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Geo exam 1

Places specific geographic settings with distinctive physical, social, and cultural attributes.
Regions are territories that encompass many places, all or most of which share attributes different from the attributes of places elsewhere.
human geo study of the spatial organization of human activity and of people's relationships with thier environment
identity the sense that you make of yourself through your subjective feelings based on your everyday experiences and social relations.
physical geography deals with earth's natural processes and thier outcomes
regional geography combines both elements of both physical and human.
remote sensing the collection of imformation about parts of teh earths surface by mean of aerial photographyor satelitle imagery designed to record data visible infrared and microwave sensor systems.
GIS Geographic info systems-->military to private sector. Geographic information system, a system for storing and manipulating geographical information on computer. store and access spatial data, manipulate data, draw maps.
GPS global positiong system-->uses satelitles to lacate positioning of something. consists of 21 satelites that orbit earth on precisley predictable paths broadcasting highly accurate time and locational info.
map projection systematic rendering on a flat surface of the geographic coordinates of the features found on EArth's surface.
spatial analysis study of many geographical phenomena in terms of thier arrangment as points, lines, areas, or surfaces on a map. (location, distance, space, accessibiblity, and spatial interaction.
latitiude refers to the angular distance of a point on earths surface measured in degrees minutes and seconds north or south from equator.
longitude angular distance of a point measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds east or west from prime meridian.
site refers to the physical attributes of a location (terrain, soil, vegetation, and water sources)
situation location of a place relative to other places and human activities (accessibliity to routeways)
cognitive distance distance that people percieve, base on thier judgements.
friction of distance reflection of the time ans cost of overcoming distance.
distance decay function rate at which a particular activity or phenomena diminishes with increasing distance.
spatial interaction all kinds of movement and flows involving human activity.
time space convergence caused by the tendency for a shrinking world and is the rate at which places move closer together in travel or communiation time or costs.
spatial diffusion the way things spread through space and overtime.
contagion diffusion a phenomenon spreads because of the proximity of carriers or agents of change who are fixed on thier location.
hierarchical diffusion phenomenon can be diffused from one location to the another without necesssarily spreading it to people or places in between.
Regionalization scientific classification
regionalism term used to describe situationsin which different religious or ethnic groups with certain identities soexist with sam estate boundaries and sharing strong feelings of collective identity.
sectionalism extreme devotion to a regions intersts and customs.
irrendentism assertion by the govt of a country that a monority living outside its formal borders belongs to it historically and culturally
vernacular landscape everyday landscapes that people create in the course of tgier lives together. crowded city centers, rural villages, leafy suburbs
symbolic landscapes represent particular values or aspirations that builders and financiers want to impart to a larger public.
sense of place refers to feelings evoked among people as a result of the experiences and memories they associate witha place and to symbolism they attach to theat place.
life world taken for granted pattern and context for everyday living through which people conduct thier day to day lives without concious attention.
intersubjectivity shared meanings that are derived from everyday practice.
geographical imagination allows us to understand changing patterns, processes, and relationships among people, places and regions.
Created by: jmours22
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