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Science Regents

Observation What is seen or measured
Inference A conclusion based on observation or evidence
Hypothesis An untested prediction (A good hypothesis states both cause and effect)
Theory A broad explanation of natural events that is supported by strong evidencce
Controlled Experiment Compares the results of an experiment between two or more groups
Experimental Group Group being tested or receiving treatment
Control Group "Normal" group, should be identical to the experimental group in every way except for one (it does not receieve the new treatment)
Placebo A sugar pill or other fake treatment given to the control group
Independent Variable Variable that is being tested (X axis)
Dependent Variable Variable that is measured at the end of an experiment, the results (Y axis)
Chemistry The most common elements in living things are CHON (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen)
Organic Compounds Have Carbon AND Hydrogen
Carbohydrates Sugars and starches
Lipids Store energy(made of fatty acids)
Proteins Make most of the chemicals used to build and run an organism's body (made of amino acids)
Shape Matters It is the shape of proteins and how they fit together that determine what they can do
Jobs of proteins 1. make enzymes 2. make receptor molecules on the cell membrane (for receiving chemical messages) 3. make antibodies 4. make hormones
Enzymes Catalysts made of proteins
Low pH 0-6 is an acid
High pH 8-14 is a base
Neutral pH 7 is neutral (water)
Homeostasis Equilibrium
Metabolism All life processes
Regulation Coordination and control of other life functions
Locomotion Movement towards food, water, etc.
Synthesis Small to big
Transport Movement of "stuff" within an organism
Respiration Process that takes energy from sugar molecules and places it in molecules of ATP
Nutrition Obtaining energy from the environment
Growth More and bigger cells
Excretion Removal of waste products
Reproduction Making exact (asexual reproduction) or similar (sexual reproduction) copies of itself
Created by: sammlevy
Popular Biology sets




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