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Trepar To climb
Tenir To dye
Nublarse To cloud over
Timbre Bell
Complejo Complex
Puente Bridge
Estribillo refrain/chorus
modelo model
bala bullet
trenza braid
carrera race
estornudar to sneeze
calavera skull
talar to cut down
retrato portrait
sembrar to plant/sow
hervir to boil
bochorno muggy heat
dorar to guild (brighten)
rayo beam of light
aguja needle
chaparron downpour
pedal pedal
astilla splinter
molino mill
fingir to fake/pretend
sequia drought
coleta pigtail
pincel bursh/paintbrush
revelar to reveal
opaco opaque
refrescar to refresh
pelear to fight
cana grey hair
ballena whale
tormenta storm
sombra shadow
pantilla screen/lampshade
tebol clover
coro chouir
batalla battle
estrella star
pirata pirate
trueno thunder
cicatriz scar
albornoz bathrobe
estrenar to use for the first time
acorralar to corner
fisgar to snoop
fugaz fleeting/flash
escandalo scandal
herradura horseshoe
nido nest
duna dune
enundacion flood
vicio vice/annoyance
aficiones hobbies
sueno dorado goal
bonbilla light bulb
cajon drawer
martillo hammer
alfombra rug
basura garbage
espojo mirror
estante shelf
persiand blinds/shades
manta blanket
llave de luz light switch
cepillo de dientes toothbrush
limpador washer
cuadro picture
cerradura lock (in door)
papel higenico toilet paper
timbre doorbell
bandeja serving tray
mesilla end table
jarron vase (flowers)
cenicienta ash tray
comoda vanity
el grifo faucet
toalla towel
percha hanger
almohada pillow
reloj clock
estereo stereo
agobiado overwhelmed
agresivo agressive
alegre happy
amable friendly
autoritario authorative
cachondo fun
chulo cool
confundido confused
confundido confused
deprimido depressed
suicida suicidal
triste sad
violento violent
divertido fun
dubitativo doubtful
estricto strict
euforico euphoric
falso false
fuerto stron
indeciso indecicive
inseguro insecure
llaron sad/crying
luchador fighter
miedoso fearful
observador observant
orgulloso proud
pensativo thoughtful
relajado relaxed
sociable sociable
sorprendido surprised
taquilla ticket office
butaca seat
cine mudo silet movie
cartelera movie section in newspaper
banda sonora soundtrack
precio reducido reduced price
pantalla screen
acomador usher
estreno premier (first night)
entrada entrance
guion script
polomitas popcorn
golosinas candy
cine belico war movie
sonrisa smile
calada puff
colocar place
chaval chico
chorrada bullshit
carcajada strong laugh
colilla cigarette butt
trasnochar night owl
silbando whistle
charlar chat
flipando flabergasted/ have a wild time
trago gulp
vale la pena worth
anodinos unremarkable
pastosidad sicken
tibia lukewarm
despilfarradora wasteful
zampar to shove/stick
guinda cherry
hinchazon swelling
Created by: Karijean37
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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