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Praxis Math

Number divisible by 2 if it's even
Number divisible by five if the last digit is a five or 0
Number is divisible by 3 if the Sum of its digits is divisble by 3
Number is divisible by nine if the sum of its digits is divisible by nine
Number is divislbe by 4 if the last 2 digits are divisible by 4
Factors are A list of all the ways we can multiply to get a number Ex: for 4, its 1, 2 and 4
Prime numbers are Numbers that their only factors are 1 and itself Ex: 13,
composite numbers are Opposite of prime Numbers that have factors other than one and itself
Prime factorization Breaking up the factorization into usingo nly primes Ex: 18 = 3 x six break it up into 3 x 2 x 2
To find the common factor of 2 numbers List out the factors of each number and circle the numbers they have in common
To find the greatest common factors Find the common factor, and circle the highest number the two have in common
Rational numbers are any numbers that can be written as a fraction Ex: 7 because it can be written as 7/1 .33333 repeating because it can be written as 1/3 1.five because it can be written as 3/2
Irrational numbers numbers that cannot be written as fractions ex: Pi, anything with repeating decimals and most square roots and cubes
Commutative property states that we can swap numbers and still arrive at the same answer Ex: 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 3 x 2 = 2 x 3
Associative property it doesnt matter which numbers we add/multiply first 8 x 4 x 2 = 4 x 2 x 8 4 + 2 + 1 = 1 + 4 + 2
order of operations 1. do things in parentheses first 2. exponents xpowers, roots) before multiply, divide add or subtract 3. multiply or divide before add/subtract *otherwise go left to right
remember order of operations PEMdAS *P parenthese first *E exponents, power roots etc. *Md multiplication and division, left to right *AS addition and subtraction left to right After you have done P, E do md L to R as you find them After PEMd, do A S from L to R as you find
remebering place value King Henry doesnt Usually drink chocolate milk Kilo*1000 Hecto*100 dea*10 deci*.10 centi*.01 milli*.001
add 2 fractions with diff denominators find common denominator and add numerators acorss
subtract two fractions with diff denominators find common denominator and subtract across
add and subtract decimals line them up according to the decimal place, add zeros for them to match up
multiply two fractions with diff denominators multiply the numerator and denominator across, do not need a common denominator
divide two fractions ddoes not matter if they have a common denominator, flip the second one and multiply across
addition of two numbers with the same sign they keep their sign
addition of two different numbers, one positive one negative subtract the lesser absolute value from the greater aboslute value, takes the sign of the number with the greatest absolute value
multiply or divide two signed numbers both the same, keep positive both different, keep negative
addition keywords find a sum, total, combine quantities, increase a quantity
subtraction keywords find a difference, take away, find out how much is left, how many more/less, decrease
multiplication keywords find a product, put equal quantities together to find a total, how much is a portion of a whole, cost of a given number, percent
division keywords find a quotient, ratio/fractional part, how many equal parts in a whole, seperate into groups, probability
1 pint 2 cups
1 quart 2 pints
1 gallon 4 quarts
1 lb sixteen ounces
1 ton 2000 lbs
1 meter 100 centimeters, 1000 mm
i kilometer 1000 meters
1 gram 1000 milligrams
1 kilogram 1000 grams
perimeter area around the outside of a figure
area space inside the figure
surface area area of all the sides of the 3 dimensional figure
volume amount of space inside a solid
Area of triangle a = 1/2bh
area of rectangle a = lw
area of trapezoid a = 1/2hXb1 + b2)
parallelogram A = bh
area of circle A = pie times radius squared
surface area of a prism/pyramid sum of all areas of all faces of the figure
surface area of a cylinder sum of the areas of the two bases and the area of it's rectangular wrap SA = 2 times pie radius squared + 2 times pie radius times height
surface area of a sphere SA = 4 pie radius squared
volume of a prism/cylinder V = bh
volume of pyramid V = 1/3bh
volume of a sphere v = 4/3pie radius squared
what is congruency means that figures can fit exactly on top of each other, same size, shape, etc. hash marks can be used to denote this.
complementary angles 2 angles whose sum equals 90 degress example: one 30 degree one 60 degree angle
supplementary angles two angles whose sum equals 180 ex 1 135 degree angle, 1 45 degree angle
polygon shape consisting of straight lines, the name of the shape depends on the number of sides the shape has
sum of interior angles of a polygon (n-2)180 n represents the number of sides the polygon has for triangle it would be 3-2, etc
equilateral triangle has three congruent sides
isoceles triangle has two congruent sides
scalene triangle has no congruent sides
acute triangle has three acute angles
obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle
right triangle has one right angle
difference between rhombus and parallelogram rhombus has four congruent sides
sum of interior angles of 1. triangle 2. quadrilateral 1. 180 2. 360
Created by: ashley029
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