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EQT study guide 2qtr

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What effect do animals have on the environment ?   They release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.  
A puppy chews on objects other than food. what type of behavior is this...   an inherited innate trait.  
Plants alter the chemicals in the air how?   They take the nitrogen from the atmosphere to help the soil in nitrogen fixation.  
A change in the ocean current causes a climate on an island to become drier. As a result, the grasses that cover the island changed from dark green to light brown. Over time, how might a species of green toads that hide in it respond to these changes?   Their coloration will change to brown.  
When an effective insecticide is used on a population of insects, most of the insects are killed. however, a few may survive due to genes that make them resistant to the insecticide. What is the BEST explanation of why this happens?   Insects that survived spraying passed their resistant genes to their offspring.  
Snowshoe hares experience a change in fur color from brown in the summer to white in the winter. Which statement best describes how the appearance of a particular snowshoe hare may change after it lives in a warm climate year-round, for many generations.   It would have brown fur all year lang  
Less than 10,000,000 years ago, environmental changes separated some individuals of a squirrel population to one side of the grand canyon. Now the squirrel have white tails and black belly instead of gray tail and white belly.the color difference is...   evidence of speciation due to geographical isolation  


Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.

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Created by: BoogieD
Popular Science sets