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Fall Semester Review

How do you figure out the number of valence electrons? You look at the groups or families.
Is a paper burning a physical or chemical change? It is a chemical.
What is the coefficient in an equation? It is the number before the equation.
How many elements are in 5H20? 2 elements.
Compounds can be chemically broken down into... Elements!
List the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in Sodium. Protons- 11 Neutrons- 12 Electrons- 11
What is a positively or negatively charged atom? An ion.
What group is our sun located in on the HR Diagram? Main Sequence.
What is the tallest part of a wave called? The crest.
What is frequency? The amount of waves that pass through a certain point in one second.
How does the wavelength relate to the amount of energy in a wave? The longer the wavelength the more energy is has.
The Law of Conservation of Mass states what? The mass of the products must be equal to the mass of the reactants.
What is needed to determine velocity? Distance, time, and direction.
What unit is used to measure from the Earth to the Sun? Astronomical units.
What indicates that the forces on an object are balanced? The object moves at a constant velocity.
Astronomers use what to determine the temperature of stars? Infrared waves.
How do you find neutrons? You subtract the protons from the atomic mass.
A blue shift indicates what? The object is moving closer.
In the HR Diagram, what is being graphed on the y-axis and x-axis? Y-axis is brightness, X-axis is surface temperature.
Where is the main sequence located in the HR Diagram? It is in the middle of the graph.
Where are the supergiants and red giants located in the HR Diagram? They are located in the upper right hand corner.
On a pendelum, where is the greatest amount of kinetic energy? In the center
How are stars classified? They are classified by their size, temperature, and brightness
Light years are used to measure what? The distance between stars and galaxies
What is the formula used to calculate average speed? Distance divided by time
What is Newton's 2nd Law? Force = Mass x Acceleration
What does a Bohr model show? The number of protons, neutrons, electrons, and shells for an element
What is the rate at which everything falls? 9.8 meters per second (squared)
True or False: The hottest stars are red in color. False. The hottest stars are blue.
Created by: RRSBB
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