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AP Gov Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Vocab Terms

Social Welfare Policy A government program designed to improve quality of life
Public Policy An intentional course of action followed by government in dealing with some problem or matter of concern
Public Policy Process Recognition, Agenda Setting, Formulation, Adoption, Budgeting, Implementation, Evaluation
Problem Recognition Identification of an issue that disturbs the people and leads them to call for governmental intervention.
Agenda Setting Government recognition that a problem is worthy of consideration for governmental intervention
Policy Formulation Specific identification of alternative approaches to addressing the problem based on government’s agenda
Policy Adoption The formal selection of public policies through legislative, executive, judicial, and bureaucratic means
Budgeting the allocation of resources to provide for the proper implementation of public policies
Policy Implementation the actual administration or application of public policies to their targets
Policy Evaluation the determination of a policy’s accomplishments, consequences, or shortcomings
Agenda A set of issues to be discussed or given attention
Systemic Agenda All public issues that are viewed as requiring governmental attention; a discussion agenda
Governmental (Institutional) Agenda The changing list of issues to which governments believe they should address themselves
Agenda Setting The constant process of forming the list of issues to be addressed by government
Social Security Act (1935) Law that established old-age insurance and assistance for the needy, children, and others, and unemployment insurance.
Non-means-based programs Program like Social Security where benefits are provided irrespective of the income or means of the recipients
Means-Tested Programs income security program that assist people with income below a certain level
Medicare Federal program by LBJ that provides medical care to elderly social security recipients
Medicaid An expansion of medicare. It subsidizes medical care for the poor.
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