhana regular practice of spiritual disciplines
Sadhu monk who has renounced the material world
Samsara cycle of birth and death
Sanskaras seeds of memory
Samadhi balanced mind and intellect, settled in pure awareness (8th limb of yoga)
Satsang gathering of people seeking the Truth
Seva selfless service
Shakti power or energy
Kriya Shakti the energy of spontaneous right action
Jnana (Gyana) Shakti the energy of knowledge or wisdom
Iccha Shakti the energy of will, desire, intention
Ananda Shakti the energy of pure bliss
Chitta Shakti the energy of pure awareness
Shanti peace
Siddhis yogic powers
Sri divine, great
Surya Namaskar salutation to the sun, set of twelve yogic postures
Sutra thread, collection of statements with inner meanings
Swami certain order of monks
Turiya the fourth state of consciousness
Upanishads collection of 108 Vedic texts dealing with higher states of consciousness
Vasanas seeds of desire
Vedas the four holy books which are the foundation of Vedic and later Hindu traditions – Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda
Vibhuti sacred ash
Vidya knowledge
Yantra geometric shape, visual form of a mantra
Yagya large, ritual fire ceremony
Yamas ethical codes (1st limb of yoga)
Ahimsa non-violence
Satya truthfulness
Bramacharya governance of creative energy
Asteya honesty, non-stealing
Aparigraha non-coveting, generosity, simplicity
Yoga union with the Divine
Bhakti Yoga the path of devotion
Jnana Yoga the path of knowledge
Karma Yoga the path of selfless service
Raja Yoga the path of meditation
Yuga period of time, the four main yugas are Sat, Treta, Dvapara and Kali
Abhidhiyate “is called”
Alterative blood purifier
Amalaki Emblick myrobalan, “the sustainer”
Amla Emblic myrobalan
Annavaha food carrying
Anuvasana softening oil
Aparigraha non-coveting, simplicity
Artha material abundance
Ashwagandha Withania somnifera
Avyakta unmanifest
Bala Sida cordifolia
Bibhitaki Belleric myrobalan
Brahmi Hydrocotyl asiatica
Chavan ancient Ayurvedic doctor
Chyle nutrient rich lymph
Darsana visual inspection
Dhatuagnis anabolic transformations
Dhatuvaha tissue carrying
Guggul Commiphora mukul
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia, “that which protects”
Haritaki Chibulic myrobalan
Hatapatri foxglove
Indriya organ
Ishvara creative force
Jatharagni food digestive force
Jnanendriyas sensory organs
Kama sense desires
Karmendriyas action organs
Mahabhutagnis element transformation
Malavaha waste product carrying
Manjishta Rubia cordifolia
Nasya nasal application
Neem Azadiracta indica
Nirama without Ama
Niruha water based
Pariksa examination
Paschat post-therapy
Pippali Piper longum
Prabhava special action
Pradhana principal
Pragnaparadh mistaken intellect (mistaking the unreal for the real)
Pranavaha life-force carrying
Prasanna pleasant, happy
Prash herbal formula
Purusha unmanifested
Santosa contentment, acceptance
Shatavari Asparagus racemosus, wild asparagus
Sparsana palpation
Swastha established in the Self
Udakavaha fluid carrying
Vulnerary wound healing
Pranamasana Salutation Pose
Hasta Uttanasana Sky Reaching Pose
Pada Hastasana Hand to Feet Pose
Ashwa-Sanchalanasana Equestrian Pose
Parvatasana Mountain Pose
Asthanga Namaskar Eight Limb Pose
Bhujangasana Cobra Pose
Samadosha, samagnis cha balanced mind body principle (constitution), balanced digestive power and
Samadhatu-mala-kriyah balanced body tissue layers, waste products action
Prasanna atma-indriya-mana peaceful (bliss) soul, senses, mind
Swastha iti abhidhiyate health is revealed
Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhah Yoga is quieting the fluctuations of the mind field
Avidya Mistaking the unreal for the real
Asmita Holding tightly to “I”
Raga Attraction to pleasure
Dvesha Aversion to pain
Abhinevesha Fear of ending
Kshipta turbulent
Mudha dull
Vikshipta distracted
Ekagra one-pointed
Nirodhah perfected
tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam Then, the seer dwells in his own radiant nature.
vritti sarupyam itaratra Otherwise, the seer identifies with the fluctuations of the mind.
Sound of first chakra LAM
Sound of second chakra VAM
Sound of third chakra RAM
Sound of fourth chakra YUM
Sound of fifth chakra HUM
Sound of sixth chakra SHAM
Sound of seventh chakra AUM
Swedena fomentation
Five Kleshas Parting the veil
Tapas austerity, service
Created by: chopracenter
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