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Nothing intresting, really.

안녕하세요 Hello
감사합니다 Thank you
Yes/That's right/What you said is right
아니요 No/That's wrong/What you said is wrong
안녕히 계세요 Goodbye (If you are leaving)
안녕히 가세요 Goodbye (If you are staying)
죄송합니다 I'm Sorry (Also used to pass through a crowd)
저기요 Excuse me (When you want someone's attention)
잠시만요 Just a second (When you want to pass through a crowd)
잠깐만요 Just a second. (When you want to pass through a crowd)
이에요 to be (last letter has a final consonant)
예요 to be (last letter doesn't have a final consonant)
Korean sentence structure. Subject + Object + Verb or Subject + Adjective
물이에요 It's water.
가방이에요 It's a bag.
저예요 It's me.
학교예요 It's a school.
이거 This thing {이 [i] (“this”) + 것 [geot] (“thing”)}
이거 책이에요 This is a book.
이거 카메라예요 This is a camera.
이거 뭐예요? What is this? (Remember to change tone)
이거 물이에요 Is this water?
this (near me)
the/that (near other person)
that (over there)
이것 This thing
그것 That thing
저것 That thing over there.
이 사람, 그 사람, 저 사람 This person, That person, That person over there.
아니에요 I am not/it is not/you are not. (Present tense of verb "to be not")
저 아니에요 It's not me.
우유 아니에요 It's not milk.
물 아니에요 It's not water.
저학생 아니에요 I'm not a student.
Topic marking particles Used to let people know what or who you are going to talk about. Topic markers are attached after nouns.
Words ending with last consonant
Words ending with a vowel
저는 학생이에요 As for me, I am a student. I (me, personally) am a student.
내일은 저는 일해요 As for tomorrow, I work.
Subject marking particles Used to show "who" did something or "what" is being described.
Words ending with last consonant
Words ending with a vowel
이거 사과예요 This is an apple.
이거는 사과예요 (with topic marking) This (look) is an apple.
있어요 Have/Exists
없어요 Don't have/Doesn't exist
물 있어요 Water exists/I/She/They/You have water. There is water
친구 있어요 I have (a) friends.
시간 없어요 There is no time. I don't have time. We don't have time, etc.
친구 없어요 I don't have friends.
주세요 Please give me.
A: 사과 있어요? B: 네. 사과 있어요 A: 사과 주세요 A: Do you have apples? B: Yes, we have apples. A: Please give me (an/some) apple(s).
주세요 (def.) Can be used when: asking for something. Ordering food or drinks at restaurant. Asking for an item in a shop or, when attached to a verb, to ask someone to do something for you.
맛있어요 It's tasty/delicious.
이거 맛있어요 This is tasty/delicious.
저 케익 맛있어요 That cake is delicious.
이 차 맛없어요 This tastes awful.
잘 먹겠습니다 I'm going to eat well, or I will eat well. (used when someone is about to start a meal, particularly when someone is going to pay for it.)
잘 먹었습니다 I have eaten well. (To thank someone for the food.)
-고 싶어요 I want to + (verb)
bo-go si-peo yo I want to see.
더 bo-go si-peo yo I want to see more.
[meok-go si-peo-yo] I want to eat.
더 meok-go si-peo-yo I want to eat more.
뭐 먹고 싶어요? What do you want to eat?
햄버거 먹고 싶어요 I want to eat a hamburger.
하다 to do
보다 to see
먹다 to eat
사다 to buy
마시다 to drink
[mwo ha-go si-peo-yo] What do you want to do?
[mwo bo-go si-peo-yo] What do you want to see?
mwo meok-go si-peo-yo What do you want to eat?
mwo sa-go si-peo-yo What do you want to buy?
mwo ma-si-go si-peo-yo What do you want to drink?
Native Korean Numbers & Sino-Korean Numbers To tell the time, you have to use NK# to say hour and S-K to say the minute. To tell your age in normal conversation, you use NK#, but in formal situations, S-K are used to express age.
Sino-Korean Numbers and Native Korean Numbers To say a number higher than 99, exaple; 101, you have to add Sino-Korean number of 100 and 1 of Native-Korean Number.
륙 / 육 6
팔 구 십 8 9 10
십일 11
이십일 21
삼십사 32
오십사 54
삼백이십칩 327
천사백륙십이 1462
가다 to go
자다 to sleep
때리다 to hit
웃다 to laugh
Present tense ending. 아요 Verb's last vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ.
Present tense ending. 어요 Verb's last vowel is not ㅏ or ㅗ.
Present tense ending. 여요 Verb stem which is only 하 is followed by 여요.
가요 I/he/she/they/you (etc) go
머거요 I/he/she/they/you eats
봐요 I/he/she/they/you look(s)/watch(es)
보여요 It's visible. I see it.
Past tense ending. 았어요 Verb's last vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ.
Past tense ending. 었어요 Verb's last vowel is not ㅏ or ㅗ.
Past tense ending. 였어요 Verb stem is ㅏ.
sa-sseo-yo I/she/he/you bought
hae-sseo-yo I/she/he/you did
jeo-geo-sseo-yo I/she/he/you wrote
어디 Where/which place/location
at, to (Expresses a location where something "is" or "exists".
에서 at, in, from. (Expresses a location where something is taking place / action).
어디가고싶어요 Where do you want to go?
학교에갔어요 I went to school.
한국에 왔어요 I came to Korea.
어디에 가고 싶어요 Where do you want to go?
어디에 있어요 Where are you?
집에서 일해요 I work at home.
언제 When
언제 했어요 When did you do it?
언제 도착했어요 When did you arrive?
언제 왔어요 When did you come?
오늘 Today
어제 Yesterday
내일 Tomorrow
지금 Now
아까 Earlier(today)/A while ago(today)
나중에 Later
하나 1
다섯 5
여섯 6
일곱 7
여덟 8
아홉 9
스물 20
서른 30
마흔 40
예순 60
일흔 70
여든 80
아흔 90
Age: Numbers 1,2,3,4 & 20 change forms before a noun. 1 하나 [ha-na] --> 한 [han] 살 2 둘 [dul] --> 두 [du] 살 3 셋 [set] --> 세 [se] 살 4 넷 [net] --> 네 [ne] 살 20 스물 [seu-mul] --> 스무 [seu-mu] 살 21 스물 [seu-mul] --> 스물한 [seu-mul-han] 살
열여섯살이에요 I'm 16 years old.
Negative sentences 1. Adding 안 [an] before a verb 2. Using the negative verb ending, 지 않다 [ji an-ta] *method 2 is relatively formal, but not necessarily only for formal situations *method 2 have different tenses of your sentence.
Present tense: 지 않아요
Past tense: 지 않았어요
집에 가요 --> 집에 안 가요 I'm going home --> I'm NOT going home.
그거 버렸어요 --> 그거 안 버렸어요 I threw it away --> I DIDN'Tthrow it away
Present: 가지 않아요 Present: I'm NOT going.
Past: 가지 않았어요 Past: I DIDN'T go.
Present: 버리지 않아요 Present: I'm NOT throwing it away.
Past: 버리지 않았어요 Past: I DIDN'T throw it away.
하다 ** to do (** Many nouns that indicate or describe action or behavior can be combined with to do to create new verbs)
공부 --> 공부하다 studying --> to study
일 --> 일하다 work, job --> to work
기억 --> 기억하다 memory --> to remember
청소 --> 청소하다 cleaning - to clean
요리 --> 요리하다 cooking, dish --> to cook
이사 --> 이사하다 moving --> to move
노래 --> 노래하다 song --> to sing
노력 --> 노력하다 effort --> to make an effort, to try hard
동의 --> 동의하다 agreement, agreeing --> to agree
인정 --> 인정하다 admitting --> to admit
후회 --> 후회하다 regret --> to regret
운동 --> 운동하다 exercise --> to exercise, to work out
사랑 --> 사랑하다 love --> to love
말 --> 말하다 words, language --> to speak
생각 --> 생각하다 thought, idea --> to think
생각 안 하다 to not think
누구 who
누구예요 Who is it?
누가 제인이에요 Who is Jane? (Among these people| since topic markers are used|) 누구 + 가 (topic marker) = 누가
누가 했어요 Who did it? (Among these people| since topic markers are used|) 누구 + 가 (topic marker) = 누가
누가 전화했어요 Who called?
이거 누구예요 Who is this?
어제 누가 왔어요 Who came yesterday?
그거 누가 만들었어요 Who made that?
누가 샀어요 Who bought it?
어디 Where
언제 When
누구 Who
어떻게 How
어떻게 찾았어요 How did you find it?
어떻게 왔어요 How did you get here?
왜 전화했어요 Why did you call?
왜 안 왔어요 Why didn't you come?
얼마 How much (money)
얼마나 How + adjective/adverb
얼마예요? How much is it?
얼마 냈어요 How much did you pay?
얼마나 + adjective/adverb How + [often/fast/early/soon/etc...]
얼마나 자주 와요 How often do you come?
얼마나 커요 How big is it?
얼마나 무거워요 How heavy is it?
에서 from (often used with locations)
부터 from (often used with time)
까지 "to" or "until"
서울부터 From Seoul
서울부터 Starting from seoul
지금부터 From now
어제부터 Since(from) yesterday
서울까지 (from somewhere else) to Seoul
지금까지 Until now
내일까지 Until tomorrow
(여기에서) (저기까지) (From here) (to here)
(서울에서) (부산까지) (From Seoul) (to Busan)
Created by: Qcabara
Popular Languages sets




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