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Health xxxxx

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Contrast the lymphatic system and vascular system.    
Describe the functions of the liver.   • Produces bile • detoxes • makes stuff  
Discuss the metabolism of alcohol and how it affects the body.   1. Brain - dementia, memory loss 2. Liver - Cirrhosis 3. Heart Disease - increased triglyceride levels, blood clots 4. High Blood Pressure - Increased Blood Pressure 5. Cancer - Mouth, Stomach, Colon, and Breast 6. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Mental ret  
Describe the phases of digestion.   1. Physical - Chewing, movement of muscles along GI track the divide food into smaller pieces and mix with digestive secretions 2. Chemical - Enzymes, acid,  
Summarize the physical and chemical changes which take place during digestion and sites where they occur.   1. Physical - Chewing, movement of muscles along GI track the divide food into smaller pieces and mix with digestive secretions 2. Chemical - Enzymes, acid,  
Describe the parts of the gastrointestinal tract, including the accessory organs, and their functions.   Mouth-Chewing, Saliva-mucus, Amylase(enzyme the works on carbs). Esophagus-Transports food (connects mouth to stomach) Epiglottis-Flap of tissue LES-Prevents reflux (lower esophageal sphincter) Stomach-Chyme (liquid paste) Pyloric Sphincter-Prevent  
Explain the three main types of absorption.   Passive absorption - High to low (a carrier is something the nutrient binds to) Facilitated absorption - High to low (has a carrier to help it along) Active absorption - Low to high (energy is used, and has a carrier).  
1. List the causes, symptoms and treatments for common digestive tract disorders.   Constipation-Difficult or infrequent bowel movement, Caused by slow motility intestines. Rx: Eat plenty of dietary fiber, drink more fluids and regular physical activities.  
Describe the parts of the accessory organs, and their functions.   Liver-Produces bile, detoxes, makes stuff. Gallbladder-Stores bile, Located between the liver and the small intestine, Releases bile into small intestine in the presents of fat, Bile is a emulsifier... allows stuff to mix that doesn't. Pancreas-secretes  
2. List the causes, symptoms and treatments for common digestive tract disorders.   Diarrhea-Loose watery frequent stools. Causes: bacteria and viruses. Rx: Plenty of fluids.  
3. List the causes, symptoms and treatments for common digestive tract disorders.   Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)-Symptoms Pain/burning sensation in chest, HCL (Hydrocloric Acid in the esophagusNausea and vomiting. Causes-The LES opens after closing . 2. Ate a large meal 3. High in fat. 4. Laying down 5. Obsity Rx: eat smaller m  
4. List the causes, symptoms and treatments for common digestive tract disorders   LES Never closes Causes-Caffeine, Alcohol, Peppers, Asprin, Nicotine Rx: Avoid/limit CAPAN  
5. List the causes, symptoms and treatments for common digestive tract disorders   Ulcers (Peptic ulcers) Causes-1.Over production of acid, CAPAN, and Stress 2. Bacteria infestion Rx: Avoid/limit CAPAN  


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Created by: will0224
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