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Afrikaans vocabulary

Goed Good
Sleg Bad
Een One
Twee Two
Drie Three
Vier Four
Vyf Five
Ses Six
Sewe Seven
Agt Eight
Nege Nine
Tien Ten
Elf Eleven
Twaalf Twelve
Ja Yes
Nee No
Ek is honger I am hungry
Waar is die badkamer Where is the bathroom
Valskerm Parachute
Skerm Screen
Val Fall
Kamer Room
Ersntig Serious
Regtig Really
Werklik Truly
Inderdaad Indeed
Perfek Perfect
Proefiel Profile
Oor Ear
Oog (Oë) Eye
Deftig Fancy
Jy lyk mooi vandag You look pretty today
Gesels Chat
Netjies Nice
Skoen Shoe
Gaan weg Go away
Los my uit Leave me alone (Uit = ait)
Wurm Worm
Hemp Shirt
Hoed Hat
Broek Pants
Dra Wear(ing)
Kortbroek Shorts
Kouse Socks
Steuwels Boots
Handskoene Gloves
Jas Coat
Arm Arm
Been Leg/Bone
Kop Head
Neus Nose
Mond Mouth
Voet(e) Foot/ feet
Toon Toe
Knie Knee
Ken Chin
Wange Cheeks
Hand(e) Hand(s)
Mes Knife
Geweer Gun
Warm Hot
Koud Cold
Winter Winter
Somer Summer
Lente Spring
Pasfees Easter
Kerk Church
Seisoen Season
Kersfees Christmas
Baie Very
Baie graag Very much
Vrou Woman
Man (manne) Man (men)
Vriend Friend
Meisie/miesis Girl(s)/girlfriend(s)
Seun(s) Son(s)/boy(s)
Kerel Boyfriend
Dogter Daughter
Ma/Mamma/Moder Mother
Pa/Pappa/Fader Father
Ouers Parents
Ons We
Leer Teach/learn/ladder/(a run in nylons)
Hier Here
Lees Read
Skryf Write
Daar There
Nou Now
Nooit Never
Altyd Always
Eendag Sometime
Soms Often
Wanneer When
Toe Then
Hoe How
Hoekom Why
Waar Where
Watter Which
Wat What
Water Water
Kelner(s)/Kelnerin(ne) Waiter(s)/Waitress(s)
Is jy seker Are you sure
Kraakkoppe Crackheads
Geld Money
Voetsek "Foot bag"
Sak Sack
Help (Hulp) Help
Polisie Police
Kort Need
Soek Find
Wegkruip Hide
Bloed Blood
Dood Dead/Death (sounds like dooit)
Lewendig Alive
Doof Deaf
Ou/Bra/Prawn/Brase Dude
Behalwe Except
Naam Name
Hulle Their
Verlies Loss
Toets Test
Belowe Promise
Breek Break
Sien See
Proe Taste
Voel Feel
Ruik Smell
Klank Sound
Kyk Look
Groei Grow
Word Become
Bly dieselfde Remain
Bly Stay
Reg maak Fix
Awe Cool/Neat
Praat Talk
Skree Shout
Huil Cry
Lag Laugh
Fluister Whisper
Stil/saggies Silent
Hard Loud
Saggies Quiet
Rooi Red
Oranje Orange
Geel Yellow
Groen Green
Blou Blue
Pers Purple
Swart Black
Wit White
Pienk Pink
Grys Gray
Silwer Silver
Goud Gold
Kleur(e) Color(s)
Reënboog Rainbow
Reën Rain
Boog Bow
Vertroue Trust
Troue Wedding
'n a
Baie goed Very Good
Tyd Time
Hoelaat What time
Gesig Busy
Eet Eat
Drink Drink
Onderwyser Teacher
Jy You (directly)
Pret fun
Boek Book
Potlood Pencil
Pen Pen
Het Have
Ook Also
Ge- (It happened in the past)
En And
Nota Note
Notaboek Notebook
Uitvieër Eraser
Alweer Again
Alreeds Already
Eier Egg
Pap Cereal
Koffie Coffee
Tee Tea
Kos Food
Melk Milk
Lepel Spoon
Vurk Fork
Bord Plate
Glaas Glass (for drinking)
Glas Glass (material)
Wat van What about
Geen probleem No problem
Woord(e) Word(s)
Gebruik Use
Gewoond Used to
Terug Back
Vir For
Sjarme Charm
So So (soo-eh)
Meer More
Created by: dogsareawesome
Popular Languages sets




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