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BIRP note Behavior (what is observed) Intervention (what will be done) Response (how pt reacted to above information) Plan (what could/should happen next)
At minimum, a screening should consist of: current and historic substance abuse, health, mental health, and substance related treatment histories, mental and functional status, current social, environmental and/or economic constraints.
Can produce hallucinogenic effects: LSD types, phenylethylamines, and anticholinergic agents.
At minimum, an individualized treatment plan addresses: the identified substance abuse disorder...issues related to treatment progress.
In alcoholic dependent individuals who undergo detox, what percentage show brain dysfunction to a significant degree? 50 to 75%
8 core skill groups-theoretical base of counseling. Treatment admission, clinical assessment, ongoing treatment planning, counseling services, documentation, case management, discharge/continuing care, legal, ethical, and professional growth
Tertiary Prevention client completed a residential treatment program and is living in a halfway house with other recovering addicts.
Hallucinogens-physiological effects massive increase in neural activity, activates SNS (rise in body temp, heart rate, and blood pressure; PNS activity-increase in salivation and nausea
Physiological effects of MDMA sensatory awareness, loss of appetite, nausea, muscle aches, tachycardia, hypothermia, cardiological complications, liver damage.
"all arounders" all types of drugs that are psychoactive and alter perceptions and produce illusions, delusions, or hallucinations.
Re-framing consists of offering a different perspective on a situation the client is facing
Paraphrasing includes the therapeutic qualities of empathy and warmth. Paraphrasing refers to a counselor’s verbal response that rephrases the essence of the client’s message. It allows the client to hear what he or she has just said,parroted or w/clari
Reflecting occurs when the counselor restates content that had generated emotion from the client—it is a reflection of feeling. Reflection of feeling captures and expresses to the client the core of what he or she is feeling. client aware of ex. emotion
Interpersonal learning Learning to trust one’s self&others Develop conflict resolution skills Learn how one’s culture affects personal decisions Incr. soc. skills A greater empathetic understanding of the needs of others Learn to confront.Identify. Assist
Steps in crisis intervention: establish helping relationship, assure safety, conduct an assessment, give support, assist with action plan, arrange follow up
Group order Trust, power, intimacy, building cohesion, cohesion, working, termination
DSM-IV psychoactive substance dependence Substance is taken in larger amounts than the person intended, frequent intoxication when expected to fulfill major role obligations, one or more unsuccessful efforts to cut down substance abuse, marked tolerance.
Addition process: The disease model It is a primary disease. It is a chronic illness. It is a progressive disease. It is a fatal disease. It is a treatable illness. It is characterized by denial.
CAGE Cut down, annoyed, guilt, eye opener. Used to identify alcoholism. Validated SCREENING technique. most important question is the eye-opener.
Derivatives of the Cannabis plant Hashish, Ganja, sinsemilla, bhang
How many Americans are current Marijuana users? 20 million
Nicotine stimulus effect release of norepinephrine
ASI assessment tool Addiction Severity Index-a semi-structured interview that provides details of pt's life that may contribute to their substance abuse problems. Doesn't focus on one particular area. Provides info on frequency, duration, and intensity.
The best approach to the treatment of addiction is: the multidisciplinary approach
Psilocybe mushroom potency 3 to 4 hour duration
Side effects of Narcotics Nausea and vomiting, respiratory depression, miosis, gastrointestinal effects, cough suppression, motor effects.
The 6 additional specifiers used for diagnosis of substance dependence: early full remission, early partial remission, sustained full remission, sustained partial remission, on agonist therapy, in a controlled environment
Psychological effects of MDMA use euphoria, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, depersonalization, paranoia, psychotic experiences, cognitive deficiencies.
Five Stages of Group Development Forming (Orientation), Storming (Power struggle),Norming (cooperation and intergration), Performing (evolving to another level), Adjourning (closure)
GABA neurotransmitters __________ fear/anxiety responses. reduce
Abstinence Violation Effect refers to the tendency for some people to use substances problematically when they believe abstinence is too difficult a goal to achieve or maintain. More likely to use to cope with self-blame and guilt.
Family's response to substance disease: denial, attempt to eliminate the problem, disorganization and chaos, reorganization in spite of the problem, effort to escape, family reorganization.
Case Management activities that bring services, agencies, resources, or people together within a planned framework of action toward the achievement of established goals.
5 main functions of case management: assessment, planning, linking, advocacy, and monitoring.
3 approaches family members use in living with a substance abuse person: keeping out of the way, caregiving, resigning to the idea that the user will always use-and they maintain facade.
12 steps: 1.Powerless2.power greater than ourserlves 3.turn lives over to GOD 4.moral inventory 5.admitted wrongs 6.let go 7.ask God to remove shortcomings 8.list of people harmed 9.make amends 10.cont. personal inventory 11.prayer and meditation 12.carry message
Threshold dose: smallest amount of drug that can produce a detectable response.
Buccal administration of drug: absorbed through mucous membranes of the mouth
Fat soluable drugs store in fatty areas of the body and: can have longer lasting traces in the body
If state law differs from federal law: the more stringent of the 2 should be followed.
In 1898, what refined drug was marketed by Bayer as a remedy for coughs Heroin
The DSM IV, Polysubstance abuse is: the use of at least 3 groups of substances in one year.
Dilaudid can be detected in a UA for: 2-4 days
A client divulges a family secret in group. You ask the group how they feel about what the client has said. This is: surveying
When an elderly client reports feelings of depression and admits to abusing alcohol since her husband and friends have died, you should: be aware of your own views regarding death.
Axises used to diagnose specific disorders: I and II
Usually the procedure of termination should be brought up: during the first session of treatment
Competing interests concerning the privacy rule: public and personal health, and well being
When would you, as an addictions professional, use summerizations? At the beginning, the middle, and the end of a treatment session.
Likely to suffer from cirrohsis and die from it? 57 year old female
Steps in Detoxification evaluation, stabilization, guiding the pt.
The counseling technique of "reflection" is used to: build trust
Maladaptive behavior, according to the humanistic perspective, derives from: stunted or distorted personal development.
During the transition stage of the group, a key issue is: anxiety and defensiveness
Depressant Tolerance level low to moderate
Depressant Physical Dependence level moderate to high
The process of recaptulating the emotional conflicts that originated during the 1st 6 years of life is called: Transference neurosis
A client on 'agonist therapy' is receiving: an agonist medication and no criteria for dependence or abuse has been met for at least one month.
Effects of LSD types agents last 2-12 hours
When is inpatient treatment the right choice? medical needs, lack of social support system
Elements of the Disease Model of Addiction addiction is a biopsychosocial disease, genetic predisposition to addiction, tolerance to drugs is built up, addicts and alcoholics who have family histories show more antisocial behavior, psychological addiction occurs after physical &present after detox
MAST Michigan Alcohol Screening Test-one of the oldest and most accurate tests, questions relate to pts self appraisal of social, vocational and family problems frequently associated with heavy drinking, covers pts lifetime. 22 questions-6 or more=further eval
8 practice dimensions of addiction counseling clinical evaluation, treatment planning, referral, service coordination, counseling, client family and community education, documentation, professional and ethical responsibilities.
general format for a case review: presenting issue, history, diagnostic impression, theory and treatment, termination, and follow up.
how long can cocaine be detected in a UA? 12 to 72 hours
4 stages of therapy for AIDS therapy help the client accept the diagnosis, increase the quality of pt's life, empower client, help the client deal with fear, pain, loss, and death.
Phenomenology learning to see the world through the perspective of the pt
hepatitis is: an infection of the liver caused by a virus
Created by: 630386497
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