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bahasa indonesia

noun classifier- general sebuah
fruit in general buah-buahan
tail ekor
noun classifier- a tail/count of an animal se-ekor (2)
drinking glass gelas
a sheet of something helai
noun classifier- a sheet of something sehelai
slice (v) helai
there is / there are/ is (prep/adj) ada (3)
to be in a bad mood sedang kesal
vacancy / rooms available ada kamar kosong (2)
is a /is /are adalah (3)
younger brother/sister-in-law adik ipar (2)
address (n) alamat
linguist ahli bahasa
historian ahli sejarah
mechanic ahli mesin
technician ahli teknik
study / learn (2) (v) ajar / belajar (2)
will always akan selalu
suffix akhiran
main square alun-alun
grandma (3) ama / oma / nenek
grandmas nenek - nenek
take / pick up (v) (2) ambil / mengambil (2)
inky bertinta
healthy sehat
health kesehatan
my older brother's daughter is my niece "anak perempuan kakak laki-laki saya
you are very beautiful (2) anda cantik sekali / anda sangat cantik
do you take credit cards? anda terimah kartu credit?
bitch dog anjing betina
female animal betina
deliver / escort someone (v) antar (2)
can you please speak more slowly? "tolong
is Jon There? apakah Jon di sana?
are you still there apakah kamu masih di sana
fire (n) (2) api / kebakaran
muslim greeting as selamu alaykum
smoke / dust asap (2)
salty asin
authentic/ original/ pure-bred asli (3)
danger / watch out! (v) awas (2)
danger (n) bahaya
careful / beware hati-hati (2)
father (2) ayah / bapak
fathers bapak-bapak
let's go! ayo!
read // read something (v) baca // membaca
how do I eat this food bagaimana saya makan makanan ini
that (conj) bahwa
you (m) / sir / father/ older man (2) bapak/ pak (4)
sir tuan
west barat
east timur
new/ recently/ just (did) baru (3)
wet basah
fine/ good/ great/ kind (re person) baik (4)
"fine I will take it"
that's fine I'll call again in 10 minutes baik. Saya akan telepon lagi dalam 10 menit
ok (adj) / well (adj) / carefully baik-baik (3)
airport (3) bandara/ lapangan udara / erpot
stink (n)/ stinky (adj) bau (2)
bring (v) bawa
pay (v) bayar
baby bayi
some / a few beberapa (2)
go shopping/ expense (n) belanja (2)
he / she (formal) beliau (2)
he/ she (informal) (2) Dia/ Ia
turn (v) belok
turn right then continue for ten minutes then stop belok kanan lalu jalan terus selama sepuluh minet lalu berhenti
not yet belum
have never belum pernah
really (before adj) / indeed (adv) / perfect ( adj) benar - benar (3)
what is the price of this blue shirt? berapa harganya baju biru ini
lie (v) berbohong
lie (n) bohong
stand (v) berdiri
both berdua
useful berguna
to give (2) beri / kasi
have a family berkeluarga
play music bermain musik
named bernama
get dressed (v) berpakaian
clean (adj) bersih
clean(v) membersihkan
clean-up (n) bersih-bersih
ask a question bertanya
meet (2) bertemu / jumpa
long time since we've met up! sudah lama tidak bertemu
have a birthday berulang tahun
attaing age of berumur
it's not here (2) bukan di sini/ tidak di sini
aunt bibi
uncle paman
to say (4) Bilang / kata / berkata / mengatakan
say sorry bilang maaf
animal (2) binatang / hewan
oh is that so! loh begitu!
can I come tomorrow morning bisa saya datang besok pagi
so-so bisaja saja
may I have the bill boleh saya minta bon
bill please minta bon
may I ask to be collected? boleh saya minta jemput?
may I borrow your telephone boleh saya pinjam telepon anda
fake 'brand' brand-brandan
throw away buang
#2 + acronym // #1+ acronym Buang air besar/ BAB (bay ah bay) // Buang air kecil /BAK (bay ah kah)
it's not
not a... // no I'm not bukan // bukan saya bukan
hill bukit
foreigner bule
badminton bulutangkis
cockatoo burung kakak tua
bird burung
candidate calon
husband-to-be calon suami
fatigue capek-capek
tired capek
way / how/ method/ procedure cara (4)
paint (n) cat
paint (v) lukis
hastily cepat-cepat
kiss / smell (2) (v) cium / mencium (2)
on/ in / at / to pada
grandchild cucu
enough cukup
6 enam
4 empat
100 ratus
1000 ribu
area / region/ locality / local daerah (4)
menu daftar makanan
list daftar
meat daging
squid cumi-cumi
in/ within/ inside (prep/adj) dalam (3)
lake danau
dance (2) dansa/ joget
get / gain / receive (2) (v) dapat / mendapat (3)
from where? dari mana?
to where? ke mana
from here to there dari sini ke sana
than / instead of daripada (2)
near dekat
close to dekat dengan
well (adj) dengan baik
with pleasure / with happy heart dengan senang hati (2)
with whom am I speaking dengan siapa saya berbicara
hear / listen (2) (v) dengar / mendengar (2)
listen carefully and repeat dengarkan baik-baik dan ulangi (2)
front / next depan (2)
in between / among di antara (2)
between (versus) antara
up atas
on top / above di atas (2)
at night di malam hari
in the morning di pagi hari
across the street di seberang jalan
at the corner di sudut
at my place di tempat saya
be reduced (passive) dikurangin
prohibited dilarang
surgeon dokter bedah
eye doctor doktor mata
first (2) dulu / pertama
world dunia
delicious (food) enak
tidak - casual convo (2) enggak / ngak
you / your (inf) engkau (3)
you (jakarta) elu
young coconut ice (popular drink) es kelapa muda
salary gagi
disturb/bother (v) ganggu (2)
lightning / thunder (2) geledek/ petir (2)
fat (2) gemuk / gendut
brush teeth gosok gigi
i/me/mine (jakarta slang) gua (3)
sugar gula
candy gula-gula
outdoor yard halaman
warm // cold // hot hangat // dingin // panas
only (before term) hanya
have punya
there is only one (2) hanya ada satu/ ada satu saja
there is only one dbl emphasis hanya ada satu saja
hope (v) harap
fixed price (2) harga mati / harga pas
rental price harga sewa
the price is fixed harganya harga mati
what day is today? hari ini hari apa
tiger harimau
good smell (n) / frangrant (adj) (2) harum /wangi
thirsty haus
life/ existence (n) live/exist (v) hip hip hurray! (int) Hidup (5)
green // black // yellow // white // purple hijau // hitam // kuning // putih // ungu
vanish/ disappear/ lose (v) hilang (3)
suck hisap
heavy rain hujan besar
you (f) / ma'am / mother/ older woman (2) ibu / bu (4)
mothers ibu-ibu
join/ take part/ participate ikut (3)
remember (2) (v) ingat / mengingat
this is the way / how... ini cara.... (2)
this is an emergency ini darurat
in-laws in same generation ipar
older brother/sister-in-law kakak ipar (2)
special (2) istimewa/ spesial
wife istri
his wife istrinya
that is too expensive itu terlalu mahal
become / be (v)(2) jadi / menjadi (2)
so / thus / therefore (adv) jadi (3)
completed/ finished/ done (adj) jadi (3)
guard / take care of jaga (2)
bad (person)/ unkind/ evil jahat (3)
walk for how many minutes? jalan selama berapa minet
walk straight / continue walking jalan terus (2)
what time do you close your store jam berapa anda tutup toko anda
quarter past 2:00 jam dua lewat seperempat
quarter to 6 jam enam kurang seperempat
annoyed (adj) kesal
20 min past 7:00 jam tujuh lebih dua puluh menit
don't be late! jangan jam karet
don't fall! jangan jatuh
don't touch me! jangan pegang saya!
perhaps jangan-jangan
fingers // finger jari-jari // jari
fall in love jatuh cinta
far jauh
answer / respond (2) (v) jawab / menjawab (2)
ugly (quality or appearance) jelek
window jendela
if / how about / what about (2) jika / Kalau (3)
orange (adj) (2) jingga/ oranye
honest jujur
trained professional juru
spokesman juru bicara
photographer juru kamera
chef juru masak
news kabar
sometimes / from time to time kadang-kadang (2)
older sibling (2) kakak / kak
older brother kakak laki-laki
older sister kakak perempuan
grandpa (2) kakek / opa
street food vendor kaki lima
the legs/ his legs kaki-kakinya (2)
what about later kalau nanti
occassion/ moment in time kali (2)
room with two beds kamar dengan dua tempat tidur
room with a bathroom kamar dengan kamar mandi
bathroom (2) kamar kecil / kamar mandi
bedroom kamar tidur
single room kamar untuk seorang
us /our (excl.) kami (2)
we open from___ until____ kami buka dari jam___ sampai jam____
what do you want to do today? (4) kamu mau (buat /(me)lakukan /ngapain) apa hari ini?
which do you want kamu mau yang mana?
do you like this book or that book kamu suka buku yang ini atau buku yang itu
right and left kanan dan kiri
sleepiness kantuk
when did it happen kapan ini terjadi
because karena
rubber karet
love/ dear / affection (n) (3) kasih / sayang/ kasih sayang (2)
love (romantic) (n) cinta
let someone know/ tell (v) kasih tahu (2)
root word kata dasar
the words kata-katanya
wood kayu
cleanliness kebersihan
by chance / coincidentally kebetulan (2)
zoo kebun binatang
garden kebun
soy sauce kecap
audible kedengaran
visible kelihatan
embassy kedutaan
to have lost something kehilangan
cruel kejam
cheese keju
exit (n & v) keluar
extended family keluarga besar
close family keluarga dekat
yesterday kemarin
afterwards / later / then kemudian (3)
be acquainted with/ to get to know (v) kenal (2)
introduce (common) (v) kenalkan
why (2) kenapa / mengapa
full (stomach) kenyang
crab kepiting
nephew keponakan laki-laki
niece keponakan perempuan
work / job (n) (4) kerjaan/ kerja/ pekerja/ pekerjaan
favorite kesukaan
during ketika
we/us (incl.) kita (2)
why / how come? - casual convo kok (2)
the phone connection is bad koneksi teleponnya jelek
penis kontol
ass pantat
pussy memek
suitcase koper
newspaper (2) koran / surat kabar
empty/ vacant/ blank (adj)/ hole/ blank (n) kosong (5)
city kota
dirty kotor
horse kuda
cake kue
firefly/ glow worm Kunang-kunang (2)
keys kunci-kunci
less /reduced/ not enough / minutes to the hour kurang (4)
spider laba-laba
song lagu
be born / birth lahir (2)
another time lain kali
do (3) lakukan/ melakukan/ buat
then (3) lalu / maka / kemudian
past (time) lalu
slow lambat
seasoning / flavouring bumbu
traffic light (2) lampu merah / lampu lalu lintas
fluent lancar
sky langit
field lapangan
hungry lapar
run (2) lari / berlari
sea laut
ocean (2) lautan/ segara
door / house gate Lawang (2)
door / airport gate pintu (2)
more / over /past (time) lebih (3)
er (adj.) lebih + adjective
arm (n) lengan
past/ beyond (distance/ time) lewat (2)
delicious (food / smell/ touch) lezat
see lihat
see something (v) melihat
wow / oh! / at beginning or end of sentence loh (3)
race/ contest lomba (2)
jump (2) (v) lompat / melompat
outer luar
outside di luar
extraordinary luar biasa
dolphin lumba-lumba
forget lupa
day after tomorrow lusa
knee lutut
sorry the shop is already closed ma'af toko sudah tutup
I'm sorry I thought you didn't hear me "maaf
drunk mabuk
sort/ kind / type (adj) macam (3)
traffic jam macet
play (v) (2) main/ bermain
eat breakfast // lunch // dinner makan pagi// siang// malam
what food is cheap? makanan apa yang murah?
processed food makanan olahan
manufactured/ processed (adj) olahan (2)
snack (v) makan-makan
then / so maka (2)
slang maki-maki
saturday night malam minggu
lazy malas
thief maling
sweet smelling mangoe mangga harum manis
Mari is very smart because she studies hard mari sangat pandai karena dia belajar keras
let me treat you mari saya traktir kamu
young man / 'mstr' mas (2)
still / currently masih (2)
enter / entry (v/ n) masuk (2)
sun (2) matahari/ surya
spy/ detective mata-mata (2)
l m n r w y z me-
turn off matikan
b f v p(drop) mem-
c d j t(drop) men-
a e i o u g h k(drop) meng-
s (drop) meny-
table meja
make buat
make something membuat
charming / dazzling mempesona (2)
win menang
tower menara
interesting / attractive (adj) menarik (2)
diarrhea mencret
feel sleepy (2) mengantuk / ngantuk
enjoy (something) menikmati
watch entertainment (3) menonton / tonton / nonton
close (v) menutup
light red/pink merah muda
dark red merah tua
mike lives in a blue and yellow house mike tinggal di rumah yang biru dan kuning
request / ask (in polite request) minta (2)
drink (v) minum
drink (n) minuman
drinking / drinking party minum-minum (2)
motorbike kereta
even though / in spite of meskipun (2)
my name... nama saya..
cry nangis
nation negara
what are you doing? ( casual) ngapain?
enjoyable nikmat
young miss mbak
younger ritzy miss nona (2)
your 'noun' noun + mu
the 'noun' / his or her noun noun + nya (2)
mosquito nyamuk
toothpaste (2) odol/ pasta gigi
by (someone) / because of oleh (2)
nonsense omong kosong!
cost/ charges ongkos (2)
the cost / charges ongkosnya (2)
the cost is 1000 rupiah for the first three minutes ongkosnya seribu rupiah untuk tiga menit pertama
boyfriend or girlfriend (2) pacar / kekasih
extinguish (v) padam
early / in the morning pagi - pagi (2)
sir I want to introduce mike to you sir "pak
use/ to wear (v) pakai(2)
clothes (n) pakaian
the tallest (2) paling tinggi / tertinggi
smart/ clever (2) pandai / pintar (2)
call (v) panggil
beach pantai
the (a group of people with something in common) para
good fit pas
market pasar
of course / certainly! (2) pasti! / tentu! (2)
umbrella payung
rainbow pelangi
occupation/ doer = ?prefix + ?part of speech pe- + verb
touch (2) (v) pegang / sentuh
slowly pelan-pelan
painter (w/prefix) pelukis
firefighter pemadam kebakaran
buyer (n) pembeli
buy (v) beli
owner pemilik
short (adj) pendek
long (length) panjang
announcement / notification pengumuman (2)
shopkeeper penjaga toko
seller (n) penjual
sell (v) jual
writer penulis
self-confidence (&acronym) percaya diri (pd pay day)
believe (v) percaya
excuse me (casual you are not really interrupting) permisi
ever / once (did something) pernah (2)
wedding (n) / marriage (n) pernikahan (2)
first time pertama kali
tummy perut
message/instruction (n)/order/reserve /request (v) pesan (5)
word (2) pesan / kata
airplane (3) pesawat / pesawat udara/ pesawat terbang
birthday party pesta ulang tahun
move (change location) pindah
borrow (v) pinjam
tree pohon
speed bump polisi tidur
that young man is my brother pria muda itu adalah saudara saya
round-trip pulang pergi
one-way satu arah
center / hub (n) /central (adj) pusat (3)
sports raga
flavour / smell (n) rasa (2)
feel / taste (2) (v) rasa / merasa (2)
the taste rasanya
colleague rekan
co-worker (2) rekan kerja
hand brake rem tangan
plan (n/v) rencana
restaurant (2) restoran / rumah makan
jungle (2) rimba/ hutan rimba
front wheel roda depan
household rumah tangga
equal to sama dengan
connect (two parties) (2) menyambungkan / sambungkan
garbage sampah
till we meet again (2) sampai bertemu lagi / sampai jumpa lagi
very (before adj) (2) sangat / benar-benar
breakfast / have bkfst sarapan (2)
one half (2) satu per dua / setengah
one quarter (2) satu per empat / seperempat
one another satu sama lain
the only one satu-satunya
brother/ a man your status/age saudara (2)
sister/ used to address a woman your status/age saudari (2)
...right? / eh? at end of sentence ...kan? (short for bukan)
I learn indonesian so that I can speak fluently saya belajar bahasa indonesia supaya saya bisa berbicara dengang lancar
I am not american saya bukan orang america
I can only speak indonesian a little saya hanya bisa berbicara bahasa indonesia sedikit
I took a shower for 15 min then I got dressed saya mandi selama lima belas minet lalu saya berpakaian
I want to pay saya mau bayar
I really want to saya mau sekali
I sincerely believe that... saya percaya dengan tulus bahwa...
I think he is very funny saya pikir dia lucu sekali
I really love you saya sangat cinta kamu
I was in the process of (verb) when ... saya sedang (verb) ketika...
I am learning indonesian saya sedang belajar bahasa indonesia
I am eating dinner saya sedang makan malam
I am happy to be acquainted with you too saya senang berkenalan dengan anda juga
nice to meet you senang bertemu dengan anda
I already walked for 5min and arrived here saya sudah jalan selama lima minet dan sumpai di sini
I already ate breakfast saya sudah makan pagi
as 'adjective' as se + adjective
one of a noun se + noun
side (i.e.. Left or right side) sebelah
before sebelum
a little while / a moment sebentar (2)
as big as sebesar
gift (2) hadiah/ kado
as beautiful as secantik
am currently (2) sedang / tengah
just a little bit sedikit sedikit saja
a dog seekor anjing
fresh segar
one glass of milk segelas susu
sheet of paper sehelai kertas
history sejarah
so far/ so far as/ insofar as sejauh (3)
very much (after verb or adj.)/ once sekali (2)
once again / one more time se-kali lagi (2)
jam / jelly selai
for (a period of time) selama
safe selamat
goodbye (you stay) selamat jalan
goodbye (you go) selamat tinggal
enjoy! selamat menikmati
enjoy your trip! selamat menikmati perjalanan anda!
stay overnight bermalam
for many nights bermalam-malam
hopefully semoga
merry christmas selamat natal
"good afternoon sir may I have one chicken satay?"
happy birthday selamat ulang tahun
Tuesday selasa
wednesday rabu
south selatan
north utara
to be of the same kind semacam
ant semut
happy (2) senang / bahagia
shoes sepatu
like usual/ as usual seperti biasanya (2)
a cut of meat sepotong daging
months januari/ maret/ april/ mei/ juni/ juli / augustus/ nopember
cousin sepupu
first cousin saudara sepupu
often sering
really / are you serious? (5) serius?/ yang benar?/ yang betul?/ masa sih?/ oh ya? (2)
exciting (adv) seru
someone seseorang
last night / one night // last night semalam (2) // kemarin malam
after (2) setelah / sesudah
half a day setengah hari
as tall as setinggi
rent / hire sewa (2)
shuttle/ give a ride/ collect jemput (3)
daytime 10 -3 siang
daytime 3 - sunset sore
who are you siapa kamu
who is calling siapa yang menelepon
crossroads (4-way) simpang empat
lion singa
leftover food sisa makanan
polite sopan
husband suami
married couple suami istri
sound / voice suara (2)
do whatever one wants (negatively) suka-suka
river sungai
so that / in order to supaya (2)
accept/ receive terima (2)
thanks alot terima kasih banyak
you're welcome (3) terima kasih kembali / kembali/ sama-sama
fly (v) terbang
the most 'adjective' (2) ter + adj. / paling + adj.
good friend teman baik
close friend (2) kawan dekat / teman dekat
school friend (2) kawan sekola / teman sekola
place / area tempat (2)
newsstand (2) tempat beli majalah / tempat beli surat kabar
ticket counter tempat beli tiket
seat (2) // sit (v) tempat duduk / kursi // duduk
parking lot (2) tempat parkir / lapangan parkir
car park parkiran
bed tempat tidur
about/ re tentang (2)
boiled egg telur rebus
Mar-19 tanggal sembilan belas maret
without tanpa
but (2) tapi / tetapi
pull (v) tarik
put / place (v) taruh (2)
bargain back and forth tawar-menawar
bargain (v) tawar
sweet tea teh manis
tea with sugar teh denang gula
already did (2) telah / sudah
please throw that ball to me tolong lempar bola itu ke saya
chauffeur / driver supir (2)
letter / mail surat (2)
more (adj) /add (v)/ additional amt (n) / plus+ tambah (4)
guest/visitor tamu (2)
signature tanda-tangan
hand (n) tangan
included termasuk
smile (v) tersenyum
smile (n) (2) senyum/ senyuman
interested / attracted (v) tertarik (2)
especially (lit. most main) terutama
each / every (2) tiap/ tiap - tiap (2)
arrive (2) tiba / sampai
no problem / nevermind (2) //acronym tidak apa apa/ nggak apa apa //GPP (gay pay pay)
not as 'adjective' as tidak se + adjective
"no now instead"
it was not too good tidak terlalu bagus
"no beer instead"
stay/ live someplace (v) tinggal (2)
shop/ small store toko (2)
please escort me to my house tolong antar saya ke rumah saya
please help me (2) tolong bantu saya / tolong tolong saya
Please wrap this leftover food tolong bungkus sisa makanan ini
table for two please tolong meja untuk dua orang
please connect me with Jon at 1234567 tolong sambungkan saya dengan Jon di nomor 1234567
please write that word down tolong tuliskan kata itu
hat topi
treat (v) traktir
host (n) tuan rumah
age (n) (2) tuanya / umur
skilled laborer tukang
painter tukang cat
postman tukang pos
carpenter tukang kayu
gardener tukang kebun
write tulis
write something menulis
sincere tulus
test/ exam (n) ujian
shrimp udang
size / measurement ukuran (2)
repeat ulang
ground meat daging gilling
I'm 10 years old (my age is 10 year) umur saya 10 tahun
main/ major (adj) utama (2)
when (at a certain point in time) (2) waktu / ketika
although walaupun
member (adj) warga
citizen warga negara
which is/ that is/ the one yang (3)
which has/ have past/ ago yang lalu (3)
which one yang mana
that one yang itu
nose (n) hidung
heavy / serious (adj) berat (2)
weight (n) berat
extraordinarily (adv) /unbelievable (adj) bukan main (2)
not messing around bukan main-main
magician tukang sulap
high blood pressure darah tinggi
salt garam
o'clock pukul
time /hour jam (2)
bad / shabby buruk (2)
wallet dompetku
weather cuaca
air /atmosphere/weather udara (3)
married kawin
yawn (v) menguap
highway jalan raya
for life seumur hidup
goat kambing
parents orang tua
firstly pertama-tama
there isn't... tidak ada...
whereas sedangkan
average / moderate (adj) sedang (2)
currently in the process of (prep) sedang
bed sheet seprei
pillow case sarung bantal
wardrobe cabinet lemari
dresser (n) lemari baju
bookcase lemari buku
soap sabun
bath soap sabun mandi
towel handuk
comb (n) sisir
comb (v) menyisir
guestroom kamar tamu
family room kamar keluarga
kitchen dapur
can you please get me a plate from the kitchen tolong boleh ambilkan saya sebuah piring dari dapur
favourite / person dear to you kesayangan (2)
a pair pasang
a pair of (2) satu pasang / sepasang
long pants celana panjang
shorts celana pendek
pants celana
button-down shirt kemeja
shirt baju
dress / gown gaun (2)
skirt rok
underwear pakaian dalam
beat (n) debar
flutter / pounding /pulse/ throb (v) berdebar (4)
church gereja
quiet (2) tenang / sepi
smooth halus
noisy ribut
loud / harsh / hard (not soft) keras (3)
dry (adj) kering
dry (v) mengering
thin / flimsy (object) tipis (2)
peer sesama
to repeatedly take mengambili
to shy away/to go further away menjauh (2)
to stay away from/avoid manjauhi (2)
pupil murid
student pelajar
to go to the left mengiri
to give permission/ to allow memperkenankan (2)
inspector pembuat
to be made from/ of terbuat
if so / if that's the case kalau begitu (2)
like that / to be so begitu
accommodation/ rooming perumahan (2)
cigarette rokok
smoke (v) merokok
to be free of bebas
smoke free bebas rokok
to forbid (2) larang/ melarang
no smoking! dilarang merokok
to serve (2) // server layan/ melayan // pelayan
baked/ grilled/ roasted (4) bakar/ dibakar/ panggang/ dipanggang (3)
eyeglasses kacamata
season musim
maid / helper pembantu (2)
tomato tomat
piano piano
secretary sekretaris
architect arsitek
engineer insinyur
musician musisi
television televisi
radio radio
number nomor
lamp lampu
chile cabe
operator operator
maybe/ possibly mungkin (2)
person orang
noun classifier - a person seorang
stop (v) berhenti
wine/grape anggur (2)
social sosial
beef sapi
cat kucing
pineapple nenas
the colour red warna merah
too/ too much terlalu (2)
expert / specialist ahli (2)
pork babi
big besar
sweetheart buah hati
moon bulan
month bulan
small kecil
second (time) detik
lost (adj) tersesat
bitter tea teh pahit
year tahun
milk susu
man (2) laki-laki / pria
help! there's a pickpocket! tolong! ada copet
package paket
papaya pepaya
car (2) motor /mobil
cell mobail
bus bas
menstruation mens
fridge /icebox kulkas (2)
aisle /corridor koridor (2)
consulate konsulat
idea ide
fabrication /made-up fabrikasi (2)
apple apel
helmet helm
school sekola
come (v) datang
knife (n) pisau
children anak-anak
opening hour jam buka
closing hour jam tutup
again lagi
police station kantor polisi
post office kantor pos
hospital rumah sakit
to a person kepada
puppy love cinta monyet
banana pisang
bon apetit selamat makan
cheers selamat minum
woman (2) perempuan / wanita
map peta
me too saya juga
fruit juice jus buah
diabetes diabet
island pulau
spicy pedas
honey madu
also/ too juga
understand mengerti
get for me ambilkan saya
introduce (formal) merperkenalkan
try (2/v) coba / mencoba
good/fine (re things) bagus (2)
ouch! / oh no! aduh (2)
orange juice air jeruk
drinking water air putih
what is this (2) ini apa? / apa ini?
what is that? (2) itu apa? / apa itu?
wake up (v) bangun
dictionary kamus
yes/ ok (2) ya / iya (2)
thorn duri
tomorrow besok
wind (n) angin
vegetable sayur
something sesuatu
volcano gunung api
can bisa
can't tidak bisa
telephone n. telepon
telephone v. menelepon
dead mati
snake ular
caterpillar ulat
closed tutup
I'm allergic to saya alergi
portion porsi
the portion porsinya
measure (v) ukur
need (v) perlu
milk susu
potato patty pergedel
curly hair rambut keriting
beach pantai
fried noodle mie goreng
rice nasi
avocado alpukat
alone sendiri
fart kantut
crazy gila
brown coklat
chocolate coklat
good day! selamat hari
satan curse word setan
beef calf anak sapi
shit! taik!
island pulau
million juta
problem masalah
card kartu
thursday kamis
see you later! sampai nanti
worry kuatir
the most delicious food makanannya enak paling
bite / nibble (n) gigit (2)
what is your job? apa pekerjaan anda?
want / desire ingin
wait (n) (2) tunggu / menunggu
Holland belanda
France / French Perancis
consulate konsulat
his feet / her feet nya kaki (2)
close your eyes tutup matamu
a wrap bungkus
noun classifier- a wrap of something sebungkus
to wrap membungkus
shelter (n) tempat hunian
a plate piring
noun classifier- a plate of something sepiring
one plate satu piring
a cut/ piece potong
noun classifier - a cut / piece of something sepotong
to cut memotong
how old will you be? anda akan berulang tahun ke berapa?
ash / dust abu (2)
grey abu-abu
what's up / what's the matter? (2) ada apa? / kenapa kamu? (2)
is there some $change? ada uang kembalian?
keep the change ambil kembaliannya
when/ whenever / if apabila (3)
invite(v) (4) ajak / mengajak / undang / mengundang
clown badut
can you please show me on the map anda bisa tolong tunjukkan saya di peta
opportunity kesempatan [sempat]
are you joking? apa kamu bercanda?
joke (n) canda
against/ about/ toward/ facing (prep/adv) (2) hadap / terhadap (4)
perpetrator pelaku kejahatan
doer /performer pelaku (2)
crime kejahatan
get revenge membalas dendam
the victim managed to get revenge against the perpetrator Korban itu berhasil membalas dendam terhadap pelaku kejahatan
victim (n) korban
result / outcome hasil (2)
manage/ succeed/ be successful (v) berhasil (3)
meaning arti
interpretation (n) pengartian
prefix awalan
cloud awan
father-in-law (2) ayah mertua/bapak mertua
mother-in-law ibu mertua
parent-in-law mertua
how was your weekend (2) bagaimana akhir minggumu / bagaimana akhir pekanmu (2)
how to bagaimana cara
how to say... bagaimana cara berkata
how do you say.. In indonesian? bagaimana mengatakan.. dalam bahasa indonesia?
follow/ comply (v) mengikuti
help (v) (3) bantu / membantu / menolong
help (n) (2) bantuan / tolong
my father is old he is not young "bapak saya tua
cancelled (adj)/ cancel (v) (2) batal / membatalkan (2)
under (2) bawah / di bawah
correct / true (2) benar / betul (2)
depart berangkat
how much is the total? berapa totalnya
how old are you berapa umur anda
to mean (v) /to be significant (ajd) berarti (2)
day after day berhari-hari
is one adalah salah
is two of three adalah dua dari tiga
on vacation berlibur
vacation(n) libur
visit (v) bertamu
engaged to be married bertunangan
fiancee tunangan
usually / the norm (2) biasanya / umumnya (2)
confused bingung
can the price be reduced? bisa harganya dikurangin?
to interpret mengartikan
concept / idea artian (2)
to utilize (for its function) menggunakan [guna]
purpose / function guna
may I speak with.. boleh saya berbicara dengan..
open (v/adj) buka
open (adj) terbuka
to open membuka
opener (n) pembuka
opening/ unveiling (n) pembukaan (2)
this book buku yang ini
flower (2) bunga / kembang
open/ divulge/ open for membukakan (3)
open repeatedly / open for membukai (2)
story (n) cerita
tell (v) ceritakan
wash (n) cuci (n)
wash (v) mencuci (v)
pursue / chase mengejar(2) [kejar]
with us dengan kami
sincerely / with sincere heart dengan tulus hati (2)
between both of us di antara kita berdua
behind di belakang
in front of di depan
on the side/ next to (2) di sebelah / di samping (2)
the left side di sebelah kiri
"he is not a bad person he is very nice"
He is currently not here Dia sedang tidak ada di sini
him/ her/ them/ our/ it/ my SELF (2) diri / diri sendiri (6)
yourself (3) diri/ dirimu / diri sendiri
fork garpu
spoon sendok
building (n) gedung
move (around) gerak
free of charge (2) gratis / cuma-cuma
to compel / necessitate mengharuskan
necessity (n) keharusan
must / should / have to harus (3)
should seharusnya
explanation penerangan [terang]
to explain menerangkan [terang]
great / superb hebat (2)
tremendous / epic hebat sekali (2)
forest (2) hutan / rimba
what do you want to do now? ibu mau rencana apa sekarang?
housewife ibu rumah tangga
ida is a very nice woman ida adalah wanita yang sangat baik
don't litter jangan buang sampah sembarangan
abnormality (n) kelainan
different (adj) berlainan
to suggest menyarankan [saran]
you (pl)/ you all kalian (2)
but(conj)/ except for(prep)/ treat different/ discriminate melainkan (4)
to cause to be different from memperlain
to be on duty bertugas
task / duty (n) tugas (2)
what are you doing? apa yang kamu lakukan?
back (adv) / return (v) kembali (2)
return (v) /return something kembalikan (2)
public transit /public vehicle kendaraan umum (2)
head (n) kepala
scalp (n) kulit kepala
skin / leather kulit (2)
work / job/ employment (3) (v) kerja/ bekerja / pekerjaan (3)
crackers kerupuk
fault / error / blame (n) kesalahan (3)
onion bawang
garlic (2) bawang putih / dasun
butterfly kupu-kupu
turtle kura-kura
skinny kurus
long (time) lama
after a long time/ finally lama-lama
jog (v) (2) lari-lari / lari pelan-pelan
overtime lembur
throw (2) lempar / melempar
funny/ cute lucu (2)
humor / cuteness (n) kelucuan (2)
to joke/ to be funny melucu (2)
various/ mixed / variety / assorted (4) macam-macam/ bermacam / rupa-rupa / aneka (4)
prince / king ((mega/major)regal) maha raja (2)
playing games / messing around main-main (2)
magazine majalah
what is the food special? makanan apa yang istimewa
evenings/ the nights malam-malam (2)
all night semalaman
shy / embarrassed (2) malu / malu-malu (2)
c'mon! mari-mari
let's / let me / let mari (3)
let's repeat what we've already learned mari kita ulangi apa yang kita sudah pelajari
cooked/ ripe (adj) masak (2)
to ripen (v) menua
cook something memasak
to need / require memerlukan
entrepreneur/ businessman pengusaha (2)
enterprise pengusahaan
put forward / propose / bring about (v) mengemukakan (3)
bite (v) menggigit
announce / notify (v) mengumumkan (2)
point / indicate menunjuk(2)
fireworks (3) mercon / bunga api/ kembang api
they/them/ their mereka (3)
young muda
easy mudah
face / front muka (2)
climb /ascend /board /take (transport)(v) / up(adv) naik (5)
go down/ descend turun (2)
what's your name? (2) nama anda siapa?/ siapa nama anda?
later I will tell jon that you called nanti saya kasih tahu jon bahwa anda telepon
scared (adj)/ fear(v) takut (2)
to frighten menakutkan
by the way (2) omong-omong/ ngomong-ngomong
light / bright / clear terang (3)
who doesn't? siapa yang tidak?
the least (the most not) 'adjective' paling tidak 'adjective'
skillful (adj)/ be good at (v) pandai (2)
guide (v) pandu
tourist guide (n) pemandu wisata
refund (payment back) pembayaran kembali
leader pemuka
handling/ treatment (n) penanganan (2) [angan]
opinion pendapat
celebration perayaan
company perusahaan
business usaha
change/ alteration perubahan(2) [uabh]
choose pilih
choice pilihan
between us/ among ourselves (2) antara kita / antara kami
promiscuous (m) pria gatal
promiscuous (f) wanita gatal
itchy gatal
shopping centre / mall (2) pusat perbelanjaan / mal (2)
friendly ramah
make friends (v) berteman
signs /sign (n) rambu-rambu / rambu
long hair rambut panjang
bald botak
celebrate (v) (2) rayakan / merayakan
our place rumah kami
patient / calm (adj) sabar (2)
best terbaik
excellent terbagus
save time menghemat waktu
best of the best terbaik dari terbaik
feeling / belief / sense / sensation perasaan (4)
"2nd 3rd
friday jumat
explode(v) meledak
Saturday sabtu
within a few minutes dalam waktu beberapa menit
discovery/ invention penemuan (2) [temuan]
his new../ her new../ the new.. barunya
to give preference to mempertamakan
example contoh
to come from/ to be from berasal [asal]
just /instead / only (after term) saja (3)
wrong /incorrect salah (2)
lose (competition) kalah
wrong number (wrong connection) salah sambung
alike / equally (2) sama / sama-sama (2)
have an opportunity / be able to sempat (2)
I feel the same / together sama-sama (2)
while / at the same time sambil (2)
until / to sampai (2)
very nice (2) sangat baik / sangat bagus(2)
length / duration (adj/ time) lamanya
to approach mendatangi
to cause / to import mendatangkan (2)
next/ upcoming (adj) mendatang (2)
we all kita semua
idea ide (EE-DAY)
what if bagaimana kalau
i have an idea aku ada ide
time/ availability waktu
arrival kedatangan
to come in numbers berdatangan
I'm looking for.. (2) saya cari / saya mencari
I will go buy coffee saya akan pergi beli kopi
I sincerely hope that... saya harap dengan tulus bahwa...
I like indonesian food but I don't like food that is too spicy saya suka makanan indonesia tapi saya tidak makanan yang terlalu pedas
I am a canadian citizen saya warga negara kanada
to be in conflict bertentangan
conflict / controversy (n) pertentangan
as (a type of person) // as a cook I enjoy cooking "sebagai // sebagai seorang juru masak
the whole day seharian
a day sehari
everyday / daily (2) sehari-hari / setiap hari (2)
daily harian
since (time) sejak
in addition to / besides selain (2)
always (2) selalu / selamanya
forever selama-lamanya
more and more semakin
the more people the more exciting semakin banyak orang semakin seru
careless (adj)/ carelessly (adv) sembarangan (2)
perfect! sempurna
to oppose/defy (passive verb) ditentang
to oppose/defy (active verb) menentang
all/ everything/ everyone semuanya(3)
intentionally / purposely sengaja (2)
Monday senin
Thursday kamis
to wait (not tunggu) menanti
to wait for (not tunggu) menantikan
later nanti
agree (3) setujuh / berkenan / kenan
already went sudah pergi
have already done / been sudah pernah (2)
cannot wait! sudah tidak sabar
difficult (2) sulit / sukar
what date? tanggal berapa
late (v)(2) telat /jam karet
rubber time jam karet
around a place (prep)/ approx. time (adv) sekitar
friend (2) teman / kawan
friends (n) teman-teman
right /proper/ appropriate (adj) tepat (3)
on time (to be) tepat waktu
latest /latter/ final terakhir (3)
finally (adj) akhirnya
stranded terdampar
happen / come about (v) terjadi (2)
event / occurence kejadian (2)
be late (v) / late / delayed (adj) terlambat (3)
deserted terpencil
laugh (v) tertawa
laughter (n)(2) ketawaan / tawa
please not too spicy tolong jangan terlalu pedas
old (2) tua /lama
to become old / to age menua (2)
old age ketuaan
information keterangan [terang]
just a moment/ wait a minute tunggu sebentar (2)
show / point out (2) tunjukkan /menunjukkan (2)
paper money uang kertas
money (inf jakarta) duit
cash (2) uang kontan / uang tunai
robber perampok [rampok]
the invitation undanganya
very old/ grandfathers/ grandparents kakek-kakek (3)
muslim response wa alaykum salam
in a manner secara
diligent rajin
in a diligent manner secara rajin
rebellion / uprising pemberontakan (2) [berontak]
the red one (2) yang merah / yang warna merah
coloured (adj) berwarna
land (v) mendarat
heartburn / stomach pain nyeri lambung (2)
side / flank (n) lambung (2)
painful nyeri
flush the toilet menyiram toilet
flush (2) menyiram/ siram
robbery perampokan [rampok]
life imprisonment penjara seumur
finished (adj)(2) habis / selesai
finish/ complete (v) menyelesaikan (2) [selesai]
ridiculous / absurd konyol (2)
simple / honest lurus (2)
pillow bantal
blanket selimut
continue (3) lanjut / lanjutkan / terus
'the show must go on' semuanya harus terus kita lanjutkan
notice! (v) perhatikan
box (n) kotak
it appears / apparently / it turns out ternyata (3)
socks kaus kaki
necktie dasi
we took a class together kami pernah ambil satu kelas sama-sama
neighbour (n/adj) tetangga
stairs/ ladder tangga (2)
worthy patut
praiseworthy patut dipuji
compliment (n) pujian
compliment (v) (3) dipuji / puji/ memuji
nosey (adj) orang usil
loser jerk(adj) pecundang
change (n) ubah
my heart (2) jantungku / hatiku
deed / action perbuatan (2)
snacks (n) makanan kecil
soft material lembut
pillowy soft empuk
rough surface /rude kasar (2)
to start from scratch mulai dari awal
early (adj) / beginning / start (n) awal (3)
begin / start (v) mulai (2)
nanny / tutor pengasuh (2)
babysitter pengasuh anak
from beginning to end dari awal hingga akhir
to / up to / until (prep) hingga (3)
insult / humiliation (n) penghinaan (2)
tolerate (v) mentolerir
a group of sekelompok
to gather in a group berkelompok
to arrange in groups mengelompokkan [kelompok]
similarity kesamaan
be together/ do together bersama sama (2)
with / together bersama (2)
to take from/ to get/ to get something for someone mengambilkan (3)
darkness kegelapan
dark / cloudy/ illegal gelap (3)
to make dark/to embezzle menggelapkan
to become dark menggelap
window shopping / eye wash cuci mata (2)
to keep someone far away from something menjauhkan
to go on a trip bepergian
a journey / a trip (2) kepergian / perjalanan (2)
origin asal
need (n) (3) keperluan / kebutuhan / butuh (2)
need (v) perlu
as needed / to the extent necesary seperlunya
to do / to act berbuat (2)
prominent person / official pembesar (2)
to exaggerate/ dramatize membesar-besarkan (2)
greatness / might / hugeness (adj) kebesaran (3)
to enlarge / expand membesarkan (2)
principal/ main/ basic pokok (3)
basic needs kebutuhan pokok [butuh]
to cause to be / to make happen menjadikan
approval/ permission (2) izin / perkanan [kanan] (2)
for (4) untuk / atas / bagi / guna
to be opposed tertentang [tentang]
opponent penentang [tentang]
cellar gudang
important penting
significance / importance (n) kepentingan (2) [penting]
to have an interest in / be concerned about berkepentingan (2)
knowledge pengetahuan
how are you? bagaimana kabarmu
all semua
married (adj) (2) menikah / sudah awin
marriage (n) nikah
married (v) (3) nikah / menikah / kawin
sentence (words) kalimat
congratulations! selamat
previously/ formerly/ one-time dulu (3)
is one of two adalah salah dua
fortune teller peramal
whatever / anything apa-apa
group / bunch / category (2) kelompok / lompok (3)
land(n) darat
finding (n) temuan
suggestion saran
about / towards tentang (2)
chase kejar
rebel (v) berontak
rob (v) rampok
thought / notion angan
permit (n) (2) izin / surat izin
Created by: josie999
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